Month: November 2019

Announcements for Sunday, December 1, 2019

The First Sunday in Advent

Sermon Title: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”


STEPHEN MINISTERS meet Thursday, December 5, at 11:00 a.m., in the office conference room.

UCC CHRISTMAS PARTY is this Saturday, December 7, 2019, at 6:00pm.  Join us for beverages at 6:00.  Dinner is provided by Café Maurice at 6:30.  The musical program features our own talented students performing a variety of selections, and, as an additional treat, Robin and Laura are going to perform a “jazzy” conclusion to our evening. Sign-up in fellowship hall or call UCC at 634-0430. The reservation deadline is Tuesday, December 2.  We appreciate your good-will offering.

YOGA will only meet on Tuesday, November 26, at 4:00pm, because the offices are closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.


CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS TABLEAU – is during worship on Sunday, December 8, at 10:30 a.m.

HOMELESS MEAL – On December 3rd, our next First Tuesday, we will plan for 100 meals unless notified otherwise. Our menu is the following:  spaghetti bake, green beans, baguettes, and brownies. This time we’d like to include more than chocolate so, go wild!  Contact Kathe Thompson for specifics:

ANGEL TREE GIVING – Thanks to your abundant generosity, once again this year our Angel tags are flying off our fellowship hall tree!  A dozen or so tags for Starkey friends still remain, so if you have not yet claimed a tag, please stop by our table in fellowship hall today.  The Starkey tags represent adults with developmental disabilities who have limited family engagement and income, meaning that our UCC gifts will likely be the extent of their gifts under the tree at their group homes.  All Angel Tree gifts should be wrapped, placed in a clear plastic bag with the original tag, and returned to Fellowship Hall no later than Sunday, December 8.  For questions, contact Rod Phares or Marla Flentje.

BLANKET COLLECTION FOR OPERATION HOLIDAYWe are collecting blankets again and new or gently used coats of all sizes. Please bring new full or queen size blankets and coats to the Operation Holiday collection box in fellowship hall anytime through Sunday, December 8.

COLORING BOOKS WANTED The Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry is collecting children’s coloring books to distribute to children that visit the pantry on December 21.  They do not need crayons this time.  Please bring the coloring books to fellowship hall and drop them in the bins designated for the pantry.

Announcements for Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sermon title: “Count Your Blessings”


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Larry and Barbara Widmer in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary on December 29.


OFFICES CLOSED on Thursday and Friday, November 28-29, in observation of the Thanksgiving holiday.

YOGA will only meet on Tuesday, November 26, at 4:00pm, because the offices are closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.


STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, December 5, at 11:00 a.m., in the office
conference room.

UCC CHRISTMAS PARTY is Saturday, December 7, 2019, at 6:00pm.  Join us for beverages and appetizers at 6:00.  Dinner is provided by Café Maurice at 6:30.  The musical program features Laura Williams, piano and Robin McGonigle, flute.  Sign-up in fellowship hall or call UCC at 634-0430. The reservation deadline is Tuesday, December 2.  We appreciate your good-will offering.

ANGEL TREE GIVING FOR CHRISTMAS  If you haven’t done so, please stop by our table this morning, in fellowship hall, for an Angel Tree tag. Our “angels” are: 1) adults with intellectual disabilities served by Starkey, a nonprofit agency that enables clients to live and work in the community, and 2) Gammon students and family members who are identified by Gammon teachers as those striving to overcome serious economic hardships. Your gifts should be wrapped, placed in a clear plastic bag with the original tag, and returned to the parlor no later than Sunday, December 8.

HOMELESS MEAL – On December 3rd, our next First Tuesday, we will plan for 100 meals unless notified otherwise. Our menu is the following:  Spaghetti Bake, green beans, baguettes, and brownies. This time we’d like to include more than chocolate so, go wild!  Contact Kathe Thompson for specifics:

IT’S POINSETTIA TIME! If you would like to contribute to the Christmas floral display, please send a check for $15.00 to the church, payable to UCC by November 24, or you may put it in the offering plate. Be sure to write flowers on the memo line and indicate if your donation is in honor of, or in memory of someone special.

COLORING BOOKS WANTED The Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry is collecting children’s coloring books to distribute to children that visit the pantry on December 21.  They do not need crayons this time.  Please bring the coloring books to fellowship hall and drop them in the bins designated for the pantry.

BLANKET COLLECTION FOR HUMANKIND MINISTERIES OPERATION HOLIDAYWe are collecting blankets again and new or gently used coats of all sizes. Please bring new full or queen size blankets and coats to the Operation Holiday
collection box in fellowship hall anytime through Sunday, December 8.

BUCKETS FOR CHANGE The November coin collection will benefit the Wichita
Children’s Home with their “Buckets for Change” campaign.

Please join us in fellowship hall on Sunday, December 1, after worship for cake and beverages to celebrate Larry and Barbara Widmer’s 50th wedding anniversary. 

Join all four WSU Choirs on Sunday, Nov. 24, at 4:00pm, as they ring in the holidays! The 57th Annual Candlelight. Concerts are a celebration of both the holiday season and the breadth of talent in the Wichita State University School of Music. Get in the spirit of the season with an incredible variety of music! Get your tickets today!

