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Announcements for Sunday, December 14, 2014

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to Fellowship Hall for coffee and cookies after the service. Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE C. E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room at 11:45.





THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Monday, December 15, at 6:30 in the conference room.


THE MEN’S GROUP LUNCH is Thursday, December 18, 11:30 at Lakeside Club, located at 21st and Webb Rd. behind Walgreens. Keith Williamson give a talk about his recent conference at the Jesus Seminar.

THE HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY WORKDAY is Thursday, December 18 from 9:00-11:00 am.  The Pantry is open Saturday, Dec. 20, 9-11.





9:00 SUNDAY MORNING DISCUSSION GROUP is listening to a series of lectures by Dr. Bart Ehrman entitled “Lost Christianities of the 2nd and 3rd Centuries” Discussion of the lectures will follow. Meet in the conference room downstairs. All are welcome to attend.


THE CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS TABLEAU will be presented by the children of UCC during the Children’s Message on Sunday, December 21.



THE 2015 SANCTUARY FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.  Sign up early to get your preferred date.

INTER-FAITH MINISTRIES 2015 OPERATION HOLIDAY  Last year approximately 14,000 people received aid through Operation Holiday in the form of warm coats, food, and toys.  UCC had 20 volunteers who helped distribute these items last year and has committed to provide 15-20 volunteers this year this Friday, December 19 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.  The location is 6225 E. Kellogg Drive South (same location as last year).  Please  consider volunteering.  A sign-up sheet is in Fellowship Hall.  No heavy lifting required.


***A SPECIAL REQUEST FROM INTER-FAITH MINISTRIES There is a great need for nonperishable food for Operation Holiday.  If you can help, bring your food items to the church by Wednesday and we will deliver it to them.

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE is at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,  December 24.  A service for the whole family with  candles, Christmas Carols, readings and meditations.



Announcements for Sunday, December 7, 2014




JON ROMAIN’S POTTERY SALE will be in Fellowship Hall after the church service.


THE UCC CHRISTMAS PARTY  starts at 5:30 in Fellowship Hall .  Everyone is invited.  The sign u p sheet is in Fellowship Hall, please sign up if you haven not already









9:00 SUNDAY MORNING DISCUSSION GROUP is listening to a series of lectures by Dr. Bart Ehrman entitled “Lost Christianities of the 2nd and 3rd Centuries” Discussion of the lectures will follow. Meet in the conference room downstairs. All are welcome to attend.




THE 2015 SANCTUARY FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.  Sign up early to get your preferred date.


CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE is at 7:00 p.m. on December 24.  A service for the whole family with  candles, Christmas Carols, readings and meditations.


INTER-FAITH MINISTRIES 2015 OPERATION HOLIDAY  Last year approximately 14,000 people received aid through Operation Holiday in the form of warm coats, food, and toys.  UCC had 20 volunteers who helped distribute these items last year and has committed to provide 15-20 volunteers this year on Friday, December 19 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.  The location is 6225 E. Kellogg Drive South (same location as last year).  Please  consider volunteering.  A sign-up sheet is in Fellowship Hall.  No heavy lifting required.

Announcements for Sunday, November 30, 2014



HANGING OF THE GREENS  is this afternoon at 5:00 p.m.  Bring a potluck dish to share and help dress up the church for the Christmas season.


HUGE BOOK SALE! Fill a bag of books in Fellowship Hall for $1.00.


THE ANGEL TREE is up in Fellowship Hall with names of 6 families chosen by Communities in Schools. Make your gift selection from the many ornaments on the tree and return the gift (unwrapped)  back to the parlor by Sunday, December 7. Information about the families are in today’s bulletin as an insert.





THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.





9:00 SUNDAY MORNING DISCUSSION GROUP is listening to a series of lectures by Dr. Bart Ehrman entitled “Lost Christianities of the 2nd and 3rd Centuries” Discussion of the lectures will follow. Meet in the conference room downstairs. All are welcome to attend.


