Announcements for Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sermon title: “Shining a New Light: God in Absence”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for
beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.

THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by J. C. and Karen Combs in memory of their son Chris’s birthday on January 4.

CONTRIBUTION FOR CHACARASECA AND COMMISSIONING – Today there will be a onetime collection taken to purchase supplies needed to build a latrine for a family in Chacaraseca. A group of UCC members that are traveling to Chacraseca in January with Paul and will be installing the latrine as one of the projects they will be completing while there. Look for baskets outside the sanctuary and a basket in Fellowship Hall. During January, the coin collection each Sunday will go to support our members’ mission in Chacaraseca. Next month, the coin collection will once again go to the Head-to-toe Hycigne Pantry.


NEEDLE WORKERS meet Tuesday, January 9, at 10:00, in fellowship hall.

PLAY-READING GROUP meets on Thursday, January 11, at 1:00 p.m., in fellowship hall.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


UCC ANNUAL MEETING will be held on Sunday, January 14, 2018, in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service at 11:30.

UCC WOMEN’S GUILD LUNCHEON – all UCC women are invited to attend to attend a soup and salad luncheon hosted by the UCC Guild Board on Wednesday, January 17, at noon in Fellowship Hall. As a UCC member, you are automatically a member of the Women’s Guild. If you have never attended a Guild meeting before, this meeting will be an opportunity for you to learn what the Guild is all about. Please join us in kicking off the New Year as we look back at the accomplishments of 2017 and ahead to the plans for 2018. Sign up on the PIC board by Sunday, January 14th.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY workday is on Thursday, January 18, from 9-11am, at 2130 E. 21st St. N. The Pantry is open on Saturday, January 20, from 9:00-11:30 a.m.

UCC COUNCIL LEADERSHIP TRAINING on January 20, from 10:00-11:30, in fellowship hall.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the Annual Meeting of University Congregational Church, Wichita, KS, as provided for in the church’s bylaws. The meeting will be held on Sunday, January 14, 2018, in the sanctuary immediately
following the worship service at 11:30.

NEW CHURCH PICTURE DIRECTORY – We are beginning work on our new UCC picture directory for 2018. Lifetouch will be at the church on February 2-3, and February 20-21, to take photographs. Photographs will be taken between 2:00-9:00 on weekdays, and 10:00-5:00 weekends. Please take a look at your calendar to find the best date to have your picture taken for our directory. 2018 is the 35th anniversary for UCC and we would like to get as many of you in the directory as possible. This directory will also highlight the history of UCC. We are now beginning to contact congregants to schedule appointments online.

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