Author: Paul Ellis Jackson

Paul is the Associate Minister of University Congregational Church.

Announcements for Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sermon title: “The Five Finger Prayer”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Mary Anna Meshew. “In thankfulness, memory, and honor for all of the people in my life near and far, past and present.”



COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, November 27, at 6:30 p.m., in the basement
conference room.

LARKSFIELD FELLOWSHIP meets on November 29, at 10:00, in the club room.

PLAY-READING GROUP meets on Thursday, November 30, at 1:00 p.m. This group is open to anyone that is interested in reading plays.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, December 7, at 2:00 p.m., in the office
conference room.

ALL CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY is on December 9, in the fellowship hall. The party begins at 5:00 with beverages and appetizers and pre-dinner music with Doris Buss. Dinner begins at 5:30. Entertainment by Karla Burns and her ensemble at 6:35. Meal is catered by Greystone. Please sign-up on the PIC board if you will be attending.

AN EXTRAORDINARY UCC ANGEL TREE RESPONSE – Once again, our members and other friends have responded generously to selecting this year’s “angels” from among Gammon family members and adults served by Starkey. Similarly, several others have made a cash donation for purchasing angel gifts. Many thanks to all! If you still want to participate, there are a few tags still available on our tree in fellowship hall.

A reminder to bring your wrapped gifts in a large clear plastic bag with the tag attached to the parlor by Sunday, December 10. If you need a plastic bag, you may pick one up at the Outreach table in fellowship hall.

OPERATION HOLIDAY NEEDS BLANKETS – Once again this year, UCC will participate in Operation Holiday, sponsored by our partner, Inter-Faith Ministries. Each holiday season, the program distributes life-essential items to thousands of low-income families in our community. This year, UCC will specialize in collecting blankets which are typically the highest-demand item. Please bring your new, full-sized blanket to the collection box in fellowship hall no later than December 10.

MORE THANK-YOU NOTES FROM Please stop by the announcement board in Fellowship Hall to view more hand-made, unique notes from Gammon students thanking UCC for our support.  Their delightful messages will bring a smile to your face. 

NEW UCC VOLUNTEERS AT GAMMON STUDENTS – Our Gammon Elementary partners are thrilled and grateful that nine people from our congregation have volunteered for various jobs at the school such as tutors, lunch buddies, and classroom and office helpers.  Our quiet efforts will make a positive difference in the lives of young students.  If you wish to volunteer your gifts, please contact Cyndi Richter, 461-4148

IT’S POINSETTIA TIME! – If you would like to contribute to the Christmas floral display, please send a check for $17.00 to the church, payable to UCC by December 8, or you may put it in the offering plate today. Be sure to write flowers on the memo line and indicate if your donation is in honor of, or in memory of someone special.

NO CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICES THIS YEAR due to Christmas Eve falling on Sunday. We will only have worship at 10:30 a.m.

Announcements for Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sermon Title: “Thanksgiving through the Ages”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Anne and Mike McCoy. “For the many, many things in our lives to be thankful for!”

ALL BOARDS MEET immediately following the worship service at 11:45.
THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the area outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.
THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.


YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.

THANKSGIVING DAY – November 23 and 24 church offices will be closed.


COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, November 27, at 6:30 p.m., in the basement
conference room.

LARKSFIELD FELLOWSHIP meets on November 29, at 10:00 a.m., in the club room.

PLAY-READING GROUP meets on Thursday, November 30, at 1:00 p.m. This group is open to anyone that is interested in reading plays.

UCC ANGEL TREE – Please stop by our angel Tree in fellowship hall to select the person in need you wish to gift this Christmas. Our “angels” are persons suggested by two different community partners: Starkey, Inc., and Gammon Elementary School. Starkey has identified low-income adults with developmental disabilities and no family engagement who would otherwise be without Christmas gifts this season. And Gammon had identified economically-struggling families – parents and children – who also would have no gifts during Christmas.

Individual angel tags identify their gift list. You are asked to purchase at least three items on the list, the majority of which are modest in cost. Your gifts should wrapped, placed in a single clear plastic bag with the Angel tag, and returned to the parlor no later than Sunday, December 10.

OPERATION HOLIDAY NEEDS BLANKETS – Once again this year, UCC will participate in Operation Holiday, sponsored by our partner, Inter-Faith Ministries. Each holiday season, the program distributes life-essential items to thousands of low-invome families in our community. This year, UCC will specialize in collecting blankets which are typically the highest-demand item. Please bring your new, full-sized blanket to the collection box in fellowship hall no later than December 10.