JOHN RUTTER’S “GLORIA” will be presented by Michael Hanawalt, the UCC Chancel Choir and twelve instrumentalists, as part of our church service on Sunday, December 7. Bring a guest to this beautiful service, but get here early!

JON ROMAIN’S one day only pottery sale will be Sunday, December 7, in Fellowship Hall after the church service.


THE ALL CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY is Sunday, December 7, at 5:30  Great food, music, singing, and a chance to wear your Christmas sweater. Meats and side items provided by the Deacons.  If your last name begins  with A-J, bring an appetizer, K-Z, bring a dessert if you wish.



THE 2015 SANCTUARY FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.  Sign up early to get your preferred date.


CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE is at 7:00 p.m. on December 24.  A service for the whole family with  candles, Christmas Carols, readings and meditations.


INTER-FAITH MINISTRIES 2015 OPERATION HOLIDAY  Last year approximately 14,000 people received aid through Operation Holiday in the form of warm coats, food, and toys.  UCC had 20 volunteers who helped distribute these items last year and has committed to provide 15-20 volunteers this year on Friday, December 19 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.  The location is 6225 E. Kellogg Drive South (same location as last year).  Please  consider volunteering.  A sign-up sheet is in Fellowship Hall.  No heavy lifting required.

John Rutter’s “Gloria”–Sunday, December 7, 2014

Join us as the Chancel Choir and 12 guest instrumentalists present the thrilling musical composition, John Rutter’s “Gloria”. It will be presented at one service only, 10:30 AM. You may park in the Medical Service’s lot across the street and walk (carefully) across 29th if you so choose.

Not to be missed!

Announcements for Sunday, November 23, 2014




Barbara and Larry Widmer in celebration of their 45th Wedding Anniversary.


HUGE BOOK SALE! Fill a bag of books in Fellowship Hall for $1.00.


THE ANGEL TREE is up in Fellowship Hall with names of 6 families chosen by Communities in Schools. Make your gift selection from the many ornaments on the tree and return the gift (unwrapped)  back to UCC by Sunday, December 7. Information about the families are in today’s bulletin as an insert.

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to contribute to the Christmas floral display.  You may put your check of $13.00 in the offering plate but please note on the memo line “Christmas flowers” and let us know if your donation is in honor of or in memory of someone. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Monday, November 24, at 6:30 in the conference room


THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.





9:00 SUNDAY MORNING DISCUSSION GROUP is listening to a series of lectures by Dr. Bart Ehrman entitled “Lost Christianities of the 2nd and 3rd Centuries” Discussion of the lectures will follow. Meet in the conference room downstairs. All are welcome to attend.


HANGING OF THE GREENS is Sunday, November 30 at 5:00 p.m.  Bring a potluck dish to share and help dress up the church for the Christmas season.



JON ROMAIN’S one day only pottery sale will be Sunday, December 7, in Fellowship Hall after the church service.

CONGRATULATIONS TO GARY POORE on winning the beautiful doll house in the silent auction. A huge thank you goes to George Morrison who made and donated the doll house.  The proceeds of the auction go to the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry.

THE 2015 SANCTUARY FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.  Sign up early to get your preferred date.

THE ALL CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY is Sunday, December 7, at 5:30  Great food, music, singing, and a chance to wear your Christmas sweater. Meats and side items provided by the Deacons.  If your last name begins  with A-J, bring an appetizer, K-Z, bring a dessert if you wish.

JOHN RUTTER’S “GLORIA” will be presented by Michael Hanawalt, the UCC Chancel Choir and twelve instrumentalists, as part of our church service on Sunday, December 7. Bring a guest to this beautiful service, but get here early!

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE is at 7:00 p.m. on December 24.  A service for the whole family with  candles, Christmas Carols, readings and meditations.


Announcements for Sunday, November 16, 2014



THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE today are given by    Dianne and Bob Robinson in celebration their 12 healthy grandchildren.


THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration room.


THE BOARD OF DEACONS will meet downstairs beside the kitchen.


THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.


THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meetings will be at 11:45.





W.O.W. THE WEDNESDAY EVENING PROGRAM  final class is this Wednesday. 5:30  Dinner will available for a free will offering.

