Month: October 2013

Announcements for Sunday, October 27, 2013

Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).

PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Mike and Leigh Aaron Leary in celebration of their children and the child that is still in each of us.  Happy Halloween!


TRICK OR TREAT FOR GO ZONE after the church service in Fellowship Hall.  The children will be “trick or treating” for donations that will go to Fairmont UCC’s Go Zone Project. (more info. on the next page)


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room at 11:45


THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room at 11:45.


REVELATIONS starts at 6:00 p.m.! You can still make a reservation today by signing up in Fellowship Hall. (more info. on the next page).




THE ADULT EDUCATION CLASS “LIVING WITH QUESTIONS, Tuesday, October 29, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the conference room.  See more information about the class in the bulletin insert.


YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.


WG BABY SHOWER is Wednesday, October 30 at 11:00. It is not too late to bring donations of baby clothes size 0-3 months, onesies, baby socks, and baby toys for 0-3 months will be appreciated (see insert).


REVELATIONS tonight at 6:00!  Our outstanding choir is made up of not only church members but also students who receive scholarships for singing each week.  Revelations is a fundraiser for those scholarships and is an opportunity for the choir members to show off their talent.  Dinner (prepared by the Women’s Guild members) and show is $20.00 p.p.  Sign up in Fellowship Hall today.


2014 COMMUNION TABLE FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. Sign up early to get the date you want!


THE UCC PICTURE DIRECTORIESARE IN and will be available in Fellowship Hall after the service. One per household, please.


UCC HAS POLO SHIRTS! They are perfect for when you are volunteering, wearing to an event here, or to wear just for fun.  Call the church office to place an order.  The shirts are $25.00 each (add $2.00 for XXL).


2014 HOLY LAND TRIP brochures are on the Welcome Table for anyone interested or if you have friends who might be interested in the trip scheduled for next March.  There is also trip insurance information, as well.  Please call Robin at 634-0430 or email her at with any questions.


NEED A REFRIGERATOR? We have a nice one in the office addition meeting room that is for sale for $275.00.  Call Cyndi at 634-0430 if you are interested.


Living With Questions

Monday Evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

Conference Room

Fall /Winter Series: Now through December 16th

Embracing an Adult Faith: What It Means to be a Christian

Join us as we explore the questions that progressive Christians encounter throughout their faith development. Presented by various members and friends of our congregation, we will examine what it



THE ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET  will be held at Grace Presbyterian Church located at 5002 E. Douglas on Saturday, November 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Our own Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry will have a table and our minister, Robin McGonigle, has volunteered to support the Alternative Market’s table.  Shop at booths representing national, international, and local projects, Women’s Initiative Network, and 10,000 Villages.  These projects are sponsored by several congregations and non-profit organizations.  Lunch is available at the café.  We need one additional volunteer to help with our booth from 8:45 to 12:00 and another volunteer to help from 12:00 to 4:00.  Please contact Cyndi at the church office if you can help.


FOOD BANK  The holidays are coming up and the need will be greater.  Most needed items are canned meats, tuna, spam, chicken, and ham, macaroni and cheese, canned soup, spaghetti sauce. A full list is on the collection basket in Fellowship Hall.




Today the children of our church will be in their Halloween costumes and will “trick or treat” in Fellowship Hall after the church service.  Instead of giving out candy, we are asking our congregation to help out by donating to Fairmount United Church of Christ Go Zone Program.  This worthy program mentors youth ages 6-16 with the goal of strengthening academic skills, expanding personal experiences, and encouraging healthy life choices.  The children are excited to be a part of helping others.  We hope you can be here to support our youth as they help others.







THE TRADITIONAL WORD   Matthew 11:18-19

“For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon’; 19the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds.”





“Sayings . . . contrasting John and Jesus . . . indicate a recognition that the two individuals were somehow very different from one another. . . .  There is present a . . . contrast between a fasting John and a feasting Jesus.—John Dominic Crossan, Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1994), pg. 48.


“. . . the importance of shared meals in early Christianity was a continuation of the meal practice of Jesus.  In his public activity, meals mattered, food mattered.  Recall that the Lord’s Prayer contains a provision for daily bread.  Moreover, he was known (and sometimes criticized) for eating with people whom a respectable person would avoid:  the marginalized, impure, and outcasts.  Thus, his meal practice also symbolized and embodied inclusivity in a world with sharp social boundaries.”—Marcus J. Borg, Speaking Christian (2011), pg. 219.





