Category: Uncategorized

Announcements for Sunday, June 8, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Anita Jones in memory of 54 wonderful years of marriage.


UCC POLO SHIRTS AND DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS will be on sale in Fellowship Hall after the church service. See next page.



ART CAMP STARTS MONDAY JUNE 9! If you have not signed up for a class you want to take, you can still make your choice in Fellowship Hall today after the service.


THE CLASS ON “ ZEALOT” will meet this Monday, June 8, at 6:30 in the conference room.  See info on the next page.

THE NEEDLEWORKERS will meet on Tuesday, June 10, at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Come join the group, bring your own project, or come and learn a type of needlework you’ve always wanted to try. Bring a sack lunch if you can stay a while.


YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.

LARKSFIELD CLASS ON “THE GREATEST PRAYER” will  meet on Wednesday, June 11 in the Club Room.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL IS FRIDAY, June 13, at 6:00. See info on the next page

MEETINGS THIS WEEK: The By-laws Committee meets on Tuesday, June 10, at 5:30,Stephan Ministers meet on Thursday, June 12, at 2:00 and the Personnel Committee Meeting is Thursday, June, 12 at 5:30.





THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.

THE DEACON’S will meet in the area off the downstairs kitchen.

THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the choir room.

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meetings start at 11:45.

A CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ will be held on Sunday, June 22 right after the church service in Fellowship Hall. The members of the Christian Life Advisory Committee want to share the some of the good information learned at a recent church growth seminar.  Marla Flentje referenced the material in the June/July newsletter insert. This is an important topic and we would appreciate your input.

UCC POLO SHIRTS, both men’s and women’s, will be on sale each Sunday in June in Fellowship Hall after the church service.  The men’s shirts are white and women’s are hibiscus (coral) and are $25.00 each.

XXL sizes are a few dollars more.  These comfortable shirts are perfect to wear when you are volunteering at the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry.


DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS can be ordered in Fellowship Hall next Sunday for an initial purchase of $5.00. Before your first purchase at Dillon’s, you load the card (cash, check, or credit card) at the service desk with any amount you wish up to $500. You then can use the Dillon’s card as a credit card when buying groceries or gas.  UCC will receive 5% of the total amount you spend which will go to the Head-to Toe Hygiene Pantry.



THE MEN’S GROUP LUNCH is Thursday, June 19, 11:30 at the Lakeside Club located at 21st and Webb behind the Walgreens.  If anyone has any suggestions for speakers, please call George Morrison or the church office. The signup sheet is in Fellowship hall.







WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.



 As you know we have some very talented people here at UCC. In the adult classes, several have signed up to share their talent with you by agreeing to teach photography, basic songwriting, knitting and crocheting for a cause, and painting techniques (techniques that Matisse and Seurat used that you can try). The camp dates are Monday, June 9, and Wednesday, June 11from 6:00-8:00 p.m. ending on Friday, June 13, 6:00-8:00 with a wrap up of the classes and all church Ice Cream Social.


There will also be children’s classes Monday and Wednesday (June 9 and 11) from 6:15-7:30 and those classes will include crafts for kids, knitting and crocheting for a cause.


There is a schedule of classes on a table in Fellowship Hall and a signup sheet. Please see Paul Jackson for any question about the camp or call the office.


THE ICE CREAM SOCIAL is Friday, June 13 at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall.  Bring your kids, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends to this fun event.  Hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, and side dishes and of course, ice cream and drinks will be provided.  Sign up in Fellowship Hall or call the office to sign up.



VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry Saturday, June 21 from 8:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.  Please sign up Fellowship Hall if you are able to help.




Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.” But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.’ Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”




“People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.”  Martin Luther King Jr.


“When elephants fight, the grass suffers.”  Author unknown


Words to the second anthem: Down by the Riverside


Gonna lay down my burden

Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
Gonna lay down my burden

Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside


Gonna lay down my sword and shield
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside

Gonna lay down my sword and shield
Down by the riverside
Ain’t gonna study war no more.


I ain’t gonna study war no more,
I ain’t gonna study war no more,
Study war no more.
I ain’t gonna study war no more,
I ain’t gonna study war no more,
Study war no more.


Gonna put on my long white robe;
Down By the riverside
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
Gonna put on my long white robe; Down by the riverside
Gonna study war no more.




Summer Arts Camp

Join your neighbors at UCC for some summer arts fun on      Monday, June 9 and Wednesday June 11.  There will be classes on knitting, photography, songwriting for adults and crafts for kids.  6:00 PM each night.ICE CREAM SOCIAL

Friday, June 13 at 6:00 PM

Join your neighbors at UCC for a fun filled evening with games for all ages and lots of ice cream.

Summer Arts Camp
University Congregational Church
9209 E. 29th Street NorthWichita, KS 67226

Near the corner of 29th and Webb

Phone: 316-634-0430E-mail:
Where Head and Heart are Equal Partners in Faith

Announcements for Sunday, June 1, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Diane and Bill Park in celebration of Bills return to Wichita following remission from Leukemia and his successful bone marrow transplant.  Our thanks to everyone for prayers, cards, and calls.  We love you all.


UCC POLO SHIRTS AND DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS will be on sale in Fellowship Hall after the church service. See next page.



YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


WG  WOMEN’S GUILD LUNCHEON is Wednesday, June 4, at 12:00 in Fellowship Hall. The Guild board members will provide the lunch (no charge) which will be various types of salads.  Our own Kathryn Langrehr will give the program on her experiences as a “biker chick” who loves riding her Harley Davidson motor cycle. Sign up in Fellowship Hall or the church office to make a reservation.


THE CLASS ON “ ZEALOT” will meet this Monday, June 2, at 6:30 in the conference room.


LARKSFIELD CLASS ON “THE GREATEST PRAYER” is will not meet this week.




UCC POLO SHIRTS, both men’s and women’s, will be on sale each Sunday in June in Fellowship Hall after the church service.  The men’s shirts are white and women’s are hibiscus (coral) and are $25.00 each.

XXL sizes are a few dollars more.  These comfortable shirts are perfect to wear when you are volunteering at the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry.


DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS can be ordered in Fellowship Hall next Sunday for an initial purchase of $5.00. Before your first purchase at Dillon’s, you load the card (cash, check, or credit card) at the service desk with any amount you wish up to $500. You then can use the Dillon’s card as a credit card when buying groceries or gas.  UCC will receive 5% of the total amount you spend which will go to the Head-to Toe Hygiene Pantry.


“ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” is now being taught by Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson at 6:30-8:00 p.m. Monday through June. This book by acclaimed author Reza Aslan “yields a fresh perspective on one of the greatest stories ever told even as it affirms the radical and transformative nature of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and mission.  A few copies of the best-selling book are available in the UCC Library to check out and will be available for $22.00 in the church office (the book is not out in paperback).  Not required reading but preferred. Join in on the class at any time.


“THE GREATEST PRAYER” CLASS will is being taught by Paul Jackson at Larksfield each Wednesday though June except for June 4. 10:00 a.m. in the Club Room. They will be using the book The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be using John Dominic Crossan’s book on The Lord’s Prayer to re-examine this most famous Christian prayer.






 As you know we have some very talented people here at UCC. In the adult classes, several have signed up to share their talent with you by agreeing to teach photography, basic songwriting, knitting and crocheting for a cause, and painting techniques (techniques that Matisse and Seurat used that you can try). The camp dates are Monday, June 9, and Wednesday, June 11from 6:00-8:00 p.m. ending on Friday, June 13, 6:00-8:00 with a wrap up of the classes and all church Ice Cream Social.


There will also be children’s classes Monday and Wednesday (June 9 and 11) from 6:15-7:30 and those classes will include crafts for kids, knitting and crocheting for a cause.


There is a schedule of classes on a table in Fellowship Hall and a signup sheet. Please see Paul Jackson for any question about the camp or call the office.














When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.



The church is Pentecost.

The Holy Spirit is poured out upon us

and sends us out together

aflame with new life,

inheritors of the wealth of God:

life abundant.

We are liberated from the prisons of pettiness,

jealousy, and greed,

liberated to be the church.


We are freed to free others.

We are affirmed to affirm others.

We are loved to love others.

We are family;

we are community.

We are the church triumphant –

you, me, anyone who would come unto the Lord –

renewed, redirected, empowered

to change things and lives

together in love and wholeness.

We are the Lord’s church,

the church of justice and mercy,

the people sent to open prisons,

to heal the sick

to clothe the naked

to feed the hungry

to reconcile

to be alleluias when there is no music.


The mantle is upon our shoulders.

Joy is apparent in our living.

We have been commissioned to be the church

of Jesus Christ.




Words to the first anthem: The All-Day Hymn by Jan Struther and John Helgen


Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy,

whose trust, ever childlike, no cares could destroy,

be there at our waking, and give us, we pray,

your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day.


Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith,

whose strong hands were skilled at the plane and the lathe,

be there at our labours, and give us, we pray,

your strength in our hearts, Lord, at the noon of the day.


Lord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace,

your hands swift to welcome, your arms to embrace,

be there at our homing, and give us, we pray,

your love in our hearts, Lord, at the eve of the day.


Lord of all gentleness, Lord of all calm,

whose voice is contentment, whose presence is balm,

be there at our sleeping, and give us, we pray,

your peace in our hearts, Lord, at the end of the day.








Words to the second anthem:

“Down To The River To Pray”


As I went down in the river to pray

Studying about that good ol’ way

And who shall wear the starry crown?

Good Lord show me the way!


O sisters let’s go down

Let’s go down, come on down

O sisters let’s go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studying about that good ol’ way

And who shall wear the robe & crown?

Good Lord show me the way


O brothers let’s go down

Let’s go down, come on down

Come on brothers, let’s go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studying about that good ol’ way

And who shall wear the starry crown?

Good Lord show me the way


O fathers let’s go down

Let’s go down, come on down

O fathers let’s go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studying about that good ol’ way

And who shall wear the robe and crown?

Good Lord show me the way


O mothers let’s go down

Come on down, don’t you wanna go down?

Come on mothers, let’s go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studying about that good ol’ way

And who shall wear the starry crown?

Good Lord show me the way


O sinners, let’s go down

Let’s go down, come on down

O sinners, let’s go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studying about that good ol’ way

And who shall wear the robe and crown?

Good Lord show me the way.





Announcements for Sunday, May 25, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west)

PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Susan Barrett to in honor of her daughter, Macy’s, recent graduation from KU.


THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed Monday for the Memorial Day Holiday.


THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Tuesday, May 27 at 6:00 in the conference room.


YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


THE CLASS ON “ ZEALOT will not meet this week because of the Memorial Day Holiday.


LARKSFIELD CLASS ON “THE GREATEST PRAYER” is Wednesday, May 28,at 10:00 in the Club Room.


UCC POLO SHIRTS AND DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARD  will be on sale in Fellowship Hall after the church service. See next page.


WGWOMEN’S GUILD LUNCHEON is Wednesday, June 4, at 12:00 in Fellowship Hall. The Guild board members will provide the lunch (no charge) which will be various types of salads.  Our own Kathryn Langrehr will give the program on her experiences as a “biker chick” who loves riding her Harley Davidson motor cycle. Sign up in Fellowship Hall or the church office to make a reservation.


UCC POLO SHIRTS, both men’s and women’s, will be on sale each Sunday in June in Fellowship Hall after the church service.  The men’s shirts are white and women’s are hibiscus (coral) and are $25.00 each.

XXL sizes are a few dollars more.  These comfortable shirts are perfect to wear when you are volunteering at the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry.


DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS can be ordered in Fellowship Hall next Sunday for an initial purchase of $5.00. Before your first purchase at Dillon’s, you load the card (cash, check, or credit card) at the service desk with any amount you wish up to $500. You then can use the Dillon’s card as a credit card when buying groceries or gas.  UCC will receive 5% of the total amount you spend which will go to the Head-to Toe Hygiene Pantry.


“ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” is now being taught by Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson at 6:30-8:00 p.m. Monday through June. This book by acclaimed author Reza Aslan “yields a fresh perspective on one of the greatest stories ever told even as it affirms the radical and transformative nature of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and mission.  A few copies of the best-selling book are available in the UCC Library to check out and will be available for $22.00 in the church office (the book is not out in paperback).  Not required reading but preferred. Join in on the class at any time.


