Announcements for Sunday, July 19, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are donated by Mary Anna Meschew in memory of her daughter Heather.


THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the area outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meetings are at 11:45




LARKSFIELD TEA will meet in the Clubroom at Larksfield Place at 10:00a.m. July 29th.  This is a time for members residing at Larksfield to visit with Robin about things going on in their lives or at the church.





This year, University Congregational Church will partner with Dellrose United Methodist Church on a Back to School project. Last year the Dellrose Back to School project distributed school supplies and backpacks for families primarily in their neighboring northeast area who needed help in getting school supplies for their children. They served about 200 kids, but the need was greater.


UCC’s Outreach Board felt by partnering with Dellrose we could help with an established project that serves a great need.  Our goal is to collect supplies for 50 kids.   WE HAVE NOW PURCHASED ALL THE BACKPACKS.  WE JUST NEED SUPPLIES!!!


To enroll a child in Kindergarten, the textbook fee is $22 and kids in grades 1-5 have a textbook fee of $37.  Families with very limited funds struggle to pay the textbook fees as well as purchase the needed school supplies.


Sheets are available in Fellowship Hall that list the supplies needed for kids in grades Kindergarten through grade 5.  Supplies that you purchase should be returned to the designated area in Fellowship Hall which will be taken to Dellrose for distribution on Sunday, August 16. You may want to consider taking a list for a specific grade and purchase the needed supplies for one child. All purchases of supplies will be gratefully received.


If you would prefer to write a check and have us do the shopping, we would be happy to make that happen. The check should be written to UCC and Back to School Project should be noted on the memo line.


We all know how exciting the beginning of a new school year is for a child.  Let’s all work together to help these families start their children with their needed school supplies.


Dellrose will be distributing these items on Sunday, August 16 at 3:00.  If you would like to volunteer to help with the distribution, please sign up on the sheet on the Board in Fellowship Hall.





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