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Announcements for Sunday, March 22, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the
Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Stephen Taylor in memory of his wife, Jane Vanderlip Taylor, and his
father-in-law Herbert D. Vanderlip, in remembrance of their March birthdays.




EASTER LILY TIME! If you are interested in donating for our Easter floral
display, please mail $12.00 to the church office by April 2, or put your check in the offering plate.  Please note “Easter Lillies” on the memo line of your check and include if the donation is in honor of or in memory of someone.


WOW CLASS continues Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. Based on the book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?” Books are available and can be purchased for $12. A light dinner will be available for a free will
offering.  Come join us for a class even if you can’t make it to all of them.


COOKS NIGHT OUT is Thursday, March 26. The speaker will be JC Combs.  The event starts at 6 pm for social time and the buffet at 6:30.  The cost is $15 for adults and $5 for children ages 4-10.  TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR SIGN-UPS!  In order to shop for groceries and prepare the meal, the ladies who volunteer to cook must have a final count.  A registration sheet is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.  Please join us for a delightful evening!


Dr. J. C. Combs, a Professor Emeritus of Percussion at Wichita State University.   Doctorate from University of Oklahoma.  Taught at University of Oklahoma, University of Missouri – KC and Wichita State University (WSU).    He performed as
timpanist and principal percussionist with the Wichita Symphony, the American
Sinfonietta and the Oklahoma City Symphony.  After retiring from WSU in 2006, Combs embarked on his second career as a lecturer, sharing information on subjects that both fascinate him and call upon his continual quest for learning.  Numerous
audiences have been enlightened by his knowledge and enjoyed his humor and ability to bring to life such topics as the Music of the Civil War, the Assassination of
Abraham Lincoln, Popular Music of the 19th Century, Music of the’50s and the Music of Tin Pan Alley.  The list of awards and guest appearances is extensive.


On Thursday evening Dr. Combs will be talking about a book he and his sister,
Barbara Combs, have written about growing up in the 1940s and early 50s in
Clearmont, Missouri, a small town in northwest Missouri where they spend their young lives, seldom traveling more than 50 miles in any direction.

Many of us will be able to relate to what J.C. has to share and all can be assured of a very interesting and entertaining presentation at the Cooks Night Out by one of the area’s most sought out speakers.



April 2, at 6:00 pm. Please sign up on PIC board in Fellowship Hall by
Sunday, March 29.


FORMER STUDENT CHOIR MEMBER Mandy Brown, now working in Washington DC, will be in town performing in a WSU opera between March 22 – April 7. She needs a car to use while here. If anyone has a car that they would be willing to loan her please contact Bob Scott at

Announcements for Sunday, March 15, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the
Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Ann and Tim Duncan in celebration of their wedding anniversary.




THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the are outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.
THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meetings are at 11:45


WOW CLASS continues Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. Based on the book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?” Books are available and can be purchased for $12. A light dinner will be available for a free will
offering.  Come join us for a class even if you can’t make it to all of them.

GENEALOGY CLASS  continues Monday, March 16, at 1:00 pm, in the basement conference room. Phil Rhea will lead the class and share his knowledge and personal experience in genealogy. The class is open to anyone with an interest.  The class will meet four times: 3/2, 3/16, 4/6, and 4/20.


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY March 16-20, UC Church has once again committed to join in the effort of Partners for Wichita and the Kansas Food Bank to serve free, nutritious lunches to children during Spring Break.  Lunches will be served at 9th & Grove from 11:45-1:00.  Please consider volunteering one or more days. A signup sheet is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.


COOKS NIGHT OUT is Thursday, March 26.  The speaker will be JC Combs. The event starts at 6 pm for social time and the buffet at 6:30.  The cost is $15 for adults and $5 for children ages 4-10. A registration sheet is on the PIC board in
Fellowship Hall.  Please join us for a delightful evening!



* That there is a glass jar on the bookshelf in Fellowship Hall where you can put your loose change to help those who come to the Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry?

* And that over the past 6 months, $141.10 has been placed in that jar to help at least 14-15 families who come to the Pantry seeking assistance? Thank you!

THE PANTRY WORKDAY is this Thursday, March 19 from 9:00-11:00 at 1611 N. Mosley-you are all welcome to help if you have some time.  The

Hygiene Pantry is open next Saturday, March 21, from 9:00-11:00.


NEED A RIDE to and from church?  Please call the church office at
634-0430, if you or someone you know will need a ride on Sunday.
Deacons have volunteers available to provide rides. Please call by the Friday
before the ride is needed.


