Announcements for Sunday, March 1, 2015
We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service. Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.
THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Anna Mills with thanks for University Congregational Church. THIS WEEK
WOW CLASS continues Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. Based on the book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?” Books are available and can be purchased for $12. A light dinner will be available for a free will offering. Come join us for a class even if you can’t make it to all of them. GENEALOGY CLASS begins Monday, March 2, at 1:00pm, in the basement conference room. Phil Rhea will lead the class and share his knowledge and personal experience in genealogy. The class is open to anyone with an interest. The class will meet four times: 3/2, 3/16, 4/6, and 4/20.
FOOD DRIVE in partnership with the Premedical Student Association at WSU as a tribute to the young people who were fatally shot in Chapel Hill, NC recently. These premed students volunteer regularly at the Pantry and we would like to support their efforts with this food drive. Please bring food items to Fellowship Hall. Most needed items include: canned chicken or tuna, juice, peanut butter, bagged rice, pasta, soup, and dry cereal.
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT March 13, at UCC in the Fellowship Hall. More details coming soon. Watch the bulletin for specific information regarding time and movie selection. COOKS NIGHT OUT is Thursday, March 26, at 6:00pm. The speaker will be