“THE GREATEST PRAYER” CLASS will is being taught by Paul Jackson at Larksfield each Wednesday though June except for June 4. 10:00 a.m. in the Club Room. They will be using the book The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be using John Dominic Crossan’s book on The Lord’s Prayer to re-examine this most famous Christian prayer.


 As you know we have some very talented people here at UCC. In the adult classes, several have signed up to share their talent with you by agreeing to teach photography, basic songwriting, knitting and crocheting for a cause, and painting techniques

(techniques that Matisse and Seurat used that you can try). The camp dates are Monday, June 9, and Wednesday, June 11from 6:00-8:00 p.m. ending on Friday, June 13, 6:00-8:00 with a wrap up of the classes and all church Ice Cream Social.


There will also be children’s classes Monday and Wednesday (June 9 and 11) from 6:15-7:30 and those classes will include crafts for kids, knitting and crocheting for a cause.


There is a schedule of classes on a table in Fellowship Hall and a signup sheet. Please see Paul Jackson for any question about the camp or call the office.

*****MOVIE NIGHT is on hiatus but will be back in the Fall.*****

TRADITIONAL WORD:Exodus 39:1-3, 22-26

Of the blue, purple, and crimson yarns they made finely worked vestments, for ministering in the holy place; they made the sacred vestments for Aaron; as the Lord had commanded Moses. 2He made the ephod of gold, of blue, purple, and crimson yarns, and of fine twisted linen. 3Gold leaf was hammered out and cut into threads to work into the blue, purple, and crimson yarns and into the fine twisted linen, in skilled design. 22He also made the robe of the ephod woven all of blue yarn; 23and the opening of the robe in the middle of it was like the opening in a coat of mail, with a binding around the opening, so that it might not be torn. 24On the lower hem of the robe they made pomegranates of blue, purple, and crimson yarns, and of fine twisted linen. 25They also made bells of pure gold, and put the bells between the pomegranates on the lower hem of the robe all around, between the pomegranates; 26a bell and apomegranate, a bell and apomegranate all around on the lower hem of the robe for ministering; as the Lord had commanded Moses.

CONTEMPORARY WORD:  attributed to Corrie ten Boom

“My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I cannot choose the colors
He weaveth steadily.

Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.

The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned

Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly

Words to the first anthem: “Tenting Tonight”

Traditional Civil War camp song by Walter Kittridge


We’re tenting tonight on the old camp-ground

Give us a song to cheer

Our weary hearts, a song of home

And friends we love so dear.



Many are the hearts that are weary tonight

Wishing for the war to cease,

Many are the hearts looking for the right

To see the dawn of peace.

Tenting tonight, tenting tonight

Tenting on the old camp-ground.


We’ve been tenting tonight on the old camp-ground,

Thinking of days gone by

Of the loved ones at home that gave us the hand,

And the tear that said, “Good-by!”




We are tired of war on the old camp-ground;

Many are the dead and gone

Of the brave and true who’ve left their homes;

Others been wounded long.




We’ve been fighting today on the old camp-ground,

Many are lying near;

Some are dead, and some are dying,

Many are in tears.


Last Chorus

Many are the hearts that are weary tonight,

Wishing for the war to cease;

Many are the hearts looking for the light,

To see the dawn of peace.

Dying tonight, dying tonight,

Dying on the old camp-ground.


Second anthem:“Thou Shalt Know Him” by Mark Sirett                     

Thou shalt know him when he comes,

Not by any din of drums,

Nor his manners, nor his airs,

Nor by any thing he wears.


Thou shalt know him when he comes,

Not by a crown nor by a gown,

But his coming known shall be,

By the holy harmony

Which his coming makes in thee.

Thou shalt know him when he comes.





Announcements for Sunday, May 18, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Anita Jones in honor of Paul Jackson and all the wonderful contributions he brings to this church.


THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.

THE DEACON’S will meet in the area off the downstairs kitchen.

THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the choir room.

THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meetings start at 11:45.



YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


CLASS ON “ ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” taught by Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson tomorrow night, May 19 at

6:30-8:00 in Fellowship Hall. See more information on the next page.


LARKSFIELD CLASS ON “THE GREATEST PRAYER” is Wednesday, May 21,at 10:00 in the Club Room.

MEETINGS THIS WEEK: The By-laws Committee will meet Monday, May 19, at 5:30 the office meeting room. The Personnel Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 20, at 5:30 p.m. in the office. Christian Life Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, May 20, at 7:00 in the office meeting room.

COOK’ NIGHT OUT is Thursday, May 22, at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall.  $15.00 p.p. Make your reservation by signing up in Fellowship Hall or call the office. See insert.



WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west)

PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.


“ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” is now being taught by Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson at 6:30-8:00 p.m. each Monday through May and June (except no class on May 26, Memorial Day).  This book by acclaimed author Reza Aslan “yields a fresh perspective on one of the greatest stories ever told even as it affirms the radical and transformative nature of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and mission.  The result is a thought provoking, elegantly written biography with the pulse of a fast-paced novel: a singularly brilliant portrait of a man, a time, and the birth of a religion.” A few copies of the best-selling book are available in the UCC Library to check out and will be available for $22.00 in the church office (the book is not out in paperback).  Not required reading but preferred. Join in on the class at any time.


“THE GREATEST PRAYER” CLASS will is being taught by Paul Jackson at Larksfield this Wednesday, May 21, at 10:00 a.m. in the Club Room.  The class dates for the remaining weeks classes are May 21, and 28; June 11, 18, and 25. They will be using the book The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be using John Dominic Crossan’s book on The Lord’s Prayer to re-examine this most famous Christian prayer.


BOB SCOTT IS INVITING anyone in the congregation who cares to join the UCC Chancel Choir (especially the ladies) to please contact him if you are interested. His email is or see him after the service.





