Announcements for Sunday, February 22, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the basement outside the kitchen for coffee and cookies after the service.  Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Larry and Sue Anderson.
SPECIAL RECEPTION  for everyone and their guests in Fellowship Hall. Join us for homemade cookies, beverages and fellowship.





WOW CLASS continues Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. Based on the book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?” Books are available and can be purchased for $12. A light dinner will be available for a free will offering.  Come join us for a class even if you can’t make it to all of them.
WORD AND NOTE The Divine Arts of Knowledge and Exultation to be held February 20-22, at Plymouth Congregational Church, 202 N Clifton.  Dr. Bart Ehrman is the guest lecturer.  The Steve Anderson Trio will perform on Saturday evening.  Additional information is on the PIC board located in Fellowship Hall.

FATHER ROY BOURGEOIS, founder of the School of the Americas Watch, at Pine Valley Christian Church, Tuesday, February 24, at 7:00pm. He will present “Journey from Silence to Solidarity”. This is his perspective on the impact of economic and gender inequality in the Americas, and the failed ‘War on Drugs’ and the training of foreign soldiers at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia.


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY March 16-20, UC Church has once again committed to join in the effort of Partners for Wichita and the Kansas Food Bank to serve free, nutritious lunches to children during Spring Break.  Lunches will be served at 9th & Grove from 11:45-1:00.  Please consider volunteering one or more days. A signup sheet is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.

HOST FAMILIES NEEDED for high school exchange students for the 2015-2016 academic year. The students will arrive in mid-August 2015 and will attend local high schools. Approved families may choose from online application. For more
information, call Wilma Fast at 316-681-1236.



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