1st  Anthem  “Deep Riverarranged by Parker/Shaw


Deep river, my home is over Jordan, Deep river Lord, I want to cross over into campground.

Oh, don’t you want to go to the Gospel feast, That promised Land where all is peace.




2nd Anthem  “For the Mountain Shall Depart”——  by Hank Beebe , Jennifer Weimann, solo


For one small moment have I forsaken thee, But with great mercies will I gather thee.
For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee.

For the Lord hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife in youth when thou waste refused, saith thy God,

For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed,

But my kindness shall not depart from thee.



Announcements for Sunday, October 20, 2013

Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).

PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Jay Decker in celebration of his wife, Phyllis’, 80th birthday which is today!


PLEASE STAY FOR THE CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ in Fellowship Hall after the church service. The draft of the new UCC Strategic Plan goals proposed for our church will be presented. Coffee and cookies will be served as usual.



THE ADULT EDUCATION CLASS “LIVING WITH QUESTIONS, Monday, October 21, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the conference room.  See more information about the class in the bulletin insert.


YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.


SEW IN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 10:00 to help prepare for the Baby Shower.  Sewing skills not necessary, there are plenty of jobs. Bring a sack lunch.



THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room at 11:45


THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room at 11:45.

TRICK OR TREAT FOR GO ZONE after the church service in Fellowship Hall.  All donations go to Fairmont UCC Go Zone Project. (see insert)


REVELATIONS starts at 6:00 p.m.! Make your reservations by signing up in Fellowship Hall or call the office. (more info on the next page).


2014 COMMUNION TABLE FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. Sign up early to get the date you want!


REVELATIONS is Sunday, October 27, at 6:00.  Our outstanding choir is made up of not only church members but also students who receive scholarships for singing each week.  Revelations is a fundraiser for those scholarships and is an opportunity for the choir members to show off their talent.  Dinner (prepared by the Women’s Guild members) and show is $20.00 p.p.  Sign up in Fellowship Hall today or call the office.


WG  IT’S BABY SHOWER TIME AGAIN!  Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 30 at 11:00 a.m. to come and help fill bags with baby items to give to underprivileged mothers in the Wichita area. Donations of baby clothes size 0-3 months, onesies, baby socks, and baby toys for 0-3 months will be appreciated. (see insert)


THANK YOU TO THE WOMEN OF UCC for their donations of clothing for Dress for Success.  Your generous gifts were very much needed and appreciated.


THE UCC PICTURE DIRECTORIESARE IN and will be available in Fellowship Hall after the service. One per household, please.


UCC HAS POLO SHIRTS! They are perfect for when you are volunteering, wearing to an event here, or to wear just for fun.  Call the church office to place an order.  The shirts are $25.00 each (add $2.00 for XXL).


2014 HOLY LAND TRIP brochures are on the Welcome Table for anyone interested or if you have friends who might be interested in the trip scheduled for next March.  There is also trip insurance information, as well.  Please call Robin at 634-0430 or email her at with any questions.


NEED A REFRIGERATOR? We have a nice one in the office addition meeting room that is for sale for $275.00.  Call Cyndi at 634-0430 if you are interested.





VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for Saturday, December 21, at the Head- to- Toe Hygiene Pantry. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall if your Christmas schedule permits.


FOOD BANK  The holidays are coming up and the need will be greater.  Most needed items are canned meats, tuna, spam, chicken, and ham, macaroni and cheese, canned soup, spaghetti sauce. A full list is on the collection basket in Fellowship Hall.


Living With Questions

Monday Evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

Fall /Winter Series: Now through December 16th

Embracing an Adult Faith: What It Means to be a Christian

Join us as we explore the questions that progressive Christians encounter throughout their faith development. Presented by various members and friends of our congregation, we will examine what it

October: The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be using John Dominic Crossan’s book on The Lord’s Prayer to re-examine this most famous Christian prayer.




Sunday, October 27, the children of our church will be in their Halloween costumes and will “trick or treat” in Fellowship Hall after the church service.  Instead of giving out candy, we are asking our congregation to help out by donating to Fairmount United Church of Christ Go Zone Program.  This worthy program mentors youth ages 6-16 with the goal of strengthening academic skills, expanding personal experiences, and encouraging healthy life choices.  The children are excited to be a part of helping others.  We hope you can be here to support our youth as they help others.