FORMER STUDENT CHOIR MEMBER Mandy Brown, now working in Washington DC, will be in town performing in a WSU opera between March 22 – April 7. She needs a car to use while here. If anyone has a car that they would be willing to loan her please contact Bob Scott at

Announcements for Sunday, March 8, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the
Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Sheila Waugh in celebration of my birthday on March 6.



FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT March 13, at 7:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. The featured movie is: Mel Brooks’s Young Frankenstein.  Snacks and beverages will be served.


WOW CLASS continues Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. Based on the book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?” Books are available and can be purchased for $12. A light dinner will be available for a free will offering.  Come join us for a class even if you can’t make it to all of them.

COLLEGE MUSIC STUDENTS SCHOLARSHIP GALA today after the Endowment Foundation Annual meeting. Several students will entertain you with operatic selections , including a couple of rousing  operatic choral numbers. The event will last about 20 -25 minutes. Many of the students are going away to workshops in music, for the summer. In many cases the fees are rather large.  There will be a box at the door if you would like to make a donation to support these talented young artists.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY March 16-20, UC Church has once again committed to join in the effort of Partners for Wichita and the Kansas Food Bank to serve free, nutritious lunches to children during Spring Break.  Lunches will be served at 9th & Grove from 11:45-1:00.  Please consider volunteering one or more days. A signup sheet is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.

COOKS NIGHT OUT is Thursday, March 26, at 6:00pm. The speaker will be
JC Coombs. Adults are $15, and children are $10. Plan now to attend this Women’s Guild event with lots of delicious food and entertainment.



Announcements for Sunday, March 1, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the
Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Anna Mills with thanks for University Congregational Church.




WOW CLASS continues Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. Based on the book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?” Books are available and can be purchased for $12. A light dinner will be available for a free will offering.  Come join us for a class even if you can’t make it to all of them.

GENEALOGY CLASS  begins Monday, March 2, at 1:00pm, in the basement conference room. Phil Rhea will lead the class and share his knowledge and personal experience in genealogy. The class is open to anyone with an interest.

The class will meet four times: 3/2, 3/16, 4/6, and 4/20.



FOOD DRIVE in partnership with the Premedical Student Association at WSU as a tribute to the young people who were fatally shot in Chapel Hill, NC recently. These premed students volunteer regularly at the Pantry and we would like to support their efforts with this food drive.  Please bring food items to Fellowship Hall. Most needed items include: canned chicken or tuna, juice, peanut butter, bagged rice, pasta, soup, and dry cereal.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY March 16-20, UC Church has once again committed to join in the effort of Partners for Wichita and the Kansas Food Bank to serve free, nutritious lunches to children during Spring Break.  Lunches will be served at 9th & Grove from 11:45-1:00.  Please consider volunteering one or more days. A signup sheet is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT March 13, at UCC in the Fellowship Hall. More details coming soon.  Watch the bulletin for specific information regarding time and movie selection.

COOKS NIGHT OUT is Thursday, March 26, at 6:00pm. The speaker will be
JC Coombs. Adults are $15, and children are $10. Plan now to attend this Women’s Guild event with lots of delicious food and entertainment.



“The Devil Went Down to Georgia”

Performed by the UCC Chancel Choir and guests on Sunday, February 22, 2015

Announcements for Sunday, February 22, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the basement outside the kitchen for coffee and cookies after the service.  Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Larry and Sue Anderson.
SPECIAL RECEPTION  for everyone and their guests in Fellowship Hall. Join us for homemade cookies, beverages and fellowship.





WOW CLASS continues Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. Based on the book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?” Books are available and can be purchased for $12. A light dinner will be available for a free will offering.  Come join us for a class even if you can’t make it to all of them.
WORD AND NOTE The Divine Arts of Knowledge and Exultation to be held February 20-22, at Plymouth Congregational Church, 202 N Clifton.  Dr. Bart Ehrman is the guest lecturer.  The Steve Anderson Trio will perform on Saturday evening.  Additional information is on the PIC board located in Fellowship Hall.

FATHER ROY BOURGEOIS, founder of the School of the Americas Watch, at Pine Valley Christian Church, Tuesday, February 24, at 7:00pm. He will present “Journey from Silence to Solidarity”. This is his perspective on the impact of economic and gender inequality in the Americas, and the failed ‘War on Drugs’ and the training of foreign soldiers at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia.


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY March 16-20, UC Church has once again committed to join in the effort of Partners for Wichita and the Kansas Food Bank to serve free, nutritious lunches to children during Spring Break.  Lunches will be served at 9th & Grove from 11:45-1:00.  Please consider volunteering one or more days. A signup sheet is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.