NEW UCC VOLUNTEERS AT GAMMON – Our Gammon Elementary partners are thrilled and grateful that nine people from our congregation have volunteered for
various jobs at the school such as tutors, lunch buddies, and classroom and office
helpers.  Our quiet efforts will make a positive difference in the lives of young students.  If you wish to volunteer your gifts, please contact Cyndi Richter, 461-4148.

DONATIONS FOR PUERTO RICO are now being accepted in fellowship hall. There is a box designated for Puerto Rico donations. Puerto Rico has suffered major damages due to Hurricane Irma and mainly Hurricane Maria. They are in desperate need of help when it comes to food and water and basic essentials that they need to survive. The following items are requested: water, canned goods, dog food, baby and adult diapers, baby food, hygiene products, flashlights, batteries, generators, blankets. Monetary donations are not being accepted here at UCC.

Announcements for Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sermon title: “Church as Counter-Cultural”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Dane and Becky Hurt. “In honor of those who have protected our freedoms by their service in the armed forces..”


NEEDLE WORKERS meet Tuesday, November 14, at 10:00 am, in fellowship hall.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE is this Wednesday November 15, at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we discuss Delwin Brown’s book What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, November 16, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin. The guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Robin McGonigle.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


ALL BOARDS MEET on Sunday, November 19, immediately following the worship service at 11:45 a.m.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall.

THANKSGIVING DAY – November 23 and 24 church offices will be closed.

UCC ANGEL TREE – Beginning today, please stop by our angel Tree in fellowship hall to select the person in need you wish to gift this Christmas. Our “angles” are persons suggested by two different community partners: Starkey, Inc., and Gammon
Elementary School. Starkey has identified low-income adults with developmental disabilities and no family engagement who would otherwise be without Christmas gifts this season. And Gammon had identified economically-struggling families – parents and children – who also would have no gifts during Christmas.

Individual angel tags identify their gift list. You are asked to purchase at least three items on the list, the majority of which are modest in cost. Your gifts should wrapped, placed in a single clear plastic bag with the Angel tag, and returned to the parlor no later than Sunday, December 10.

OPERATION HOLIDAY NEEDS BLANKETS – Once again this year, UCC will participate in Operation Holiday, sponsored by our partner, Inter-Faith Ministries. Each holiday season, the program distributes life-essential items to thousands of low-invome families in our community. This year, UCC will specialize in collecting blankets which are typically the highest-demand item. Please bring your new, full-sized blanket to the collection box in fellowship hall no later than December 10.

NEW UCC VOLUNTEERS AT GAMMON – Our Gammon Elementary partners are thrilled and grateful that nine people from our congregation have volunteered for
various jobs at the school such as tutors, lunch buddies, and classroom and office
helpers.  Our quiet efforts will make a positive difference in the lives of young students.  If you wish to join volunteer your gifts, please contact Cyndi Richter, 461-4148.

DONATIONS FOR PUERTO RICO are now being accepted in fellowship hall. There is a box designated for Puerto Rico donations. Puerto Rico has suffered major damages due to Hurricane Irma and mainly Hurricane Maria. They are in desperate need of help when it comes to food and water and basic essentials that they need to survive. More than half of the island still has no power and telecommunications service. Kiara Colon, one of our choir students, is heading this donation drive. The following items are requested: water, canned goods, dog food, baby and adult diapers, baby food, hygiene products, flashlights, batteries, generators, blankets. Monetary donations are not being taken. If you prefer to give money please do so through:

Announcements for Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sermon Title: “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life: Sacred”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.

THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Jan Deering in loving memory of her husband, Bert Deering.

SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE during our worship service today. This is a time to remember loved ones that have passed by coming forward and lighting a candle. Please remove all mementos and pictures immediately following the worship service.
CHILI COOK-OFF FUNDRAISER is today at 11:30, in fellowship hall. This event is to support the Hygiene Pantry. So come taste the various chili and vote for your favorite one. Then join us for a delicious chili lunch. Lunch includes chili, corn muffins, dessert, and beverages. The cost is a good will offering and a donation to the pantry. No reservations needed.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE is every Wednesday thru November 15, at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we discuss Delwin Brown’s book What Does a Progressive Christian Believe? Everyone is welcome to attend.

PLAY READING GROUP meets Thursday, Nov. 9, at 1:00 p.m. , in fellowship hall.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY—there is no workday on Thursday. The Pantry is open on Saturday, November 11, from 9:00-11:30 a.m., at 2130 E. 21st St. N.

ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET is Saturday, November 11, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at University Congregational Church. The Market is a unique opportunity to “buy” a gift in honor of a family member/friend. At the same time, your gift is helping to alleviate poverty, hunger, injustice around the world. Over 30 projects will be represented and, no doubt, one of them will be special for your support.

NEEDLE WORKERS meet Tuesday, November 14, at 10:00 am, in fellowship hall.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE meets every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, November 16, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin.

DONATIONS FOR PUERTO RICO are now being accepted in fellowship hall. There is a box designated for Puerto Rico donations. Puerto Rico has suffered major damages due to Hurricane Irma and mainly Hurricane Maria. They are in desperate need of help when it comes to food and water and basic essentials that they need to survive. More than half of the island still has no power and telecommunications service. Kiara Colon, one of our choir students, is heading this donation drive. She is asking for the following items to be donated: water, canned goods, dog food, baby and adult diapers, baby food, hygiene products, flashlights, batteries, generators, blankets.
Monetary donations are not being taken. If you want to give money you may do so through:

ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET VOLUNTEERS NEEDED on Saturday, November 11 for a 2 hour shift between 9:45-4:00 pm. We need hostesses/hosts or working at the Hygiene Pantry booth. From 4:15-6:15, we need help taking down tables and setting up for Sunday morning service. Help is also needed for Thursday Nov. 9, at 7:00 pm to set up tables. Please contact Cyndi Richter at 461-4148, or at

Announcements for Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sermon title: “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life: Word”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Leigh Aaron- Leary and Mike Leary. May Halloween night evoke the childhood innocence of alter egos donned to troop through the chilly night, giggling and bravely seeking sweet excess.

Homeless Hygiene Kit Assembly—in fellowship hall today after church.  Volunteers needed! Our Outreach Board has purchased supplies to fill 100 bags with basic men’s hygiene products for services to the homeless sponsored by Interfaith Ministries.  We will have a station set up in fellowship hall to assemble the kits.  With lots of hands we can fill these kits in short order and later this week, offer our contribution to the Interfaith Ministry for homeless men in our community.


WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE is every Wednesday thru November 15, at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we discuss Delwin Brown’s book What Does a Progressive Christian
Believe? Everyone is welcome to attend.

STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, November 2, at 2:00 p.m., in the office
conference room.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


CHILI COOK-OFF is on Sunday, November 5, at 11:30. The purpose of this event is to support the Hygiene Pantry. To enter, simply fill out a card stating your name with the kind of chili you will make. Then bring your chili in a crock pot on November 5. The last day to enter your chili is October 29. So come taste the various chili and vote for your favorite one. Then you can feast on a bowl of chili plus other goodies. The cost is a good will offering and a donation to the pantry.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE meets every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

PLAY READING GROUP meets Thursday at 1:00 p.m. , in fellowship hall.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY—there is no workday on Thursday. The Pantry is open on Saturday, November 11, from 9:00-11:30 a.m., at 2130 E. 21st St. N.

ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET is Saturday, November 11, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at University Congregational Church.  The Market is a unique opportunity to “buy” a gift in honor of a family member/friend. At the same time, your gift is helping to alleviate poverty, hunger, injustice around the world. Over 30 projects will be represented and, no doubt, one of them will be special for your support. 

DONATIONS FOR PUERTO RICO are now being accepted in fellowship hall. There is a box designated for Puerto Rico donations. Puerto Rico has suffered major damages due to Hurricane Irma and mainly Hurricane Maria. They are in desperate need of help when it comes to food and water and basic essentials that they need to survive. More than half of the island still has no power and telecommunications service. Kiara Colon, one of our choir students, is heading this donation drive. She is asking for the following items to be donated: water, canned goods, dog food, baby and adult diapers, baby food, hygiene products, flashlights, batteries, generators, blankets.

Monetary donations are not being taken. If you want to give money you may do so through:

ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET VOLUNTEERS NEEDED on Saturday, November 11 for a 2 hour shift between 9:45-4:00 pm. We need hostesses/hosts or working at the Hygiene Pantry booth. From 4:15-6:15, we need help taking down tables and setting up for Sunday morning service. Help is also needed for Thursday Nov. 9, at 7:00 pm to set up tables. Please contact Cyndi Richter at 461-4148, or at

Announcements for Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sermon title: “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life: Habitat”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Phyllis Decker in memory of her beloved husband, Jay.

