Walk to Defeat ALS
Join the JayWalkers and walk with UCC member Jay Decker in the Walk to Defeat ALS on Saturday, September 23rd. The event is a fundraiser and a show of support for Jay and members of our community who suffer the consequences of this devastating disease. the JayWalker Team walks in honor of Jay who is dealing with ALS with courage and his usual sense of humor. While he wakes up each day and fights, he also has asked that when you stop to talk to him at church you have your initials on your shoes so that he knows who he’s talking to.
As a member of the JayWalkers, you are standing next to Jay and all those afflicted by this awful disease and saying you will do your best to help defeat ALS and rid it from the world! Remember that you can be a “virtual” JayWalker as well as have “sneakers on the ground” on September 23rd.
Spread the work…..Donate what you can…..Join the JayWalkers.
To join the JayWalkers, go to walktodefeatals.org
Together we can rid the world of this devastating disease.
Just a reminder:
ALS is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. At this moment, there is no known cure. But, the past two years have brought incredible advancements in ALS research. These advancements will lead to a cure with help from all of us.
Your support does make a difference.