Announcements for Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the
Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Linda Burnside in honor of her Mother’s 92nd birthday.




EASTER LILY TIME! If you are interested in donating for our Easter floral
display, please mail $12.00 to the church office by April 2, or put your check in the offering plate.  Please note “Easter Lillies” on the memo line of your check and include if the donation is in honor of or in memory of someone.


April 2, at 6:00 pm.  The menu is baked chicken, roasted potatoes, deviled eggs, salad, charoset, and coconut macaroons. Today is the last day to register. Please sign up on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall if you would like to attend.


COOKS NIGHT OUT has been rescheduled to Thursday, April 9.  JC Combs is the speaker.  The event will start at 6 pm for social time and the buffet at 6:30.  The cost is $15 for adults and $5 for children ages 4-10.  Please plan to join us on the 9th.  We will have a new registration sheet so those who couldn’t come in March may be able to join us this time.  Even if you signed up in March please sign up again to be sure we have a good head-count. Registration sheets are on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. Thanks so much.


WOW CLASS continues this Wednesday night at 5:30 p.m. Based on the book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?” Books are available and can be purchased for $12.  A light dinner will be available for a free will
offering.  This week concludes the class using this book.  The next class begins on April 15, with Keith Williamson leading the six week class.


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