Author: Paul Ellis Jackson

Paul is the Associate Minister of University Congregational Church.

Announcements for Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sermon title: “Jesus as Hope”
We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


First day of Advent – Hope


ANGEL TREE GIFTS DUE TODAY – Please return your wrapped gifts in a large, clear plastic bag with the tag attached to the outside no later than today Sunday, December 2.

BLANKET COLLECTION FOR INTER-FAITH MINISTERIES OPERATION HOLIDAY – Our church collected more than 90 blankets for those in need last year. Let’s make it 100 this year! Please bring new full or queen size blankets to the collection box in fellowship hall anytime through Sunday, December 8.

STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, December 6, at 2:00 p.m., in the office conference room.

UCC CHRISTMAS PARTY is Saturday, December 8, 2018. Join us for beverages and appetizers at 5:00. Dinner is provided by Café Maurice at 5:30. Pre-dinner entertainment by Doris Buss. The musical program features Donna Tucker and friends. Sign-up in fellowship hall or call UCC at 634-0430, The reservation deadline is Sunday, December 2. We appreciate your good-will offering.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS TABLEAU – is during worship on Sunday,
December 9, at 10:30.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY workday is Thursday, December 13, from 9:00-11:00 am, at 2130 E. 21st St. N. The Pantry is open on Saturday, December 15, from 9:00-11:30 a.m.

IT’S POINSETTIA TIME! – If you would like to contribute to the Christmas floral display, please send a check for $15.00 to the church, payable to UCC by
December 10, or you may put it in the offering plate today. Be sure to write flowers on the memo line and indicate if your donation is in honor of, or in memory of someone special.

BACH’S MAGNIFICAT CHRISTMAS MUSIC – Is on Sunday, December 16, at 10:30, during worship. Music is performed by the UCC Chancel Choir and special guests.

CHRISTMAS VESPERS – there will be music, poetry and scripture on
December 23, at 4:00pm. Listen to Helen Griffin on piano, and Laura Williamson, organ with special guests: JoyAnn Brake, flautist, and Matthew Udland, vocalist. Please bring a donation item for the hygiene pantry.

CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE – will be held on December 24, at 6:00pm, in the sanctuary.

SMORGASCHORUS CHRISTMAS CONCERT- On Saturday, December 15, at 7:00pm, internationally ranked SmorgasChorus will present their Christmas concert in Galichia Auditorium at Collegiate Upper School, 13th and Webb Rd.

Announcements for Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sermon title: “Practicing Gratitude:

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Anita Jones, “In gratitude for our church, community, and country.



BLANKET COLLECTION FOR INTER-FAITH MINISTERIES OPERATION HOLIDAY – Our church collected more than 90 blankets for those in need last year. Let’s make it 100 this year! Please bring new full or queen size blankets to the collection box in fellowship hall anytime through Sunday, December 11.

COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, November 26, at 6:30 p.m., in the basement conference room.

LARKSFIELD DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Wednesday, November 28, at 10:00, in the club room.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, December 6, at 2:00 p.m., in the office conference room.

UCC CHRISTMAS PARTY is Saturday, December 8, 2018. Join us for beverages and appetizers at 5:00. Dinner is provided by Café Maurice at 5:30. Pre-dinner entertainment by Doris Buss. The musical program features Donna Tucker and friends. Sign-up in fellowship hall or call UCC at 634-0430, The reservation deadline is Sunday, December 2. We appreciate your good-will offering.

ALL ANGEL TREE TAGS HAVE BEEN TAKEN- Once again, our congregation has proved to be exceedingly generous in gifting those in need this Christmas. Angel tree tags for the 50 adults from Starkey and the 18 refugee children and parents from Gammon have already been claimed – all before Thanksgiving! Blessing to all of you who are shopping and wrapping for these dear people. Please return by Sunday, December 2 your wrapped gifts in a large, clear plastic bag with the tag attached to the outside. Questions: call Marla Flentje, 250-1344.