 As you know we have some very talented people here at UCC. In the adult classes, several  have signed up to share their talent with you by agreeing to teach photography, basic songwriting, watercolors painting, knitting and crocheting for a cause, and painting techniques

(techniques that Matisse and Seurat used that you can try). The camp dates are Monday, June 9, and Wednesday, June 11from 6:00-8:00 p.m. ending on Friday, June 13, 6:00-8:00 with a wrap up of the classes and all church Ice Cream Social.


There will also be children’s classes Monday and Wednesday (June 9 and 11) from 6:15-7:30 and those classes will include crafts for kids, knitting and crocheting for a cause, and watercolor painting.


There is a schedule of classes on a table in Fellowship Hall and a signup sheet. Please see Paul Jackson for any question about the camp or call the office.

*****MOVIE NIGHT is on hiatus but will be back in the Fall.*****

















Words to the first anthem: “Sing Me to Heaven”

Daniel E. Gawthrop (B. 1949) Text; Jane Griner


In my heart’s sequestered chambers lie truths stripped of poet’s gloss.

Words alone are vain and vacant, and my heart is mute.

In response to aching silence memory summons half-heard voices,

And my soul finds primal eloquence and wraps me in song.


If you would comfort me, sing me a lullaby.

If you would win my heart, sing me a love song.

If you would mourn me and bring me to God,

Sing me a requiem, Sing me to heaven.


Touch in me all love and passion, pain and pleasure,

Touch in me grief and comfort; love and passion, Pain and pleasure.


Sing me a lullaby, a love song, a requiem,

Love me, comfort me, bring me to God:

Sing me a love song, Sing me to heaven.



Second anthem: “Hear Me, Redeemer” by Henry Mollicone


Hear me, hear me, hear me Redeemer

Send down your love to cleanse my soul


Lord of lords, wash away my sinful ways

Show me the power, show me the power of your love

Lord of lords shine your light through all my days

Show me the power, show me the power of your love


Mighty God, take my hand and lead the way

Show me the power, show me the power of your love

Mighty God, let me praise you everyday

Show me the power, show me the power of your love


Traditional Word:            Song of Solomon 5:1

“I come to my garden, my sister, my bride;

I gather my myrrh with my spice,

I eat my honeycomb with my honey,

I drink my wine with my milk.

Eat, friend, drink,

And be drunk with love.”



Contemporary Word:  The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife text:


front (each line is identified separately)-

1 ] “not [to] me. My mother gave to me li[fe…”

2 ] The disciples said to Jesus, “.[

3 ] deny. Mary is worthy of it35

4 ]……” Jesus said to them, “My wife . .[ [

5 ]… she will be able to be my disciple . . [

6 ] Let wicked people swell up … [

7] As for me, I dwell with her in order to . [

8] an image


back –

1 ]my moth[er

2 ] three [

3 ] … [

4 ] forth which … [

5 ] (illegible ink traces)



Cook’s Night Out

This Thursday, May 22, 6:00

Fellowship Hall

Come see the sneak preview of the 2014 Summer Season of Music Theatre presented by our friend, the Director of Music Theatre, Wayne Bryan. The ladies of the Guild are cooking dinner so you know it will be delicious.

Dinner and Show for $15.00 p.p.

Sign up today!!!

Announcements for Sunday, May 11, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!




Happy Mother’s Day


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Cyndi Richter in honor of her beautiful mother, Pat Beal, and in memory of her wonderful dad, Bob Beal, on what would have been his 89th birthday.


BARBARA MCKEE will be in Fellowship Hall today with cards ($3.00) and coloring books for sale ($10.00). The proceeds help our Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry, the children of Honduras, and the Honduran women who made the cards. Information about Barbara and the good work she is doing is on the table in Fellowship Hall as well.




YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


CLASS ON “ ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” taught by Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson tomorrow night, May 12 at

6:30-8:00 in Fellowship Hall. See more information on the next page.


LARKSFIELD CLASS ON “THE GREATEST PRAYER” starts Wednesday, at 10:30 in the Club Room.

MEN’S GROUP LUNCHEON is Thursday, May 15, at 11:30 at the Lakeside Club located behind Walgreens at 21st and Webb. Sign up in Fellowship or call the office if you plan to go.


THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.

THE DEACON’S will meet in the area off the downstairs kitchen.

THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the choir room.

THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meetings start at 11:45.


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west)

PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.



A SERIES OF CLASSES ON “ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” Please join Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson to explore this best-selling book on Monday nights, 6:30-8:00 p.m. each Monday through May and June (except no class on May 26, Memorial Day) This book by acclaimed author Reza Aslan “yields a fresh perspective on one of the greatest stories ever told even as it affirms the radical and transformative nature of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and mission.  The result is a thought provoking, elegantly written biography with the pulse of a fast-paced novel: a singularly brilliant portrait of a man, a time, and the birth of a religion.” A few copies of the best-selling book are available in the UCC Library to check out and will be available for $22.00 in the church office (the book is not out in paperback).  Not required reading but preferred.



“THE GREATEST PRAYER” CLASS will be taught by Paul Jackson at Larksfield starting Wednesday, May 14, at 10:30 a.m. in the Club Room.   The class dates for the six weeks class are May 14, 21, and 28; June 11, 18, and 25. You are welcome to join the class if you missed it last Fall. They will be using the book The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be using John Dominic Crossan’s book on The Lord’s Prayer to re-examine this most famous Christian prayer.





THE NEEDLEWORKER GROUP meets this coming Tuesday morning May 13, at 10:00 in Fellowship Hall.  Bring your own project to work with the group or learn to knit, crochet or any other type of needlework you’ve always wanted to try.  If you can stay a while, bring a sack lunch.


MEETINGS COMING UP:  The By-laws Committee will meet May 19 at 5:30 the office meeting room. The Personnel Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the office meeting room. Christian Life Advisory Committee will meet at 7:00 in the office meeting room.


BOB SCOTT IS INVITING anyone in the congregation who cares to join the UCC Chancel Choir (especially the ladies) to please contact him if you are interested. His email is or see him after the service.


UCC ARTS CAMP IS PLANNED STARTING JUNE 9 so if you have hobby that you enjoy and would like to teach others, please see Paul for more details. The UCC Arts Camp is 6:00-8:00 p.m. Monday June 9, Wednesday June 11, and Friday June13 with the Ice Cream Social to follow that evening.  Sign up on the PIC board so we can incorporate your class into our curriculum.  See Paul for more details.