Strategic Plan 2014-2016

Below are the documents to be discussed at this Sunday’s Congregational Cafe.  If you would like these documents in a different format, contact Paul at

University Congregational Church—Strategic Planning



Our Covenant:

In the love of truth, and in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ, this church exists to serve those that believe that the Christian faith affords our clearest insight into the nature and will of God.  Accepting that faith as our guide, we join one with another to worship and work so that peace, justice and brotherhood may prevail in this world.


Mission Statement:

  • To provide an inspiring, thoughtful and welcoming place of worship
  • To encourage spiritual exploration and fellowship in a theologically progressive and accepting environment
  • To share our talents and gifts in service to our community and the world in the spirit of Jesus

Strategic Vision:

  • To become a dynamic, self-sustaining congregation that fosters relationships—with God, church and community

Target Audience:

  • Individuals and families seeking a supportive, open community in which to participate in the quest for deeper understanding of an evolving faith—through thought-provoking worship, music and fellowship in an inspiring environment

Objective One:

  • Expand worship experiences that sustain participants throughout the week

Objective Two:

  • Expand the Christian Life experience  to empower people through life-span education, opportunities for participation and ministry and ways to inclusively engage all people

Objective Three:

  • Expand internal and external relationships through outreach and interactive experiences


Strategic Planning Committee Members:  Leigh Aaron-Leary, Lavinia Gerould, Jonnie Rhea, Gary Nye, Dick Pilgrim, Jo Ann Pottorff, Mary Ellen Conlee, Grace Kneil, Paul Jackson, Robin McGonigle, and Karen Parker



University Congregational Church–Strategic Plan–2013 through 2015
VISION: To become a dynamic, self-sustaining congregation that fosters relationships–with God, one’s church and one’s community
Objective 1 Expand worship experiences that sustain participants throughout the week
Project Examples Resources Leadership Timeframe
Greeter/Usher/Host program Church talent Deacons/SRM Fall 2013
Follow-up process for visitors Church talent Deacons/SRM Fall 2013
Additional worship opportunities/Wed.  Or Sat. evening/Taize *Taize is a simple, specific type of worship SRM/worship Deacons/Music/SRM Spring 2014
Increase worship and/or meditation offerings SRM/worship Deacons/Music/SRM Spring 2014
Sustain meaningful Sunday morning worship experience SRM/worship SRM Spring 2014
Objective 2 Expand the Christian Life experience to empower people through life-span education, opportunities for participation and ministry and ways to inclusively engage all people
Project Examples Resources Leadership Timeframe
Education programs-increase Faith-based, computer, interfaith, parenting Church talent CE/DCL/SM Fall 2013
Increase family specific events Hanging of the Greens, CE Board CE/Guild/Deacons Fall 2013
Transportation options/church van/car pool Church talent Trustees/Council Summer 2014
Additional support/care of shut-ins and others Stephens Ministers SRM/SM Fall 2013
Improve media/technology access and training DCL/SRM/church talent DCL/SRM Fall 2013
Provide more faith-based classes Church talent SRM/DCL/Deacons Fall 2013
Evaluate the time Sunday School is offered CE Leadership/church CE Spring 2014
Rekindle Interfaith Service Area faiths DCL/SM/Guild/Deacons Spring 2014
Objective 3 Expand internal and external relationships through outreach and interactive experiences
Project Examples Resources Leadership Timeframe
Promote music education opportunites that leverage our college students Classes for elementary schools, College scholarship students MM/Music Spring 2014
More outreach program Done-in-a-day, Habitat for Humanity Church talent Outreach Spring 2014
Expand mission opportunities Sponsor refugee family, utilize NA missions NACCC/area churches Outreach Spring 2014
Choir exchange Intra-church events Choir/other churches Music Board Spring 2014
On-going Projects (including but not limited to:) Examples Resources Leadership Timeframe
Ice Cream Social Church talent CE Annually
All-Church Picnic Church talent Deacons/Guild Annually
Baby Shower Church talent Guild Annually
Angel Tree Church talent DCL Annually
Honduras Project Church talent Guild Annually
Dress for Success Church talent Outreach Annually
College Music Scholarships College/Choir Music Board 10 month





From the 1st congregational café held on May 9, 2013

(Not edited—only categorized by functional board)



