Announcements for Sunday, January 4, 2015





SABRINA STANDIFER’S profile is in the bulletin. Sabrina joined UCC on December 21 and you will enjoy reading about her life.






9:00 SUNDAY MORNING DISCUSSION GROUP meets  in the conference room downstairs each Sunday. A wide variety of topics are discussed and everyone is welcome to attend.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the Annual Meeting of University Congregational Church, Wichita, KS as provided for in the church’s bylaws.  The meeting will be held on Sunday, January 11, 2015 in the sanctuary immediately following the church service.  The agenda items are as follows:


Election of church officers and board members as listed below;

Moderator-Elect Linda Burnside Church Clerk Dane Hurt Council Members at Large Dean Mason, JoAnn Pottorff,  Becky Tucker Board of Deacons Leigh Aaron Leary, Barbara McKee, Galen Minks, Mark Stoskopf, and Pat Snyder  Christian Education Board Anna Duxler , Brian Finan, and Laurie Mercer,  Outreach Board Kim Carraway, Beth Clarkson, Emily Hurt, Rod Phares, Sabrina Standifer Music Board  Ted Blankenship, Elaine Christie, Sherry Duperier , Tim Duncan, Marilyn Killian,  Diane Leisy, and Ted Mason Board of Trustees Jerry Harney, Diane Park, Frank Solomon, Doug Walker, and Larry Widmer.


Such other business as is appropriate.

Copies of the Slate of Officers and 2014 Annual Report will be distributed prior to the meeting.  You may also request copies from the church office._______

THE 2015 SANCTUARY FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.  Sign up early to get your preferred date.

A GRIEF GROUP lead by Robin will start Monday, January 12 at 2:00 and everyone is invited to come.  The group will meet every other Monday in the Parlor. Please contact Cyndi in the church office if you are interested.

THE MEN’S GROUP LUNCH will be 11:30 Thursday, January 15, at Lakeside Club located at 21st and Webb Road behind Walgreens.

THE HYGIENE PANTRY WORKDAY is Thursday, January 15 from 9-11 at 1611 N. Mosely. The Pantry will then be open on Saturday, January 17 also from 9-11.

THE ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET results are in from the November Market and are posted on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. You will be impressed with the variety of organizations that were helped out this year including our own Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry.

PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TAKE ONE OR SEVERAL POINSETTIAS HOME WITH YOU TODAY! The church will be undecorated this afternoon so take one if you would like to.

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