COOK’ NIGHT OUT is Thursday, May 22, at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall. This is a special night that our friend, Wayne Bryan, brings a preview of the 2014 Summer Music Theatre shows to UCC. Bring your friends to this fun evening. The Guild ladies are cooking!  $15.00 p.p. Make your reservation by signing up in Fellowship Hall or call the office.

*****MOVIE NIGHT is on hiatus but will be back in the Fall.*****



Words to the first anthem: “The Road Not Taken” By Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;


Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,


And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.


I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.


Traditional WordJohn 13: 34-35


Jesus said: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for on another.”  


Second anthem: “Choose Something Like a Star”

O Star (the fairest one in sight),

We grant your loftiness the right

To some obscurity of cloud-

It will not do to say of night,

Since dark is what brings out your light.

Some mystery becomes the proud.

But to the wholly taciturn

In your reserve is not allowed.

Say something to us we can learn

By heart and when alone repeat.

Say something! And it says, ‘I burn.’

But say with what degree of heat.

Talk Fahrenheit, talk Centigrade.

Use Language we can comprehend.

Tell us what elements you blend.

It gives us strangely little aid,

But does tell something in the end

And steadfast as Keats’ Eremite,

Not even stooping from its sphere,

It asks a little of us here.

It asks of us a certain height,

So when at times the mob is swayed

To carry praise or blame too far,

We may choose something like a star

To stay our minds on and be staid.



Contemporary Word:   “Every mother has the breathtaking privilege of sharing with God in the creation of new life.  She helps bring into existence a soul that will endure for all eternity.”  James Keller



is an extraordinary woman who has been working for the past 14 years with a  mission to get books into the hands of children who live in the very poor country of Honduras. She also has helped four Honduran women who were raised by nuns who prepared them to go out in the world and make a living by teaching them skills, one of which is making greeting cards. Barbara will have these beautiful greeting cards for sale next Sunday in Fellowship Hall for $3.00 each.  Many of you have bought these cards in the past.


Also, she will have a coloring book for sale called Princess Ana and B which she wrote for the young Honduran children who have no knowledge of what it takes to be a princess and wear a crown of diamonds and dresses make of silk and lace.  What does the word “castle” mean?  Most of the children live in houses make of sticks and mud or adobe bricks.  They often attend schools with no books or electricity.  Spanish reading books are expensive so Barbara and her friends make their own.  Thanks to Barbara Mallonee the illustrations for Princess Ana and B are marvelous.  Barbara is 87 years old, almost blind, and uses a magnifying glass to help her draw.


Barbara McKee and her team are selling these bilingual coloring books for a $10.00 donation of which $2.00 will go to the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry, $6.00 goes to the new literacy program started by Central American Medical Outreach (CAMO), and the other two dollars pays for printing.


Thanks to the generosity of many people in the past 14 years 6,300 Spanish reading books, and 7,400 coloring books have been sent to Honduras. Barbara has had her hands on every one of these books. Barbara is extraordinary for not only these projects, but because she is true to her mission and will not take the credit she so deserves.










Announcements for Sunday, May 4, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Brenda Leeskov in honor of her mother, Betty Brenner’s 95th birthday which will be May 10.




YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


CLASS ON “ ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” taught by Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson starts tomorrow night, May 5 at

6:30-8:00 in Fellowship Hall. See more information on the next page.


MAKE YOUR RESERVATION TODAY FOR THE MOTHER’S AND OTHER’S BRUNCH which is next Saturday, May 10, at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Bring a friend, daughter, granddaughter, family member, or just come and enjoy the Fellowship.  Dr. Erin McGonigle, Robin’s daughter will be the speaker.  Erin is a physician in Kansas City and happens to be Robin’s daughter. Sign up today in Fellowship Hall or call the office by Wednesday to make your reservation.




It’s Mother’s Day!

STARTS MONDAY!   A SERIES OF CLASSES ON “ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” Please join Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson to explore this best-selling book on Monday nights, 6:30-8:00 p.m. starting May 5 and each Monday through May (except no class on May 26, Memorial Day) and also each Monday in June in the downstairs conference room.  This book by acclaimed author Reza Aslan “yields a fresh perspective on one of the greatest stories ever told even as it affirms the radical and transformative nature of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and mission.  The result is a thought provoking, elegantly written biography with the pulse of a fast-paced novel: a singularly brilliant portrait of a man, a time, and the birth of a religion.” A few copies of the best-selling book are available in the UCC Library to check out and will be available for $22.00 in the church office. (the book is not out in paperback).  Not required reading but preferred.



THE GREATEST PRAYER” CLASS will be taught by Paul Jackson at Larksfield starting Wednesday, May 14, at 10:30 a.m. in the Club Room.   The class dates for the six weeks class are May 14, 21, and 28; June 11, 18, and 25. You are welcome to join the class if you missed it last Fall. They will be using the book The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be using John Dominic Crossan’s book on The Lord’s Prayer to re-examine this most famous Christian prayer.


BOB SCOTT IS INVITING anyone in the congregation who cares to join the UCC Chancel Choir (especially the ladies) to please contact him if you are interested. His email is or see him after the service.


UCC ARTS CAMP IS PLANNED FOR JUNE so if you have hobby that you enjoy and would like to teach others, please see Paul for more details. The UCC Arts Camp is 6:00-8:00 p.m. Monday June 9, Wednesday June 11, and Friday June13 with the Ice Cream Social to follow that evening.  Sign up on the PIC board so we can incorporate your class into our curriculum.  See Paul for more details.

PLEASE SEE THE INSERT TODAY ON BARBARA MCKEE and the good work she is doing in Honduras. Note cards and coloring books will be on sale next Sunday in Fellowship Hall.  The coloring book is on display today along with some pictures of the children in Honduras. You will notice in the front of the coloring book that “Special Help” was given by Gail Pilgrim who did the proof reading.