  • Develop program that involve people on more personal basis to encourage meeting as a group rather than individually
  • Hire an education director
  • Strengthen multi-generational activities such as the ice cream social {hanging of the greens, blessing animals}
  • Develop a more structured comprehensive and organized adult education
  • Faith based classes such as deeper exploration of contemporary Christianity or developing an adult faith and support in small group
  • Non-religious group activities including summer camp approach to sharing skills and talents while becoming closer to each other
  • Support group(s) for life change issues and how faith and community works within those
  • Signature event such as the plays Karen did, art exhibits or other ways to become known and identified to the greater community
  • Consider moving children’s Sunday School to 9 or 9:30 so kids or youth could attend services with their parents
  • With so few children 10-16 find ways to integrate and associate our youth with larger groups of young people such as Young Life while still retaining the in our church
  • Better balance integrating younger and older groups
  • Offer Wichita Area Social Justice Seminars such as Civil Discourse, Religious Intolerance, Immigration
  • A 3-4 week discussion of Diana Butler Bass’ book Christianity for the Rest of Us
  • Repeat the Living Questions series and invite the public
  • Consider a small group interested in developing Christian practices, prayer, meditation
  • Offer small Bible studies groups or books that did not make it into the canon
  • Offer a family “stay-cation” instead of Vacation Bible School
  • Qualifications of youth director: dynamic to attract young families, a good program fit
  • Have a mom’s day out
  • More groups like book club, Pitch, gardening, photography
  • Re-establish CE
  • Discussion group at additional time besides 9 on Sunday morning


  • Continue monthly communion
  • Do we really need communion each month?
  • Sponsor exchange activities with other faiths (follow up on peace event)
  • Connect with the Muslim community, visit other churches, choir exchange
  • Consider a second (possibly shorter) service, maybe on Wednesday evening or Saturday night for those who travel or may be out of town on weekends
  • Consider moving Sunday school for children to 9 or 9:30 so they can attend church with their parents
  • Partner with other churches or organizations with community projects
  • Better balance integrating younger and older groups
  • Offer a Taize service, possibly during Lent or Advent or include some of those elements during our Sunday worship
  • Open our doors (certain hours) for prayer or meditation as a respite
  • Technology committee to inventory present equipment, check our system
  • Church van for picking up those who cannot drive
  • Deliver alter flowers to shut-ins or post surgery members or new moms
  • Interface sermon videos with portable electronics; visitations could include IPad showing of recent services
  • More participation by current members in visiting shut-ins
  • Update sound system (tech committee)
  • Use of the electronic media center: defining how used
  • What other uses are there for the sanctuary besides one hour on Sunday
  • Request for no symbols in sanctuary
  • Basket for name tags at the door
  • Inventor of church equipment—maybe with ID tags


  • Install a new sound system for the sanctuary and fellowship hall
  • Purchase new hearing devices that will work in both areas
  • Move ahead on the sound system
  • Continue supporting college “kids” with scholarships
  • Trade choirs with another church occasionally


  • Refurbish and enhance the interior of the church
  • Inventory of church equipment


  • Educate our congregation more regarding current activities such as Barbara Mckee or baby shower
  • Consider sponsoring a refugee family
  • Change dinners from getting to know members to program that encourages members to bring prospective members to dinner or lunches after church
  • Inventory of church equipment with ID tags


  • Create outreach projects that encompass other churches and people outside our church
  • Promote more community hands-on outreach programs
  • Expand mission opportunities
  • Consider better “service to the world”
  • Work with NACCC to broaden our world service –possibly support education or entrepreneur efforts in 3rd world
  • Educate our congregation more regarding current activities such as Barbara McKee and Guild’s involvement as well as baby shower
  • Consider sponsoring a refugee family including time and $ to help them integrate into community
  • Make better use of the “sleeping giant” of Hygiene pantry: get our name out there, big sign, newspaper coverage, tee shirts with our name. Fund raiser to help. Make this our Signature event
  • Partner with other churches for good of community
  • Collaborate with Interfaith or other churches to build a labyrinth for all people (we have the space)
  • More done in a day groups


Announcements for Sunday, October 13, 2013

Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Stephen L. Taylor in memory of his parents W. Howard and Ann P. Taylor, and his mother-in-law Margaret G. Vanderlip, in remembrance of their October birthdays.


THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the office meeting room at 11:45.


THE BOARD OF DEACONS will meet in the conference room



THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in choir room at 11:45.