Announcements for Sunday, November 17, 2019


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are a birthday remembrance of Olga Kenney, given by her daughter, Kathy Baldwin.

ALL BOARDS MEET immediately following the worship service at 11:45.

THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the area outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.
THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.


LARKSFIELD CLASS meets on Wednesday, November 20, at 10:00 a.m., in the club room at Larksfield Place. Anyone is welcome.

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, November 21, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00, Thursday at 4:00, and Friday, at 10:00, in
fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday and Thursday class is $5, because it is
instructor led.


OFFICES CLOSED on Thursday and Friday, November 28-29, in observation of the Thanksgiving holiday.

ANGEL TREE GIVING FOR CHRISTMAS  If you haven’t done so, please stop by our table this morning, in fellowship hall, for an Angel Tree tag. Our “angels” are: 1) adults with intellectual disabilities served by Starkey, a nonprofit agency that enables clients to live and work in the community, and 2) Gammon students and family members who are identified by Gammon teachers as those striving to overcome serious economic hardships. Your gifts should be wrapped, placed in a clear plastic bag with the original tag, and returned to fellowship hall no later than Sunday, December 8.

If you have already claimed a Gammon tag, we have become aware that several wish list items are more expensive in nature. Please gift only what you consider practical and affordable. Whatever you can give will be gratefully received.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at Gammon Elementary on Thursday, Nov. 21 for 3 ½ hours in the morning or afternoon to help the Physical Ed teachers with a Body Venture creative interactive exhibit. The students will learn how the different parts of the body function and the part that good nutrition, not smoking, and exercise plays in keeping the body healthy. Sign up on the PIC board or contact Cyndi Richter at for details.

HOMELESS MEAL – On December 3rd, our next First Tuesday, we will plan for 100 meals unless notified otherwise. Our menu is the following:  Grace Kneil’s Spaghetti Bake, Debbie Green’s green beans, baguettes (sliced and buttered), and brownies…yes, brownies again. This time we’d like to include more than chocolate so, go wild!  Contact Kathe Thompson for specifics:

Thanks to those who contributed food to the November 5th First Tuesday Homeless Meal, to Grace Kneil for creating the meal, to those who served that evening and to all who offered to help. We served about 50 men and women at the Winter Overflow Shelter and at The Villas across the street that night. (Leftovers are never wasted!)

IT’S POINSETTIA TIME! If you would like to contribute to the Christmas floral display, please send a check for $15.00 to the church, payable to UCC by November 20, or you may put it in the offering plate. Be sure to write flowers on the memo line and indicate if your donation is in honor of, or in memory of someone special.

Announcements for Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sermon title: “Good God: Why Evil”


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given in thanksgiving for blessings received by Errol and Suzie Luginbill.

HONDURAN EMBOSSED CARDS on sale Sunday, November 10, in fellowship hall after worship. The proceeds benefit the Hygiene Pantry and help to pay for the coloring books that Barbara McKee takes to Honduras each year.


HOUSE CHURCH STUDY – is Tuesday, November 12, from 7:00-8:30pm, at
Leigh Aaron-Leary’s house, 7233 Oxford St.  This is the last evening this session.  The next two essays from the 1619 Project series are: “Equality” and “Capitalism and Wealth.” Contact Marla Flentje with questions at 250-1344.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY workday is this Thursday, November 14, from 9-11am, at 2130 E. 21st St. N. The Pantry is open on Saturday, November 16, from 9:00-11:30 a.m.   sentiment

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00, Thursday at 4:00, and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday and Thursday class is $5, because it is instructor-led.


ALL BOARDS MEET on Sunday, November 17, immediately following the
worship service at 11:45 a.m.

LARKSFIELD CLASS meets on November 20, at 10:00 a.m., in the club room at Larksfield Place. Anyone is welcome.

MEN’S LUNCH is Thursday, November 21, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin.

ANGEL TREE GIVING FOR CHRISTMAS  Please stop by our table in Fellowship Hall to select the “angels” who you wish to gift this season.  Our “angels” are: 1) adults with intellectual disabilities served by Starkey, a nonprofit agency that enables clients to live and work in the community.  Starkey identifies those with very low incomes and little family contact, who would otherwise have no Christmas gifts, and 2) Gammon students and family members who are identified by Gammon teachers as those striving to overcome serious economic hardships.

The tags identify their wish list.  We ask that you purchase at least  three items on the list. Your gifts should be wrapped, placed in a clear plastic bag with the original tag, and returned to Fellowship Hall no later than Sunday, December 8.

COLLECTING WINTER COATS FOR GAMMON STUDENTS – With the arrival of cold weather, we have learned that some Gammon students from low-income families are coming to school without heavier coats. If you have gently-used children’s coats, sizes 5 – 12, that are no longer being used, please consider donating them for a Gammon student.  You may bring coats to the designated area in Fellowship Hall during the next few Sundays.  Of course, new coats will also be welcomed! 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at Gammon Elementary on Thursday, Nov. 21 for 3 ½ hours in the morning or afternoon to help the Physical Ed teachers with a Body Venture creative interactive exhibit. The students will learn how the different parts of the body function and the part that good nutrition, not smoking, and exercise plays in keeping the body healthy. Contact Cyndi Richter at for details.