#GIVING TUESDAY – is this Tuesday, November 27. It is a global day of charity. Please consider supporting our Head-to-Toe hygiene pantry. For your convenience you may drop a check in the offering plate or for online donations use the UCC app or our website. All checks should be made out to the Head-to-Toe hygiene pantry.

TRAVEL SIZE SUPPLIES NEEDED – We are taking supplies year round for the hygiene bags that we provide to the Inter-Faith Ministries Men’s Overflow Shelter.  We are only requesting travel size or the ones you get when staying in a hotel.  We need shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, body wash, etc… You may drop them in the box marked IFM Hygiene Bag Supplies located in fellowship hall.

WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE TO UCC – As you do your financial and estate planning, consider supporting the mission of UCC through a gift to the UCC Endowment. Several methods are available to you.
Designate in your will
Apportion your life insurance proceeds
Donate appreciated stock
Memorials established by your family and friends
Get in touch with Dwayne Green at to learn about your
opportunities for giving.

Announcements for Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sermon Title: “Mind, Body, Spirit, Voice”
We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Romy and Lavinia Gerould, in celebration of their 35th wedding anniversary.


COMMITMENT CAMPAIGN “THANK YOU” – Is today, at 11:30, in the fellowship hall, the Commitment Campaign Team will devote a few minutes to say “thank you” for your commitments to UCC for 2019.

ALL BOARDS MEET immediately following the worship service at 11:45.
THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the area outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.
THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.


UCC ANGEL TREE NOW INCLUDES GAMMON CHILDREN – Today, we added 15 Gammon children to our Angel Tree. They are recent refugees from Africa whose parents are seeking a better life in our community. Gift requests were assembled by a Gammon teacher who has gone the extra mile to help them. There are also some remaining gift tags from among the low-income Starkey adults with developmental disabilities who we are gifting this season. Gifts should be wrapped, placed in one clear plastic bag with the original tag, and returned to the Parlor no later than Sunday, December 2. So please bring your Christmas spirit to our Angel Tree table after church today!

BLANKET COLLECTION FOR INTER-FAITH MINISTERIES OPERATION HOLIDAY – Our church collected more than 90 blankets for those in need last year. Let’s make it 100 this year! Please bring new full or queen size blankets to the collection box in fellowship hall anytime through Sunday, December 16.

OFFICES CLOSED in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday,
November 22 and 23, 2018.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, November 26, at 6:30 p.m., in the basement conference room.

LARKSFIELD DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Wednesday, November 28, at 10:00, in the club room.

UCC CHRISTMAS PARTY is Saturday, December 8, 2018. Join us for beverages and appetizers at 5:00. Dinner is provided by Café Maurice at 5:30. Pre-dinner entertainment by Doris Buss. The musical program features Donna Tucker and friends. Sign-up in fellowship hall or call UCC at 634-0430, The reservation deadline is Sunday, December 2. We appreciate your good-will offering.

ITALIAN JOURNEY – We are delighted to invite you on an unforgettable journey through Italy. Travel dates are April 22 – May 4, 2019. Registration forms and itineraries are available in the foyer and in fellowship hall. Additional travelers are needed to make this trip possible.

Announcements for Sunday, November 11, 2018

Sermon Title: Body, Mind, Spirit, Voice: Sacred Vulnerability

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Larry and Barbara Widmer, In celebration of their 49th wedding anniversary.


ANGEL TREE GIVING for the Christmas Season. Beginning today, November 11, please stop by our Angel Tree in fellowship hall to select the adult person in need who you wish to gift this Christmas season. This year, our “angels” are persons with intellectual disabilities served by Starkey, a nonprofit agency that enables clients to live and work in the community. Starkey identifies “angels’ who have very low incomes, and limited or no family engagement, and who would otherwise have no gifts under their Christmas tree. Angel tags identify their gift list. You are asked to purchase at least three items on the list, the majority of which are modest in cost. Your gifts should be wrapped, placed in a single clear plastic bag with the original tag, and returned to the parlor no later than Sunday, December 2.