WG THE NEWLY REMODELED KITCHEN DEDICATION will be after the service during coffee time!  Special goodies will be served





THE ADULT EDUCATION CLASS “LIVING WITH QUESTIONS, Monday, October 14, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the conference room.  See more information about the class in the bulletin insert.


YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.





More details about these events on the next page.




A CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ is scheduled for next Sunday October 20, after the church service in Fellowship Hall.  The draft of the new UCC Strategic Plan will be presented. Please plan to stay and learn and ask questions about the goals proposed for our church. Coffee and cookies will be served as usual.


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room after the Congregational Café.


THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room after the Congregational Café.

WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).

PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.


WG COOK’S NIGHT OUT is Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall.  George Byfield of Byfield and Byfield Estate Sales will give us some general information on estate sales and collectables.  A few people have been asked to bring items so that they can be evaluated just like on “Antiques Road Show”.  The Guild ladies will be prepare the dinner.  Social Time starts at 6:00, buffet is at 6:30. Adults $15.00, children (4-10) $5.00. Please sign up in Fellowship hall or call the office to make a reservation.


HELPERS NEEDED to prepare for the Baby Shower at a Sew In.  Sewing skills not necessary, there are plenty of other jobs like packaging diapers donated by our Hygiene Pantry.  Thursdays, October 17, and 24 at 10:00 a.m. Bring a sack lunch—the more the merrier.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH is Thursday, October 17, 11:30 at the Lakeside Club located behind Walgreens at 21st and Webb Road.  This month Gene Kaup will show pictures and will give a talk on the “Early Days of Wichita”.  Sign up in Fellowship Hall or call the office if you plan to come.


REVELATIONS is Sunday, October 27, at 6:00.  Our outstanding choir is made up of church members and students who receive scholarships for singing each week.  Revelations is a fundraiser for those scholarships and is an opportunity for the choir members to show off their talent.  Dinner (prepared by the Women’s Guild members) and show is $20.00 p.p.  Sign up in Fellowship Hall or call the office to sign up.



WG  IT’S BABY SHOWER TIME AGAIN!  Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 30 at 11:00 a.m. to come and help fill bags with baby items to give to underprivileged mothers in the Wichita area. Donations of baby clothes size 0-3 months, onesies, baby socks, and baby toys for 0-3 months will be appreciated.


THE UCC PICTURE DIRECTORIESARE IN and will be available in Fellowship Hall after the service. One per household, please.


OUR NEW WEBSITE IS UP AND RUNNING! Please have a look at A special thank you to Marla Flentje, Jerry Harney, Rod Phares, and Stephen Taylor, who worked on the website as a committee and to Paul Jackson who put on the beautiful finishing touches.


UCC HAS POLO SHIRTS! They are perfect for when you are volunteering, wearing to an event here, or to wear just for fun.  Call the church office to place an order.  The shirts are $25.00 each (add $2.00 for XXL).


2014 HOLY LAND TRIP brochures are on the Welcome Table for anyone interested or if you have friends who might be interested in the trip scheduled for next March.  There is also trip insurance information, as well.  Please call Robin at 634-0430 or email her at with any questions.


NEED A REFRIGERATOR? We have a nice one in the office addition meeting room that is for sale for $275.00.  Call Cyndi at 634-0430 if you are interested.




VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for Saturday, December 21at the Head- to- Toe Hygiene Pantry. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall if your Christmas schedule permits.


FOOD BANK The holidays are coming up and the need will be greater.  Most needed items are canned meats, tuna, spam, chicken, and ham, macaroni and cheese, canned soup, spaghetti sauce. A full list is on the collection basket in Fellowship Hall.



Psalm 100: 1-5 ESV

A Psalm for giving thanks. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!

1 Corinthians 14:15 ESV

What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also.

THE SECULAR WORD                              

Friedrich Nietzsche

Without music, life would be a mistake.

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.


Lao Tzu

Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.




Living With Questions

Monday Evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

Fall /Winter Series: Now through December 16th

Embracing an Adult Faith: What It Means to be a Christian

Join us as we explore the questions that progressive Christians encounter throughout their faith development. Presented by various members and friends of our congregation, we will examine what it

October: The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be using John Dominic Crossan’s book on The Lord’s Prayer to re-examine this most famous Christian prayer.




Sunday, October 27, the children of our church will be in their Halloween costumes and will “trick or treat” at Children’s Time during the church service.  Instead of giving out candy, we are asking our congregation to help out by donating to Fairmount United Church of Christ Go Zone Program.  This worthy program mentors youth ages 6-16 with the goal of strengthening academic skills, expanding personal experiences and encouraging healthy life choices.  The children are excited to be a part of helping others.  We hope you can be here to support the youth.

