Announcements for Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sermon title: “The Prayer Wheel: Deliver Us from Evil”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Kathy Baldwin in honor of all Fathers and Grandfathers in celebration of this special day.

ALL BOARDS MEET immediately following the worship service at 11:45.
THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the area outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.
THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.


YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, June 25, at 6:30 p.m., in the basement conference room.

LARKSFIELD DISCUSSION GROUP meets on June 27, at 10:00 a.m., in the club room at Larksfield.

OUTREACH PROJECT – We are close to meeting our goal for the Gammon School Supply Closet.  Please consider a gift that will put us over the top in meeting this challenging Outreach goal.   You may leave your check today at our table in Fellowship Hall or mail it to the church office at 9209 E 29th St. N., 67226. Way to go, UCC!

HOMELESS HYGIENE BAGS – The Outreach board continues to collect hotel shampoo, lotion and soaps for one more week. We will be assembling the bags, along with the help of the congregation, after worship on June 24, in fellowship hall. The bags will be given to Interfaith Ministries for their homeless program. Last year your donations filled 100 baggies with hygiene items. Look for a box in fellowship hall for your hotel hygiene items.

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