COOK’ NIGHT OUT is Thursday, May 22, at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall. This is a special night that our friend, Wayne Bryan, brings a preview of the 2014 Summer Music Theatre shows to UCC. Bring your friends to this fun evening. The Guild ladies are cooking!  $15.00 p.p. Make your reservation by signing up in Fellowship Hall or call the office.

MEN’S GROUP LUNCHEON is Thursday, May 15, at 11:30 at the Lakeside Club located behind Walgreens at 21st and Webb. Sign up in Fellowship or call the office if you plan to go.

PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TAKE A LILY OR TWO OR MORE home with you today. They can be planted in your garden! Pick them up in Fellowship Hall.










Words to the first anthem “Saints Bound for Heaven”

Our bondage it shall end by and by, by and by

From Egypt’s yoke set free, hail the glorious jubilee, and to Canaan we’ll return by and by, by and by

and to Canaan we’ll return by and by.


Our deliv’rer he shall come by and by and by our deliv’rer he shall come by and by.

And our sorrows have an end with our three-score years and ten, and vast glory crown the day by and by, and vast glory crown the day by and by.


And when to Jordan’s floods we are come, we are come, and

Jordan’s floods we are come, Jehovah rules the tide and the waters he’ll divide and the ransom’d host shall shout “We are come.” And the ransom’s host shall shout “We are come”


Then with all the happy throng we’ll rejoice, we’ll rejoice, then with all the happy throng-we’ll rejoice.  Shouting glory to our King, till the vaults of heaven ring, and thro’ all eternity-we’ll rejoice, we’ll rejoice, and thro’ all eternity we’ll rejoice.


Shouting glory to our King, till the vaults of heaven ring, and thro’ all eternity-we’ll rejoice, we’ll rejoice, we’ll rejoice and thro’ all eternity, we’ll rejoice, we’ll rejoice, we’ll rejoice, we’ll rejoice.



Second anthem “Ev’ry Time I feel the Spirit”


Every time I feel the spirit, moving in my heart I will pray; Yes, every time I feel the spirit, moving in my heart I will pray.


Upon the mountain my Lord spoke, out of His mouth came fire and smoke; Looked all around me, it looked so fine, till I asked by Lord if all was mine.


Jordan River is chil-ly an’ cold, it chills the body, but not the soul; There ain’t but one train up-on this track, it runs to heav-en an’ right back.

Traditional Word:                                    Psalm 131

O Lord, my heart is not lifted up,

my eyes are not raised too high;

I do not occupy myself with things

too great and too marvelous for me.


But I have calmed and quieted my soul,

like a weaned child with its mother;

My soul is like the weaned child

that is with me.


People of God, hope in the Lord

from this time on and forevermore.

Contemporary Word:  

“The moment God is figured out with nice neat lines and definitions, we are no longer dealing with God. We are dealing with somebody we made up.”   Rob Bell


is an extraordinary woman who has been working for the past 14 years with a  mission to get books into the hands of children who live in the very poor country of Honduras. She also has helped four Honduran women who were raised by nuns who prepared them to go out in the world and make a living by teaching them skills, one of which is making greeting cards. Barbara will have these beautiful greeting cards for sale next Sunday in Fellowship Hall for $3.00 each.  Many of you have bought these cards in the past.


Also, she will have a coloring book for sale called Princess Ana and B which she wrote for the young Honduran children who have no knowledge of what it takes to be a princess and wear a crown of diamonds and dresses make of silk and lace.  What does the word “castle” mean?  Most of the children live in houses make of sticks and mud or adobe bricks.  They often attend schools with no books or electricity.  Spanish reading books are expensive so Barbara and her friends make their own.  Thanks to Barbara Mallonee the illustrations for Princess Ana and B are marvelous.  Barbara is 87 years old, almost blind, and uses a magnifying glass to help her draw.


Barbara McKee and her team are selling these bilingual coloring books for a $10.00 donation of which $2.00 will go to the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry, $6.00 goes to the new literacy program started by Central American Medical Outreach (CAMO), and the other two dollars pays for printing.


Thanks to the generosity of many people in the past 14 years 6,300 Spanish reading books, and 7,400 coloring books have been sent to Honduras. Barbara has had her hands on every one of these books. Barbara is extraordinary for not only these projects, but because she is true to her mission and will not take the credit she so deserves.










Announcements for Sunday, April 27, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room at 11:45.


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room at 11:45.




THE CHURCH COUNCIL will NOT meet on April 28 as previously scheduled. Council will next meet on Tuesday, May 27.


YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


IT’S TIME TO SEW this Thursday, May 1, at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Please come and help make jackets and blankets for Honduras babies. Bring your sewing machine and a sack lunch if you can stay a while. There are plenty of jobs if you do not sew so please come and help.


TRIP TO NELL HILL’S is this Friday, May 2. Please see write up on the next page.  2 spots left!



A SERIES OF CLASSES ON “ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” Please join Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson to explore this best-selling book on Monday nights, 6:30-8:00 p.m. starting May 5 and each Monday through May (except no class on May 26, Memorial Day)and also each Monday in June in the downstairs conference room.  This book by acclaimed author Reza Aslan “yields a fresh perspective on one of the greatest stories ever told even as it affirms the radical and transformative nature of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and mission.  The result is a thought provoking, elegantly written biography with the pulse of a fast-paced novel: a singularly brilliant portrait of a man, a time, and the birth of a religion.” A few copies of the best-selling book are available in the UCC Library to check out and will be available for $22.00 in the church office. (the book is not out in paperback).  Not required reading but preferred.



THE GREATEST PRAYER” CLASS will be taught by Paul Jackson at Larksfield starting Wednesday, May 14, at 10:30 a.m. in the Club Room.   The class dates for the six weeks class are May 14, 21, and 28; June 11, 18, and 25. You are welcome to join the class if you missed it last Fall.They will be using the book The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be using John Dominic Crossan’s book on The Lord’s Prayer to re-examine this most famous Christian prayer.


BOB SCOTT IS INVITING anyone in the congregation who cares to join the UCC Chancel Choir (especially the ladies) to please contact him if you are interested. His email is or see him after the service.