NEW MEMBER DAY—Please welcome the following new members: Rod & Terry Holmes, Laura Lombard, Kathe Thompson, Janna Palmer and her three children: Olivia, Hayden, and Ashton, and Fran Jackson

CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ is today at 11:30, in fellowship hall. The purpose of the gathering is clarification of the 2018 proposed budget and the launch of the commitment campaign.


COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, October 23, at 6:30pm, in the basement conference room.

COMMITMENT TEAM MEETING on Tuesday, October 24 at 6:00pm, in fellowship hall.

LARKSFIELD FELLOWSHIP meets on October 25, at 10:00, in the club room.

GUILD BABY SHOWER—The 16th Annual Women’s Guild Baby Shower will be held Wednesday, October 25, at 11:00, in fellowship hall. We will fill layette bags for underprivileged babies in the Wichita area. We will have lunch after we decorate the bags. Clothing such as newborn gowns, sleepers, onesies, socks and toys are requested. Please place items in the baby box in fellowship hall.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE is every Wednesday thru November 15, at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we discuss Delwin Brown’s book “What Does a Progressive Christian
Believe”. Everyone is welcome to attend.

READER’S THEATRE is this Thursday, October 26, at 1:00 p.m. This group is open to anyone that is interested in reading plays. Last month we had a good turnout.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE meets every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, November 2, at 2:00 p.m.

CHILI COOK-OFF is planned for Sunday, November 5, at 11:30. The purpose of this event is to support the Hygiene Pantry. This is a contest and you will select the UCC Chili royalty. To enter, simply fill out a card stating your name with the kind of chili you will make. Then bring your chili in a crock pot on November 6. Cards are in fellowship hall and must be completed by October 29. So come taste the various chili and vote for your favorite one. Then you can feast on a bowl of chili plus other goodies. The cost is a good will offering and a donation to the pantry.

DONATIONS FOR PUERTO RICO are now being accepted in fellowship hall. There is a box designated for Puerto Rico donations. As many of you are aware, Puerto Rico has suffered major damages due to Hurricane Irma and mainly Hurricane Maria. They are in desperate need of help when it comes to food and water and basic essentials that they need to survive. More thant half of the island still has no power and telecommunications are rare to come by. Kiara Colon, one of our choir students, is heading this donation drive. She is asking for the following items to be donated:
water, canned goods, dog food, baby and adult diapers, baby food, hygiene products, flashlights, batteries, generators, blankets.

She is not taking monetary donations. If you want to give money you may do it through:

Announcements for Sunday, October 15, 2071

Sermon Title: “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life: Commitment”
We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Stephen L. Taylor in memory of his parents W. Howard and Ann P. Taylor, and his mother-in-law Margaret G Vanderlip, in remembrance of their October birthdays.

LAST CHANCE POTTERY SALE for Jon Romain is today in fellowship hall. All proceeds go to defray the costs of care and travel.

ALL BOARDS MEET today immediately following the worship service at 11:45am.


WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE is every Wednesday thru November 15, at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we discuss Delwin Brown’s book “What Does a Progressive Christian
Believe”. Everyone is welcome to attend.

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, October 19, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin. The guest speaker is Jim Denham, Diabetes Educator, at HCA Wesley.

SWEET PEACE—A DESSERT EVENT to benefit Partners for Wichita is on Thursday, October 19, 7:00-8:00p.m., at Botanica, 701 Amidon, come early and browse the gardens. RSVP to Heidi at 634-0430, or sign-up on the PIC Board. There is no cost for this fundraising event, donations are accepted. We have been assigned two tables of eight for this event. Currently we only have one person signed up to support this
worthy organization. Please show your support and reserve a seat at one of the tables. Robin and Paul will both be attending this event and hosting a table each.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY is open on Saturday, October 21, from 9:00-11:30 a.m.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


NEW MEMBER DAY is Sunday, October 22. If you are interested in joining this church please call the church office at 634-0430.

CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ is on Sunday, October 22, at 11:30, in fellowship hall. The purpose of the gathering is clarification of the 2018 proposed budget and the launch of the commitment campaign.

COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, October 23, at 6:30pm, in the office conference room.

LARKSFIELD FELLOWSHIP meets on October 25, at 10:00, in the club room.