6:00 A class taught by Paul on John Dominic Crossan’s Justice and Peace will wrap up the series. The evening program ends at 6:50.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH  is Thursday, November 20, 11:30 at Lakeside Club, 21st and Webb Road, behind Walgreens.

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9:00 SUNDAY MORNING DISCUSSION GROUP is listening to a series of lectures by Dr. Bart Ehrman entitled “Lost Christianities of the 2nd and 3rd Centuries” Discussion of the lectures will follow. Meet in the conference room downstairs. All are welcome to attend.


HUGE BOOK SALE! Fill a bag of books in Fellowship Hall for $1.00!!!


THE ANGEL TREE will be up in Fellowship Hall with names of 6 families chosen by Communities in Schools. Make your gift selection from the many ornaments on the tree and return the gift (unwrapped)  back to UCC by Sunday, December 7. Information about the families will be in next Sunday’s bulletin.



IT IS POINSETTIA TIME! If you would like to contribute to the Christmas floral display, please send a check for $13.00 to the church by November 24 or put it in the offering plate today. Be sure to put Christmas flowers on the memo line and let us know if your donation is in honor of or in memory of someone.

HANGING OF THE GREENS is Sunday, November 30 at 5:00 p.m.  Bring a potluck dish to share and help dress up the church for the Christmas season.

THE ALL CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY is Sunday, December 7, at 5:30  Great food, music, singing, and a chance to wear your Christmas sweater. Meats and side items provided by the Deacons.  I f your last name begins  with A-J, bring an appetizer, K-Z, bring a dessert if you wish.

JOHN RUTTER’S “GLORIA” will be presented by Michael Hanawalt, the UCC Chancel Choir and thirteen musicians, as part of our church service on Sunday, December 7. Bring a guest to this beautiful service, but get here early!

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE is at 7:00 p.m. on December 24.  A service for the whole family with  candles, Christmas Carols, readings and meditations.


Announcements for Sunday, November 9, 2014



THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE today are given by Romy and Lavinia Gerould with gratitude to all our veterans.








W.O.W. THE WEDNESDAY EVENING PROGRAM continues each Wednesday through November 19 offering you additional opportunities for fellowship, worship, and education during the week.

5:30  Dinner will available for a free will offering.

6:00 A class taught by Robin on Crossan’s Justice and Peace Series.  A special music class will be taught by choir member Alyson Golloday (who is a Music Ed. Student at WSU) will be available for kids also at 6:00. The evening program ends at 7:00.


HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY WORKDAY is Thursday, November 13, 9-11 at 1611 N. Moseley. Come and help out if you can!


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9:00 SUNDAY MORNING DISCUSSION GROUP is listening to a series of lectures by Dr. Bart Ehrman entitled “Lost Christianities of the 2nd and 3rd Centuries” Discussion of the lectures will follow. Meet in the conference room downstairs. All are welcome to attend.





IT IS POINSETTIA TIME! If you would like to contribute to the Christmas floral display, please send a check for $13.00 to the church by November 24 or put it in the offering plate today. Be sure to put Christmas flowers on the memo line and let us know if your donation is in honor of or in memory of someone.


THERE ARE 80 ADORABLE LAYETTE BAGS in Fellowship Hall filled by the Guild Ladies to be given to local agencies who will make sure these bags are given to needy mother’s for their newborn babies.  The bags have diapers, baby wash, baby lotion, gowns, sleepers, hats, hand knitted sweaters (made by Vickie, our bookkeeper) and blankets made by the ladies of the church.  Great job ladies!



MEN’S GROUP LUNCH  is Thursday, November 20, 11:30 at Lakeside Club, 21st and Webb Road, behind Walgreens.

Announcements for Sunday, November 2, 2014




Barrett in honor of her son’s, Barrett Colson, birthday.







WELCOME WAGON BAZAAR, AUCTION AND LUNCH is Tuesday, November 4 and starts at 9:30, the auction is at 10:30, and the complimentary buffet is at noon.  All proceeds go to local charities. Everyone is invited.  Our own Pat Snyder is the chair of this fun and very worthy event.


