After much thought and deliberation, it has been decided that beginning on Sunday, July 5th we will slowly begin to reopen UCC.   Before heading this way, however, there are some things one must keep in mind.

•        Due to the COVID situation, seating will be limited.  Therefore, if you plan to attend a Sunday service, making a reservation is essential. Please contact Heidi to reserve a seat. She can be contacted at either or 634-0430.

•        Everyone must wear a mask. A limited supply will be available at the door, however we encourage you to bring your own.

•        Please wait for the ushers to seat you; be patient as they disperse congregants after the service in an orderly fashion. Fellowship time will be held in the courtyard.  For the time being, there will be no coffee or goodies served.

•        Hand sanitizer will be available.

While we look forward to seeing you on Sundays, it is up to each individual to be sure that he/she feels safe.  Please attend only if you feel comfortable doing so. We will continue to live-stream our worship services as we take these small steps to reopen.

So, if you feel you are ready to return to church, you may do so on Sunday, July 5 at 10:30. Please call the office to place a reservation and remember to bring your masks!