GUILD BABY SHOWER—The 16th Annual Women’s Guild Baby Shower will be held Wednesday, October 25, at 11:00, in fellowship hall. We will fill layette bags for underprivileged babies in the Wichita area. We will have lunch after we decorate the bags. Clothing such as newborn gowns, sleepers, onesies, socks and toys are requested. Please place items in the baby box in fellowship hall.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE meets every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

CHILI COOK-OFF is planned for Sunday, November 5, at 11:30. The purpose of this event is to support the Hygiene Pantry. This is a contest and you will select the UCC Chili royalty. To enter, simply fill out a card stating your name with the kind of chili you will make. Then bring your chili in a crock pot on November 6. Cards are in fellowship hall and must be completed by October 29. So come taste the various chili and vote for your favorite one. Then you can feast on a bowl of chili plus other goodies. The cost is a good will offering and a donation to the pantry.

Announcements for Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sermon Title: “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life: Giving”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Mary Anna Meshew for her 75th birthday.

CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ is on Sunday, October 8, at 11:30, in fellowship hall. The purpose of the gathering is clarification of the 2018 proposed budget and the launch of the commitment campaign.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS is on Sunday, October 8, at 5:00 p.m., in the south parking lot at UCC. Everyone is welcome. There will be a short service and a blessing of each animal.

POTTERY SALE for Jon Romain is today after worship in fellowship hall. All proceeds go to defray the costs of care and travel to visit John while in rehab.


WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE is every Wednesday thru November 15, at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we discuss Delwin Brown’s book “What Does a Progressive Christian
Believe”. Everyone is welcome to attend.

COOKS NIGHT OUT is Thursday, October 12, at 6:00 p.m. Keitha Adams, the new women’s basketball coach at WSU, will be the speaker. Tickets are on sale now. The cost is $15. Tickets may be purchased in fellowship hall this Sunday.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


ALL BOARDS MEET on Sunday, October 15, immediately following the worship service at 11:45 a.m.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE meets every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, March 16, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin. The guest speaker is Jim Denham, Diabetes Educator, at HCA Wesley.

SWEET PEACE—A DESSERT EVENT to benefit Partners for Wichita is on Thursday, October 19, 7:00-8:00p.m., at Botanica, 701 Amidon, come early and browse the gardens. RSVP to Heidi at 634-0430, or sign-up on the PIC Board. There is no cost for this fundraising event, donations are accepted.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY is open on Saturday, October 21, from 9:00-11:30 a.m.

NEW MEMBER SUNDAY is Sunday, October 22. If you are interested in becoming a member of UCC please call the church office at 634-0430.

GUILD BABY SHOWER—The 16th Annual Baby Shower will be held Wednesday,
October 25, at 11:00, in Fellowship Hall. We will fill layette bags for underprivileged babies in the Wichita area. We will have lunch after we decorate the bags. Clothing such as newborn gowns, sleepers, onesies, socks and toys are requested. Please place items in the baby box in Fellowship Hall.

CHILI COOK-OFF Is coming. Save the Date on November 5. Enter your favorite chili recipe.

CARD SHOWER FOR JON ROMAIN—We are collecting cards for Jon’s birthday,
October 11. We will be collecting cards until this Sunday, October 8.

SmorgasChorus— “Send Off” concert is on October 14, at 2:00, in the Lair Center at Wichita Collegiate Upper School, 9115 E 13th St. N, Admission is free, however, donations are accepted. Many of our choir members sing with this barbershop chorus.

Announcements for Sunday, October 1, 2017


Sermon title: “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life: Habitat”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Jack and Elaine Christie for all the lovely Libras of October.

FELLOWSHIP TIME today will be held at the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry. Coffee and cookies will be served at the hygiene pantry today, not in fellowship hall. See map and driving instructions below the calendar on the right. The pantry is located west of 21st & Hillside. Turn north on Opportunity Drive. The address is 2130 E 21st St. North.

NICARAGUA PLANNING MEETING is today at 11:30, in the basement conference room. Join us for information on our trip to Nicaragua in January 2018.

POTTERY SALE for Jon Romain is today after worship in fellowship hall. All proceeds go to defray the costs of care and travel to visit John while in rehab.


UCC COMMITMENT TEAM meets Tuesday, October 3, at 6:00 p.m., in the office
conference room.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE is every Wednesday thru November 15, at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we discuss Delwin Brown’s book “What Does a Progressive Christian
Believe”. Everyone is welcome to attend.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ is on Sunday, October 8, at 11:30, in fellowship hall. The purpose of the gathering is clarification of the 2018 proposed budget and the launch of the commitment campaign.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS is on Sunday, October 8, at 5:00 p.m., in the south parking lot at UCC. Everyone is welcome. There will be a short service and a blessing of each animal.