W.O.W. THE WEDNESDAY EVENING PROGRAM continues each Wednesday through November 19 offering you additional opportunities for fellowship, worship, and education during the week.

5:30  Dinner will available for a free will offering.

6:00 A class taught by Robin on Crossan’s Justice and Peace Series.  A special music class will be taught by choir member Alyson Golloday (who is a Music Ed. Student at WSU) will be available for kids also at 6:00. The evening program ends at 7:00.


THE ALTERNATIVE MARKET is next Saturday, November 8 from 10:00-4:00 p.m. at Grace Presbyterian Church. (see insert).


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9:00 SUNDAY MORNING DISCUSSION GROUP is listening to a series of lectures by Dr. Bart Ehrman entitled “Lost Christianities of the 2nd and 3rd Centuries” Discussion of the lectures will follow. Meet in the conference room downstairs. All are welcome to attend.





IT IS POINSETTIA TIME! If you would like to contribute to the Christmas floral display, please send a check for $12.00 to the church by November 24 or put it in the offering plate today. Be sure to put Christmas flowers on the memo line and let us know if your donation is in honor of or in memory of someone.


THERE ARE 80 ADORABLE LAYETTE BAGS in Fellowship Hall filled by the Guild Ladies to be given to local agencies who will make sure these bags are given to needy mother’s for their newborn babies.  The bags have diapers, baby wash, baby lotion, gowns, sleepers, hats, hand knitted sweaters (made by Vickie, our bookkeeper) and blankets made by the ladies of the church.  Great job ladies!


HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY WORKDAY is Thursday, November 13, 9-11 at 1611 N. Moseley. Come and help out if you can!


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH  is Thursday, November 20, 11:30 at Lakeside Club, 21st and Webb Road, behind Walgreens.

Announcements for Sunday, October 26, 2014



THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE today are given by Mike and Leigh Aaron Leary  with thoughts on enjoyment of the season–the glorious weather, the changing leaves, pumpkin (pie, bread and jack o lanterns ) and those candy-seeking trick or treaters”
PLEASE PLAN TO STAY FOR THE CONGREGATIONAL MEETING in Fellowship Hall after the church service. Marla Flentje, chair of the Christian Life Advisory Committee (CLAC)  will tell us the latest from CLAC and the UCC Strategic Plan.

Moderator, Phil Rhea, will talk about Robin’s performance goals for the next year.

Coffee will be served as usual.





THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet on Monday, October 27 at 6:30 in the conference room.


W.O.W. THE WEDNESDAY EVENING PROGRAM continues each Wednesday through November 19 offering you additional opportunities for fellowship, worship, and education during the week.

5:30  Dinner will available for a free will offering.

6:00 A class taught by Robin on Crossan’s Justice and Peace Series.  A special music class will be taught by choir member Alyson Golloday (who is a Music Ed. Student at WSU) will be available for kids also at 6:00. The evening program ends at 7:00.


                                        13th Annual

Baby Shower

Sponsored by UCC Women’s Guild

Wednesday, October 29, 11:00 in Fellowship Hall


Join us for soup and sandwiches and fill layette bags for newborns in the Wichita area.


Please place contributions in the Shower Box in Fellowship Hall!

We need gowns, outfits, onesies, and toys (0-3 months).




DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS so turn your clocks back an hour next Saturday night before you go to bed.


THE DISCUSSION GROUP meets each Sunday morning at 9:00 in the downstairs conference room.  They are discussing “Lost Christianities of the 2nd and 3rd centuries” Everyone is welcome to join in.



invite you to their Annual Charity Auction, Bazaar, and Luncheon

Tuesday,  November 4, at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall with

a complimentary salad and dessert buffet at noon

Everyone is welcome to come, shop, and have fun.



UCC Christmas Party

Sunday, December 7, at 5:30 in Fellowship Hall (6 weeks from today)

Meat and side items provided by the Deacons

If your last name begins A-J bring an appetizer K-Z, bring a dessert if you wish.