ARE YOU ARTSY OR CRAFTSY?  Do you have a hobby that you’ve wanted to teach to others?  The UCC Arts Camp is 6:00-8:00 p.m. Monday June 9, Wednesday June 11, and Friday June13 and is a perfect way to share your hobby or talent.  Sign up on the PIC board so we can incorporate your class into our curriculum.  See Paul for more details.




The trip has changed to Friday, May 2, and is leaving at 7:45 a.m. We will meet at the church, hop in the van, and head north to Nell Hill’s in Atchinson, KS to shop till you drop. Nell Hill ( is a house décor store with great prices. Muffins will be provided on the van. Plan to have lunch in Atchinson and be back in Wichita late afternoon. Hopefully the van is big enough for all the purchases. Two slots open @ $25.00 p.p (to pay for the gas/van.). Sign up in Fellowship Hall



WG UCC’s Women’s Guild

invites you to a

Mother’s and Other’s Brunch


Saturday, May 10, 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship Hall

$7.00 p.p.


Dr. Erin McGonigle will be the speaker


Please sign up in Fellowship Hall







Traditional Word : 2 Corinthians 4:16


So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.


Contemporary Word:


Write it on your heart

that every day is the best day in the year.

He is rich who owns the day,

and no one owns the day

who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.

Finish every day and be done with it.

You have done what you could.

Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt, crept in.

Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a

new day;

begin it well and serenely,

with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

This new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations,

to waste a moment on the yesterdays…

~Ralph Waldo Emerson








Words to the second anthem:  Homeward Bound.


In the quiet misty morning when the moon has gone to bed,

when the sparrows stop their  singing and the sky is clear and red.

When the summer’s ceased its gleaming , when the corn is past its prime

when adventure’s lost its meaning, I’ll be homeward bound in time.

Bind me  not to the pasture, chain me not to the plow

set me free to find my calling and I’ll return to you somehow.


If you find it’s me you’re missing, if you’re hoping I’ll return,

to your thoughts I’ll soon be list’ning in the road I’ll stop[ and turn.

Then the wind will set me racing as my journey nears its end

and the path I’ll be retracing  when I’m homeward bound again.

Bind me not to the pasture:chain me not to the plow,

set me free to find my calling and I’ll return to you somehow.

















Announcements for Easter Sunday, April 20, 2104




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!






WE WELCOME LAURIE MERCER as our new member this morning. Her profile is in the bulletin today. Please be sure to say hello to Laurie in Fellowship Hall after the church service.


THE EASTER EGG HUNT is right after the church service.  Parents and grandparents please take the children to Fellowship Hall before the hunt. The eggs will be hidden in the courtyard for all ages.  Note:  some candy does contain peanuts or peanut butter.




YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


IT’S TIME TO SEW on Thursday, April 24 and Thursday, May 1, at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Please come and help make jackets and blankets for Honduras babies. Bring your sewing machine and a sack lunch if you can stay a while. There are plenty of jobs if you do not sew so please come and help.


FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT is Friday, April 25, at 6:00 in the downstairs Movie Room. The movie will be the new “Sound of Music”. Pizza, popcorn and pop will be served.  Everyone welcome!




THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room at 11:45.


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room at 11:45.


THE CHURCH COUNCIL will NOT meet on April 28 as previously scheduled. Council will next meet on Tuesday, May 27.

WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.


BOB SCOTT IS INVITING anyone in the congregation who cares to join the UCC Chancel Choir (especially the ladies) to please contact him if you are interested. His email is or see him after the service.



A SERIES OF CLASSES ON “ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” Please join Rev. Dr. Keith Williamson to explore this best-selling book on Monday nights, 6:30-8:00 p.m. starting May 5 and each Monday through May (except no class on May 26, Memorial Day)and also each Monday in June in the downstairs conference room.  This book by acclaimed author Reza Aslan “yields a fresh perspective on one of the greatest stories ever told even as it affirms the radical and transformative nature of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and mission.  The result is a thought provoking, elegantly written biography with the pulse of a fast-paced novel: a singularly brilliant portrait of a man, a time, and the birth of a religion.” A few copies of the best-selling book are available in the UCC Library to check out and will be available for $22.00 in the church office. (the book is not out in paperback).  Not required reading but preferred.


ARE YOU ARTSY OR CRAFTSY?  Do you have a hobby that you’ve wanted to teach to others?  The UCC Arts Camp is 6:00-8:00 p.m. Monday June 9, Wednesday June 11, and Friday June13 and is a perfect way to share your hobby or talent.  Sign up on the PIC board so we can incorporate your class into our curriculum.  See Paul for more details.





The trip has changed to Friday, May 2, and is leaving at 7:45 a.m. We will meet at the church, hop in the van, and head north to Nell Hill’s in Atchinson, KS to shop till you drop. Nell Hill ( is a house décor store with great prices. Muffins will be provided on the van. Plan to have lunch in Atchinson and be back in Wichita late afternoon. Hopefully the van is big enough for all the purchases. Two slots open @ $25.00 p.p (to pay for the gas/van.). Sign up in Fellowship Hall



WG UCC’s Women’s Guild

invites you to a

Mother’s and Other’s Brunch


Saturday, May 10, 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship Hall


Dr. Erin McGonigle will be the speaker

Please sign up in Fellowship Hall








Traditional Word :   John 20: 1-29

Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, and said to them, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.” Then Peter and the other disciple set out and went toward the tomb. The two were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent down to look in and saw the linen wrappings lying there, but he did not go in. Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb. He saw the linen wrappings lying there, and the cloth that had been on Jesus’ head, not lying with the linen wrappings but rolled up in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed; for as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead. Then the disciples returned to their homes.

But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, “Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”; and she told them that he had said these things to her.

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”

A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”

Contemporary Word: 

The raising up of Jesus implies a story – the death of the martyr, God’s vindication of the martyr, the ultimate vindication of God’s justice. **[But it is not so much Jesus physical body raised as it is the community, the body of Christ, who thought itself crushed and dead that has been raised]

The final coordinate indicates that the raising up is ultimately about God [not Jesus]. God’s justice is at stake, God’s creation is at risk, God’s action is celebrated.
Thus… the trouble with resurrection is that we have literalized, narrowed, and constricted it, turned it into a creedal belief, and in the process forfeited its great claim to hope.