Announcements–Sunday, October 6, 2013



THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Mary Anna Meshew in honor of her daughter, Stephanie Lister.


THE NEWCOMER’S CLASS is in the conference room after the service for anyone thinking about joining UCC and wanting to learn more about the church.


THE UCC PICTURE DIRECTORIES ARE IN and will be handed out in Fellowship Hall after the service.  Please take one per household.




YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.


THE ADULT EDUCATION CLASS “LIVING WITH QUESTIONS, Monday, October 7, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the conference room.  See more information about the class

in the bulletin insert.



        THE CE BOARD will meet in the office meeting room at 11:45. 

        THE BOARD OF DEACONS will meet in the conference room



        THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in choir room at 11:45.



after the service during coffee time!  Special goodies will be served.

OUR NEW UCC WEBSITE IS UP AND RUNNING ! Please have a look at www. A special thank you to Marla Flentje, Jerry Harney, Rod Phares, and Stephen Taylor who worked on the website as a committee and to Paul Jackson who put on the beautiful finishing touches.


WG COOK’S NIGHT OUT is Wednesday, October 16, at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall.  George Byfield of Byfield and Byfield Estate Sales will give us some general information on estate sales and collectables. A few people have been asked to bring items so that they can be evaluated just like on “Antiques Road Show”. The Guild ladies will prepare the dinner. Social time starts at 6:00, buffet is at 6:30 Adults $15.00, children (Ages 4-10) $5.00. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall or call the office to make a reservation.


WG  IT’S BABY SHOWER TIME AGAIN! Mark your calendars for October 30 at 11:00 to come and help fill bags with baby items to give to underprivileged mothers in the Wichita area.  Donations of baby clothes size 0- 3 months, onesies, baby socks, and baby toys for ages 0-3months will be appreciated.

HELPERS NEEDED to prepare for the Baby Shower at a Sew In.  Sewing skills not necessary, there are plenty of other jobs like packaging diapers donated by our Hygiene Pantry. Thursdays, October 10, 17, and 24 at 10:00 a.m. Bring a sack lunch—the more the merrier.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH is Thursday, October 17, 11:30 at The Lakeside Club located behind Walgreens at 21st and Webb Road.  This month Gene Kaup will give a talk with pictures on the “Early Days of Wichita” Sign up in Fellowship Hall or call the office to sign up.


UCC HAS POLO SHIRTS! They are perfect for when you are volunteering, wearing to an event here, or to wear just for fun.  Call the church office to place an order.  The shirts are $25.00 each (add $2.00 for XXL).


IF YOU HAVE ALWAYS wanted to sing in the UCC Chancel Choir, here is your chance.  Music director, Bob Scott, would be happy to answer any questions you might have about joining this talented group of all ages.  Call Bob at 304-6028 or email him at



REVELATIONS IS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27,  AT 6:00. Our outstanding choir is made up of church members and students who receive scholarships for singing each week.  Revelations is a fundraiser for those scholarships and is an opportunity for the choir members to show off their talent.  Dinner (prepared by the Women’s Guild members) and show is $20.00 p.p.  Sign up in Fellowship Hall or call the office to sign up.


A CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ is scheduled for Sunday, October 20, after the church service in Fellowship Hall.  The new UCC Strategic Plan will be presented. Please plan to stay and see what the goals are for our church. Coffee and cookies will be served as usual.


2014 HOLY LAND TRIP brochures are on the Welcome Table for anyone interested or if you have friends who might be interested in the trip scheduled for next March.  There is also trip insurance information, as well.  Please call Robin at 634-0430 or email her at with any questions!


NEED A REFRIGERATOR? We have one in the office addition meeting room that is for sale for $275.00.  Call Cyndi at 634-0430 if you are interested.


THE OUTREACH BOARD will be taking donations of Women’s Fall/Winter clothing and accessories such as shoes, belts, and purses in Fellowship Hall, October 6-13.  This clothing will be given to our local Dress for Success program which provides clothing and training for women entering the workforce.

THANK YOU to everyone who stepped up to volunteer for the Sept. and Oct. Hygiene Pantry dates.  November is also covered so the next date needed is Saturday, December 21. If your holiday schedule allows you to help out, it should be a busy Saturday.