COOKS NIGHT OUT is Thursday, October 12, at 6:00 p.m. Keitha Adams, the new women’s basketball coach at WSU, will be the speaker. Tickets are on sale now. The cost is $15. Tickets may be purchased in the church office.

SWEET PEACE—A DESSERT EVENT to benefit Partners for Wichita is on Thursday, October 19, 7:00-8:00p.m., at Botanica, 701 Amidon, come early and browse the gardens. RSVP to Heidi at 634-0430, or sign-up on the PIC Board. There is no cost for this fundraising event, donations are accepted.

GUILD BABY SHOWER—The 16th Annual Baby Shower will be held Wednesday, October 25, at 11:00, in Fellowship Hall. We will fill layette bags for underprivileged babies in the Wichita area. We will have lunch after we decorate the bags. Clothing such as newborn gowns, sleepers, onesies, socks and toys are requested. Please place items in the baby box in Fellowship Hall.

NEW MEMBER SUNDAY is Sunday, October 22. If you are interested in becoming a member of UCC please call the church office at 634-0430.

PARTNERSHIP WITH GAMMON ELEMENTARY—Share your time and talents with the extraordinary students and teachers at Gammon, our neighborhood school.  Some jobs require a regular presence, based around your schedule.  Others require one-time or occasional commitments. Volunteer jobs include:  lunch buddy, student tutor, book reader, classroom support helper, and office support helper.   If you have questions or are ready to volunteer, please take a sheet listing the volunteer opportunities at
Gammon. If you are interested, please sign up on the Gammon volunteer list. Both are located on the PIC board in fellowship hall. Cyndi Richter will contact you.

Announcements for Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sermon Title: “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life: Home”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


Karen Combs. In loving memory of our parents and son, Chris.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING today immediately following worship service in the sanctuary, at 11:30, for the purpose of presenting the 2018 preliminary budget.

REVELATIONS is today at 5:30 for cocktails, dinner at 6:00pm, in fellowship hall. The cost is $25, in advance. The UCC Choir will perform. Proceeds benefit the student music scholarship program. Tickets on sale after worship.


LARKSFIELD FELLOWSHIP meets on September 27, at 10:00, in the club room.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE on Wednesday, September 20, at 6:00 p.m., and runs thru November 15. Join us as we discuss Delwin Brown’s book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe”. Everyone is welcome to attend.

READER’S THEATRE begins on Thursday, September 28, at 1:00 p.m. This group is open to anyone that is interested in reading plays.

AMALGAMA CONCERT is Thursday, September 28, at 7:00 p.m. Amalgama is a musical group from the city of Leon, Nicaragua. Amalgama will perform at Prairie Pines, 4055 N Tyler Road, Maize, KS. Tickets are $22, through the UCC church office, and on sale today in the fellowship hall foyer.

WOMEN’S GUILD SEWING PROJECT Fall will soon be here and it is time to start sewing blankets for the Baby shower. We will meet in the Guild Room on Thursday, September 21 and Thursday, September, 28 from 10:00-2:00. Bring your sewing machine or if you don’t sew we have some other jobs for you. Everyone is welcome. Bring your lunch and help us put together blankets for under privileged babies in Wichita.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


WICHITA CROP HUNGER WALK— Is on Sunday, October 1st. CROP raises dollars to support food assistance programs.  To learn how you can participate go to: , or call Marla Flentje, 250-1344.

UCC COMMITMENT TEAM meets Tuesday, October 3, at 6:00 p.m., in the office
conference room.

PARTNERSHIP WITH GAMMON ELEMENTARY—Share your time and talents with the extraordinary students and teachers at Gammon, our neighborhood school.  Some jobs require a regular presence, based around your schedule.  Others require one-time or occasional commitments.  A few might be done in the comfort of your home.  Volunteer jobs include:  Lunch Buddy, Student Tutor, Book Reader, Classroom Support Helper, and Office Support Helper.   If you have questions or are ready to volunteer, please take a sheet listing the volunteer opportunities at Gammon and if you decide this is something you are interested in, please sign up on the Gammon volunteer list, both are located on the PIC board in fellowship hall. Cyndi Richter will contact you.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS is on Sunday, October 8, at 5:00 p.m., in the southside courtyard at UCC. This is open to anyone that wants to bring their animals.

COOKS NIGHT OUT is Thursday, October 12, at 6:00 p.m. The program will be Keitha Adams, the new WSU Women’s Basketball Coach. Tickets will be on sale starting Sunday, September 24, in fellowship hall. Cost is $15.