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, November 15, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin. The guest speaker is Ann Fox, with Habitat for Humanity.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


NEW MEMBER SUNDAY is November 18, 2018. If you are interested in joining, please contact Robin or Heidi at 634-0430, or

COMMITMENT CAMPAIGN “THANK YOU” – on Sunday, November 18, at 11:30, in the fellowship hall, the Commitment Campaign Team will devote a few minutes to say “thank you” for your commitments to UCC for 2019.

ALL BOARDS MEET on Sunday, November 18 , immediately following the worship service at 11:45 a.m.

ITALIAN JOURNEY – We are delighted to invite you on an unforgettable journey through Italy. Travel dates are April 22 – May 4, 2019. Registration forms and itineraries are available in the foyer and in fellowship hall. Additional travelers are needed to make this trip possible.

Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sermon title: “Why Church”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Dane and Becky Hurt in loving memory of Harold and Virginia Black, parents of Becky Hurt and grandparents of Emily Hurt.

CHILI COOK-OFF is today. Come taste the various chili entries and vote for your favorite one. Then have a bowl of homemade chili from the Outreach board. This is a contest, and you will select the UCC chili royalty. The cost is a good will offering which will be donated to the Hygiene Pantry.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED on Friday, November 9, at 5:30pm, in the fellowship hall kitchen to assemble sandwiches and fill lunch bags. Sign-up on the PIC board if you would like to volunteer.

ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET is on Saturday, November 10, from 10:00 to 4:00, at University Congregational Church.  The Market is a unique opportunity to “buy” a gift in honor of a family member/friend. At the same time, your gift is helping to alleviate poverty, hunger, and injustice around the world. Over 30 projects will be represented and, no doubt, one of them will earn your support. Our UCC Women’s Guild will be selling breakfast, lunch, and homemade baked goods. All proceeds benefit the Alternative Gift Market. So come hungry, shop the market, and stay for breakfast and lunch.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED after the Alternative Gift Market on Saturday,
November 10 from 4:00-6:00 pm. We need assistance taking down tables,
returning furniture to the parlor, and setting up for Sunday morning service. Please sign-up on the pic board if you can help.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


ANGEL TREE GIVING for the Christmas Season. Beginning Sunday,
November 11, please stop by our Angel Tree in fellowship hall to select the adult person in need who you wish to gift this Christmas season. This year, our “angels” are persons with intellectual disabilities served by Starkey, a nonprofit agency that enables clients to live and work in the community. Starkey identifies “angels’ who have very low incomes, and limited or no family engagement, and who would otherwise have no gifts under their Christmas tree. Angel tags identify their gift list. You are asked to purchase at least three items on the list, the majority of which are modest in cost. Your gifts should be wrapped, placed in a single clear plastic bag with the original tag, and returned to the parlor no later than Sunday, December 2.

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, November 15, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin. The guest speaker is Ann Fox, with Habitat for Humanity.

NEW MEMBER SUNDAY is November 18, 2018. If you are interested in joining, please contact Robin or Heidi at 634-0430, or

ITALIAN JOURNEY – We are delighted to invite you on an unforgettable journey through Italy. Travel dates are April 22 – May 4, 2019. Registration forms and itineraries are available in the foyer and in fellowship hall. Additional travelers are needed to make this trip possible.

Announcements for Sunday, October 28, 2019

Sermon Title: Communion With the Saints

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Grace and Tom Kneil. “For the beauty of the fall colors.”


SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE during our worship service today. This is a time to remember loved ones that have passed away by coming forward and lighting a candle. Feel free to take your mementos and pictures home after the worship service.


COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, October 29, at 6:30 p.m., in the basement conference room.

STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, November 1, at 2:00 p.m., in the office conference room.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


CHILI COOK-OFF is planned for Sunday, November 4, at 11:30. The purpose of this event is to support the Hygiene Pantry. This is a contest, and you will select the UCC chili royalty. To enter, simply fill out a card stating your name with the kind of chili you will make. Then bring your chili in a crock pot on November 4. Cards are in fellowship hall and must be completed by October 28. Come taste the various chili entries and vote for your favorite one. The cost is a good will offering which will be donated to the pantry.

ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET is on Saturday, November 10, from 11:00 to 4:00, at University Congregational Church.  The Market is a unique opportunity to “buy” a gift in honor of a family member/friend. At the same time, your gift is helping to alleviate poverty, hunger, and injustice around the world. Over 30 projects will be represented and, no doubt, one of them will earn your support. Our UCC Women’s Guild will be selling breakfast, lunch, and homemade baked goods. All proceeds benefit the Alternative Gift Market. So come hungry, shop the market, and stay for breakfast and lunch.

ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET VOLUNTEERS NEEDED on Saturday, November 10 for a 2 hour shift between 9:45-4:00 pm. We need hostesses/hosts or you may choose to work at the Hygiene Pantry booth. From 4:15-6:15 pm, we need help taking down tables and setting up for Sunday morning service. Please sign-up on the pic board if you can help.

SANDWICH SATURDAY is on Saturday, November 10, at 10:30pm., at St. John’s Episcopal Church. We are assembling sandwiches on Friday, November 9 at 6:00 in the UCC kitchen. We need volunteers to help with sandwich assembly. Sign-up on the PIC board if you would like to volunteer.

ITALIAN JOURNEY – We are delighted to invite you on an unforgettable journey through Italy. Travel dates are April 22 – May 4, 2019. Registration forms and itineraries are available in the foyer and in fellowship hall. Deposits are needed by October 31.

Announcements for Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sermon Title: “The Common Good: (Historical) Gandhi

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ is on today at 11:30, in fellowship hall. The purpose of the gathering is to present the proposed growth plan to be followed by a time for an open discussion.


GUILD BABY SHOWER – The 17th Annual Baby Shower will be held October 24, 2018, at 11:00 in fellowship hall. Clothing, such as newborn gowns, sleepers, onesies, socks and toys are requested. Please place them in the baby box in fellowship hall. Then on the 24th, we will fill layette bags for underprivileged babies in the Wichita area after we decorate the bags and have lunch.

LARKSFIELD DISCUSSION GROUP meets on October 24, at 10:00 a.m., in the club room. Anyone is welcome to attend.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, October 29, at 6:30 p.m., in the basement conference room.

STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, November 1, at 2:00 p.m., in the office conference room.

CHILI COOK-OFF is planned for Sunday, November 4, at 11:30. The purpose of this event is to support the Hygiene Pantry. This is a contest, and you will select the UCC chili royalty. To enter, simply fill out a card stating your name with the kind of chili you will make. Then bring your chili in a crock pot on November 4. Cards are in fellowship hall and must be completed by October 28. Come taste the various chili entries and vote for your favorite one. The cost is a good will offering which will be donated to the pantry.

ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET is on Saturday, November 10, from 11:00 to 4:00, at University Congregational Church.  The Market is a unique opportunity to “buy” a gift in honor of a family member/friend. At the same time, your gift is helping to alleviate poverty, hunger, and injustice around the world. Over 30 projects will be represented and, no doubt, one of them will earn your support. Our UCC Women’s Guild will be selling breakfast, lunch, and homemade baked goods. All proceeds benefit the Alternative Gift Market. So come hungry, shop the market, and stay for breakfast and lunch.

ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET VOLUNTEERS NEEDED on Saturday, November 10 for a 2 hour shift between 9:45-4:00 pm. We need hostesses/hosts or you may choose to work at the Hygiene Pantry booth. From 4:15-6:15 pm, we need help taking down tables and setting up for Sunday morning service. Please contact Cyndi Richter at 461-4148, or at

Announcements for Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sermon Title: “The Common Good: Of gnats and Camels”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Stephen Taylor. “In memory of my parents Hugo and Mae Buske.”


NEEDLE WORKERS meet Tuesday, December 13, at 10:00 am, in fellowship hall.

UCC HOUSE CHURCH CONVERSATIONS on America’s Original Sin, written by James Wallis, 2014, (, on October 9, from 7-8:30pm.