WE CONTINUE TO COLLECT FOR THE FOODBANK Most needed items are: canned meats, tuna, spam, chicken, and ham, macaroni and cheese, canned soup, spaghetti sauce are on the list as most needed.  A full list is in Fellowship Hall by the collection baskets.




Living With Questions

Monday Evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

Fall /Winter Series: Now through December 16th


Embracing an Adult Faith: What It Means to be a Christian

Join us as we explore the questions that progressive Christians encounter throughout their faith development. Presented by various members and friends of our congregation, we will examine what it means to be a Christian as an adult.

September-October: The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be using John Dominic Crossan’s book on The Lord’s Prayer to re-examine this most famous Christian prayer.



 Can you imagine 11 busy bees bundling diapers for two hours?  Well, those folks who came to help bundled 510 bundles of diapers!  Approximately 325 bundles are given out each time the Pantry is open, so Thursday morning was a spectacular morning.  Thank you to all who came and helped bundle and gave of their time and energy.  You are a blessing to many who have great need!


Kim and Debbi


The Traditional Word:     “In the course of their meal, having taken and blessed the bread, he broke it and gave it to them.  Then he said, “Take, this is my body.”  Taking the chalice, he gave it to them, thanking God, and they all drank from it.  He said, “This is God’s new covenant, poured out for many people.  I’ll not be drinking wine again until the new day when I drink it in the kingdom of God.”




First Anthem             “Locu Iste a Deo Factus”

Locu iste a deo factus est,Inaestimabile sacramentum; Irreprehensibilis est


Translation: This place was made by God, a priceless mystery.



Second Anthem       “Ave Verum”

Ave verum Corpus natum de Maria Virginne.

Vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro homine

Cujus latusperforratum unda fluxit et sanquine

Esto nobis prae gustatum in mortis examine


Translation: Jesu, word of God incarnate, of the Virgin Mary born.

On the cross, thy sacred body for us all with nails was torn.

Cleanse us by the blood and water streaming from Thy pierced side.

Feed us with Thy body, broken now and in death’s agony

 Words to “Love in Any Language” solo by Heather Grohe

Je t’aime
Te amo

Ya ti-bya lyu blyu
Ani o hev ot cha
I love you

The sounds are all as different
As the lands from which they came
And though the words are all unique
Our hearts are still the same

Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here

We teach the young our differences
Yet look how we’re the same
We love to laugh, to dream our dreams
We know the sting of pain

From Paraguay to Pakistan
The farmer loves his land
And daddies all get misty-eyed
To give their daughter’s hand

Oh maybe when we realize
How much there is to share
We’ll find too much in common
To pretend it isn’t there

Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here

Though the rhetoric of government
May keep us worlds apart
There’s no misinterpreting
The language of the heart

Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here

Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here

Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here

Love in any language
Fluently spoken here

Love in any language
Fluently spoken here
























Honor’s Day


The Christian Education Board is going to have “Award day” on Oct 13th, the second Sunday in October. That is the day you should wear to church any award you’ve received in your life. 
They can be sports medals, art ribbons, military medals, scholastic and humanitarian awards or any other award you are proud to have been presented. 
Because not all heroic acts are recognized, we have printed up life-growth awards for those unsung heroes privately suffering the slings and arrows of life. These are achievements you know you have done, others are typically not aware of. 
Look through the list and select ones you would be willing to display on your badge that day and talk about in Fellowship Hall.
They will be for sale in Fellowship Hall at a $1.00 each, today and also October 6—then you will wear your metal on October 13th.
The children’s medals will be free.
These are I am loved medals.





Open insert to see the choices of medals.








Willing to expose yourself and be truthful.

Risked forgiving when you were wronged.

Helping a friend when they were in grief.

Willing to be kind when they didn’t deserve it.

Found your true soul mate.

Rescued someone dying.

Victory over death (you should have died).


Finally got your lover to show affection in public.

Survived breast cancer.

Helped another in need of medical help.




Decided to suck it up and not ignore major life issue anymore.

Decided not to be co-dependant and be used anymore.

Surviving a long term relationship betrayal.

Finally being able to leave a dependant but sick relationship.

Finally being able to realize the relationship is never going to be good for you.

Being able to gain your self-respect back and realize, it’s your life and you need balance.

Being able to stay hopeful in the face of disaster.

Found my true love on the Internet.

Was able to be courageous when others were not willing.

Was willing to risk a first kiss and found true love.