**[Resurrection always happens in community … i.e. in a room of frightened disciples, walking down a road, gathered around a table breaking bread, on a beach sharing fish, etc.]        Bernard Brandon Scott’s “The Trouble with Resurrection, From Paul to the Fourth Gospel”



Mike and Leigh Aaron Leary in memory of our children David and Tiffany

Sue and Larry Anderson

Mert and Connie Buckley in honor of our parents

Linda Burnside

Jay and Phyllis Decker

Jan Deering in loving memory of Bert Deering

Brian and Brooke Finan in loving memory of our grandparents

Chuck and Jenny Fry in honor of Jack and Gail Stark

Kathryn Langrehr

Dean Mason in honor of Corlie Mason

Trudy Matthews in memory of my sister Shirley Thornhill

Lillian Mayer in memory of  Hugo Mayer, Jr.

Anna Mills in appreciation for my family

Kelly and Will Momsen in memory of our parents Bill and Helen Momsen and Chet and Laurel Anderson

George and Maxine Morrison in memory of Bert Deering

Gary and Karen Nye in memory of Margene Nye

Ginger Phillips in memory of Devan Krausch

Jim and Beverly Rhatigan

Charlie and Gloria Russell in loving memory of our parents

Fred and Virginia Soper

Sabrina Standifer in memory of my grandmother, Louise Landers, and aunt, Judy Andrews

Waugh, Sheila and Dennis

Mary Williams and Carl Bruce Williams


Laurie Mercer


Laurie was born in Wichita, has always lived here, and loves it here! There is nowhere else she would rather live. Her undergraduate degree is from WSU in elementary education. She has a Master’s degree from Emporia State in Instructional Design and Technology. She has been teaching for 19 years all in the Wichita Public Schools: elementary for 13 years, middle school technology for 4.5 and now works downtown as a technology instructional facilitator. Basically she teaches teachers how to use their technology and how to integrate it in their classrooms. She loves what she does but really misses working with kids.


Laurie has won a Distinguished Classroom Teacher award from USD 259 and the award for Region 4 of the state which led to place on the 2006 Kansas Teacher of the Year Team. This allowed her the great experience to travel the state and see other schools and meet with other educators.


Because Laurie is adventurous and enjoys trying new things she has a wide range of interests and activities. She likes to take road trips finding interesting places off the beaten path. Since she loves the state of Kansas and its beauty and quirkiness, she often takes her dogs (an Australian Shepherd named Google and a sheltie named Daisy) for  hikes in the Flint Hills or at one of the lakes. She loves science, technology, the skies, and all things in nature—which means if at all possible, you will find her outside, no matter what the weather.


Laurie competes in agility (obstacle courses) with her dogs and is a 4 time agility champion with her sheltie Cosmo, who she lost last fall.  She loves to herd sheep, cattle and ducks with Google, which is what Google, being a shepherd is bred to do.


Sports are big part of Laurie’s life both watching and playing, especially tennis. She was high school state champion while at Collegiate and now competes on a few adult teams. After taking Ted Blankenship’s class her latest hobby is photography which she does on her Kansas ventures and lately on the UCC Holy Land trip.  She also has learned about sound from Tim Duncan and you will see Laurie at the sound board or on the video camera on Sunday mornings.


Long time member, Don Luellen, is Laurie’s uncle.  We welcome you Laurie, to our UCC church family!!!!































Words to the music and the readings


I. The Proclamation

Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace to men of good will.


Reading from the Hindu Bhagavadgita

(The Song of the Divine)

I am the Self, O Arjuna, dwelling in the hearts of all beings.  I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings.

I am the glory of Brahman, the immortal and immutable, of Eternal Dharma, and of Absolute Bliss.


II. The Prayer

We praise you.

We bless you.

We adore you.

We glorify you.

We give thanks to you for your great glory.


Reading from the Buddhist Diamond Sutra

Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in

a stream;

Like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud,

Or a flickering lamp, and illusion, a phantom,

or a dream.

So is all conditioned existence to be seen.


III. The Psalm

O praise God in his holiness.

Praise him in the firmament of his power.


Praise him for his noble acts.

Praise him according to his excellent greatness.


Praise him in the sound of the trumpet.

Praise him with the psaltery and harp.

Praise him with the timbrel and dance.

Praise him upon the strings and pipe.


Praise him upon the well-tuned cymbals.

Praise him upon the loud cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the



Reading from the Taoist Tao Te Ching

(The Classic of the Way and Virtue)


The Way that words can tell is not the eternal Way.

The name that words can name is not the

eternal name.

The nameless is the source of heaven and earth.

The named is the mother of myriad forms.


Free from desire: behold the unknowable.

Filled with desire: behold the visible.


Being and non-being springing from the source,

and differing only in their name:

this is the deepest mystery,

the darkness of the dark,

this is the gateway opening to the All.

IV. The Song: I’ll Make Music, soloist Emily Moore

Lord and Master, I’ll sing a song to you,

On the ten-string lyre I’ll make music.

Lord and Master, let your thoughts fall like


and just like showers on new grass.


We’ll play for you with harps and trumpets,

we’ll sing some psalms in praise of you,

we’ll play for you with flutes and cymbals,

we’ll sing some psalms in praise of you.


Lord and Master, I’ll sing a song to you,

On the ten-string lyre, I’ll sing praises to you.

Lord and Master, let your words descend like


and just like droplets on tender leaves.


We’ll play for you with harps and trumpets,

we’ll sing some psalms in praise of you,

we’ll play for you with flutes and cymbals,

we’ll sing some psalms in praise of you.


I’ll make music, I shall make new music,

I shall make music for you.


Reading from the Qur’an

(The Opening)


In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds,

The Beneficent, the Merciful.

Master of the Day of Judgment

Thee we worship, and Thy help we seek.


V. The Exaltation

Lord God, heavenly King,

God, the almighty Father.

Lord only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

Lord God, Lamb of God, son of the Father.

You who takes away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us.

You who takes away the sins of the world,

hear our prayer.

You who sits at the right hand of the Father,

have mercy on us.

For you alone are holy, you alone are the

Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus

Christ, with the Holy spirit in the glory of

God the Father, Amen.