WOMEN’S GUILD SEWING PROJECT – It is time to start sewing blankets for the Baby shower. We will meet in the Guild Room on Thursday, October 11, from 10:00-2:00. Bring your sewing machine or if you don’t sew we have some other jobs for you. Bring your lunch and help us put together blankets for under privileged babies in Wichita.

SWEET PEACE – An elegant buffet of hors d’oeuvres and desserts benefitting Partners for Wichita. Will be held at the Dugan Gorges Conference Center, Newman University on Thursday, October 11, 2018, 7:00pm. Sign up on the PIC board today.



UCC DAY AT THE ZOO – join us on Sunday, October 14, at 2:00 pm, at the Sedgwick County Zoo. Admission is only $10.50 Sign up on the PIC board if interested.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY workday is this Thursday, October 18, from 9-11, at 2130 E 21st St. N. The Pantry is open on Saturday, October 20, from 9:00-11:30.

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, October 18, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin. The guest speaker is Charlie Russell.

LAST DAY TO SIGN UP FOR COOK’S NIGHT OUT – You are in store for some delightful entertainment, a delicious dinner, and a chance to take home door prize. Come celebrate Fall at our last Cook’s Night Out for this year. Sign up in Fellowship Hall after church.

THE CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ is on Sunday, October 21, at 11:30, in fellowship hall. The purpose of the gathering is to present the proposed growth plan and then to allow plenty of time for an open discussion.

GUILD BABY SHOWER – The 17th Annual Baby Shower will be held October 24, 2018 at 11:00 in fellowship hall. Clothing such as newborn gowns, sleepers, onesies, socks and toys are requested. Please place them in the baby box in fellowship hall. Then on the 24th we will fill layette bags for under privileged babies in the Wichita area after we decorate the bags and have lunch.

Do you know what the best form of advertising is? It’s word of mouth! It’s hearing from someone you know and trust, that something is good! Well, that’s the best way to grow a church. A personal invitation to church, a small group session or one of our house church events is an easy way to begin to get someone familiar with the people and the feelings of being involved at UCC.

Announcements for Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sermon Title: “We are Children, Then We are Heirs: Dr. King’s Message and its Lesson For Us Today”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Mary Anna Meshew. “In memory of my parents Hugo and Mae Buske.”


RABBI MOTI RIEBER from the Kansas Interfaith Action will be joining us for worship today. Rabbi Moti is a leading figure in Kansas Social Justice circles. There will be a luncheon with Rabbi Moti and those that pre-registered immediately following worship in the basement conference room.


NEEDLE WORKERS meet Tuesday, December 13, at 10:00 am, in fellowship hall.

UCC HOUSE CHURCH CONVERSATIONS on America’s Original Sin, written by James Wallis, 2014, (, on October 9, from 7-8:30pm.

WOMEN’S GUILD SEWING PROJECT – Fall will soon be here and it is time to start sewing blankets for the baby shower. We will meet in the Guild Room on Thursday, October 11, from 10:00-2:00. Bring your sewing machine, or if you don’t sew we have some other jobs for you. Everyone is welcome. Bring your lunch and help us put together blankets for underprivileged babies in Wichita.

SWEET PEACE – An elegant buffet of hors d’oeuvres and desserts benefitting Partners for Wichita. Will be held at the Dugan Gorges Conference Center, Newman University on Thursday, October 11, 2018, 7:00pm. Sign up on the PIC board today.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall.



UCC DAY AT THE ZOO – join us on Sunday, October 14, at 2:00 pm, at the Sedgwick County Zoo. Admission is only $10.50 Sign up on the PIC board if interested.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY workday is this Thursday, October 18, from 9-11, at 2130 E 21st St. N. The Pantry is open on Saturday, October 20, from 9:00-11:30.

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, October 18, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin. The guest speaker is Ann Fox with Habitat for Humanity.

