Baptism Class

Dear Parents, Grandparents and UCC friends,

I am excited to announce that I am starting a new baptism class for children who are interested in being baptized. The class will be held this summer at the convenience of those who sign up (times and days to be determined).

Who: Any children/ youth interested in baptism

What: Class for children (parents can participate if they wish) 3-5 one-hour sessions

When: at a time determined by the participants

Where: at the church or at a home

How: In 1998, several colleagues and I wrote baptismal curriculum for progressive, open-minded churches. This curriculum was published by Chalice Press. It has been revised and reprinted over the years for new generations. We will use this curriculum, which is the basic Christian message:

* Hear & Believe

* Repent & Confess

* Be Baptized

* Forgiveness

* Receive the Holy Spirit

Mentor: In addition, the curriculum also calls for a mentor from the congregation to participate in the process with them. The mentor is usually not a parent, but someone special who walks with them through the journey – someone you may choose or someone I can recommend.

Infant Baptism: At UCC, we typically baptize infants. And that continues to be available! At the same time, there are many children in our church who have not been baptized and might be interested… and that is the reason for this class.

After the class, the participants may choose to be baptized. Call the church office with any questions – 316-641-5919.

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