Announcements for Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sermon Title: “Work for the Night is Coming”


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Bob and Sharon Pedroja.  In honor of their 52nd anniversary on September 2nd.


LABOR DAY – Offices are closed on Monday, September 2, 2019.

IN THE MOOD TICKETS – is October 18, at 6:30pm, at the Kansas Aviation Museum. The last day for selling “In the Mood” tickets will be September 15, so think about getting your tickets soon.  All tickets should be paid for by that time also.  Besides wonderful music, good food and beverages, we also have a silent auction with numerous items for sale.  You will be pleasantly surprised by the items which have been donated to help this worthy cause.  We will be able to accept cash, check or credit cards that evening for the silent auction items.

STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, September 5, at 11:00 a.m., in the office
conference room.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00, Thursday at 6:00, and Friday, at 10:00, in
fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday and Thursday class is $5 because it is
instructor led.


FALL KICK-OFF COVERED DISH DINNER – Sunday, September 8, 2019, 11:30am, in fellowship hall. We want to welcome the choir back after the summer hiatus, and we want to introduce Ryan Beeken, our new choir director to the congregation. Please bring a salad or vegetable that will serve 8-10 people.  Fried chicken, dessert and beverages will be provided. Please bring your dish “ready to go”.  There is no room in the kitchen for assembling food or cooking your dish.  Thank you for understanding this request.- Hosted by the Board of Deacons

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE – Begins on Wednesday, September 11, at 6:00pm. This fall we will be offering a Progressive Bible Study “The Most Dangerous Book in the World”, on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00. It will be held from September 11-October 30, in fellowship hall.

Did you ever wonder how the Bible came to be? Who decided what books would be in it? Who even wrote all those books? And why is it so dangerous? If these questions spark your curiosity then you should join us for this fall’s Wednesday Night Alive as we embark on a Progressive Bible Study. The class will meet on Wednesday nights from 6-7 PM starting on September 11 and ending on October 30. There is no book for this class (other than a Bible-New Revised Standard Version, please) as handouts and supplemental materials will be provided at each session. Join us to learn more about the most dangerous book in the world—The Bible.

FELLOWSHIP DINNERS – It is time to sign up for our Fellowship dinners which will be held in October & November.  This is a wonderful time to connect with old and new members by enjoying dinner at a member’s home.  Usually there are 6 to 10 in attendance at these dinners.  Sign-up starts Sunday, August 11th, and will continue until the middle of September.  Hosts and hostesses are always needed, so please indicate on the sheet if you can host.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED  to clean a Habitat for Humanity house on Friday, September 6, from 9:30 to 11:30! The house is located at 1307 N. Estelle (a block north of the last house we did).  We will be cleaning windows, cabinets, appliances, floors, bathrooms, ceiling fans etc., in this new three bedroom house.  Contact Cyndi Richter at or 461-4148, if you would like to help or sign up on the PIC board in fellowship hall.  The more the merrier!!!

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