FALL COOK’S NIGHT OUT will be Thursday, October 18th. The fall theme will be “Celebrate the Apple.” The evening will include a savory dinner with an apple menu, apple facts, entertainment and door prizes. Please join us for an enjoyable time.
Tickets are on sale the next three Sundays in fellowship hall. If you are interested in volunteering to help with set-up, serving, or clean-up at Cook’s Night Out, please sign up on the PIC board in fellowship hall.

CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ is on Sunday, October 21, at 11:30, in fellowship hall. The purpose of the gathering is clarification of the 2018 proposed budget and the launch of the commitment campaign.

GUILD BABY SHOWER – The 17th Annual Baby Shower will be held October 24, 2018 at 11:00 in fellowship hall. Clothing such as newborn gowns, sleepers, onesies, socks and toys are requested. Please place them in the baby box in fellowship hall. Then on the 24th we will fill layette bags for under privileged babies in the Wichita area after we decorate the bags and have lunch.

ITALIAN JOURNEY – We are delighted to invite you on an unforgettable journey through Italy. Travel dates are April 22, 2019 to May 4, 2019.  Registration forms and itineraries are available in the foyer and in fellowship hall.  This trip is also open to those outside of UCC. Invite your friends to come along!

Announcements for Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sermon Title: “Plant Big Potatoes”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.



ITALY TRIP MEETING is today in fellowship hall at 9:00. This is open to anyone that is interested in attending.

HYGIENE BAG ASSEMBLY is today at 11:30 in fellowship hall. Everyone is
welcome and encouraged to assist with filling the bags.


UCC HOUSE CHURCH CONVERSATIONS on America’s Original Sin, written by James Wallis, 2014, (, on October 2, from 7-8:30pm.

STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, October 4, at 2:00 p.m.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall.


RABBI MOTI REIBER from the Kansas Interfaith Action will be joining us for worship on Sunday, Oct. 7. Rabbi Moti is a leading figure in Kansas Social Justice circles.

UCC HOUSE CHURCH CONVERSATIONS on America’s Original Sin, written by James Wallis, 2014, (, on October 2, from 7-8:30pm.

SWEET PEACE – An elegant buffet of hors d’oeuvres and desserts benefitting Partners for Wichita. Will be held at the Dugan Gorges Conference Center, Newman University on Thursday, October 11, 2018, 7:00pm. Sign up on the PIC board today.

UCC DAY AT THE ZOO – join us on Sunday, October 14, at 2:00 pm, at the Sedgwick County Zoo. Admission is only $10.50 Sign up on the PIC board if interested.

FALL COOK’S NIGHT OUT will be Thursday, October 18th. The fall theme will be “Celebrate the Apple.” The evening will include a savory dinner with an apple menu, apple facts, entertainment and door prizes. Please join us for an enjoyable time.
Tickets are on sale the next three Sundays in fellowship hall. If you are interested in volunteering to help with set-up, serving, or clean-up at Cook’s Night Out, please sign up on the PIC board in fellowship hall.

ITALIAN JOURNEY – We are delighted to invite you on an unforgettable journey through Italy. Travel dates are April 22, 2019 to May 4, 2019.  Registration forms and itineraries are available in the foyer and in fellowship hall.  This trip is also open to those outside of UCC. Invite your friends to come along!

SmorgasChorus – Wichita’s own SmorgasChorus, an Internationally ranked Barbershop Chorus, will be in concert Saturday, October 6th at 7pm, The performance will take place at Independent Upper School Auditorium, 8317 E Douglas Ave., and will include SmorgasChorus, several quartets, and will feature the International Quartet Semi-finalist “Boom Town”. Tickets are $10 for adults (18+) and $5 for youths, and can be purchased from Burt Tims (316-765-4049), or at the door. Advance purchase is recommended to assure adequate seating. Join us for a special evening.

468 families served on September 15, 2018
We completed 8 years of sharing with those in need.
Over the past 8 years, a little over 42,00 families have walked through the door seeking the basic hygiene items that most of us take for granted.
UCC should be very proud of their continuing support and kindness.  There are so many UCC members who help in so many ways.