HOST FAMILIES NEEDED for high school exchange students for the 2015-2016 academic year. The students will arrive in mid-August 2015 and will attend local high schools. Approved families may choose from online application. For more
information, call Wilma Fast at 316-681-1236.



New Lenten Sermon Series

Places and Prayers–A Lenten Journey is the title of our sermon series running now through Easter. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM as we explore some important places on the Theological Map.

Announcements for Sunday, February 15, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the basement outside the kitchen for coffee and cookies after the service.  Please follow the crowd out of the sanctuary and downstairs.






LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON FOR ALL BOARD MEMBERS will be held immediately following the church service today, February 15, Fellowship Hall.

THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the are outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.
THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All Board meetings are immediately following the Leadership Luncheon.




CLASS AT LARKSFIELD continues this Wednesday, February 18, at 10:00am.  The class runs through March 25, excluding March 4.  Everyone is invited to attend.  Gary Cox’s book “Think Again” will be discussed and is for sale for $5 at the class or in the church office.


PANTRY WORKDAY this Thursday, February 19, from 9:00-11:00a.m. at 1611 N Mosley.  The Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry is open this coming Saturday, February 21 from 8:30-11:45a.m. Volunteers are needed for Saturday.
Did You Know…The Pantry gets a lot of requests for adult diapers.  They are
expensive and we cannot provide them on a regular bases.  A friend of the Pantry
donated 20 packages after the loss of her dear mother. Thank you!


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH is this Thursday, February 19, at 11:30 a.m. at Lakeside Club, 21st and Webb Road behind Walgreens.


WOW CLASS continues Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. Based on the book “What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?” Books are available and can be purchased for $12. Luciano’s will cater dinner for a free will offering.  Come join us for a class even if you can’t make it to all of them.




BRING A FRIEND SUNDAY is February 22, 2015.  This is our first such event of the year.  We have so many exciting events, activities, and sermons this year that we would be remiss if we did not share these with friends.
It has been suggested in research that three out of four people attend a church for the first time because they were invited.  However, less than two percent
ever invite someone to church.  Someone could be waiting for your invitation.

SPRING FELLOWSHIP DINNERS Last chance to signup is today and tomorrow. Signup sheets are located in the basement, (look for a Women’s Guild member with a clipboard to assist you), and on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. These dinners are held during the months of March and April and are one of UCC’s most popular programs. This is a wonderful way to get to know one another better. Questions? Please call the church office at 634-0430.

SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISER the Chili Feed held last Sunday raised $2,130.25 for the Head to Toe Pantry.  Thank you to all those who contributed and worked for this wonderful organization. 

TRIVIA NIGHT PARTY sponsored by Partners for Wichita is Saturday, February 28 at 7:00p.m. at Wichita Presbyterian Church, 525 N Broadway.  Tickets are $120 for a team of 8, and $20 for individuals.  For additional information see the PIC board in Fellowship Hall.

Announcements for Sunday, February 8, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to
Fellowship Hall for coffee and cookies after the service.  Please follow the crowd to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by John and Kim Carraway.

CHILI AND CINNAMON ROLL FEED hosted by the Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry is immediately following this morning’s church service in Fellowship Hall. There will be crackers and veggies and a meat-free vegetable soup for those who would like to have an alternative.

A free-will offering will be taken to help support the Pantry. As the numbers of those coming to the Pantry continues to increase, the annual budget for the Pantry is over $60,000.


RECITAL Randy Lacy is giving a recital today @ 3:00 in Wiedemann Hall on the WSU campus. Music by Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, Britten, & Rachmaninoff.




THE GRIEF GROUP will meet this Monday, February 9, at 2:00pm in the conference room.  Anyone who deals with grief is welcome to come.


A CLASS AT LARKSFIELD will begin this Wednesday, February 11, at 10:00am.  The class runs through March 25, excluding March 4.  Everyone is invited to attend.  Gary Cox’s book “Think Again” will be discussed and is for sale for $5 at the class or in the church office.


WSU Symphony Orchestra Concert will feature two of our own: Jake Skipworth and Rachel Martin will each sing an Aria, as winners of the Concerto/Aria competition. To be held on Tuesday, February, 10 at 7:30 in Miller Hall at WSU.




LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON FOR ALL BOARD MEMBERS will be held immediately following the church service on Sunday, February 15, in Fellowship Hall.

THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the are outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.
THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All Board meetings are immediately following the Leadership Luncheon.



* That the Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry just received 6,000+ tubes of deodorant from the ElDorado State Park?  They hosted a Fun Run that was sponsored by Speed Stick and ended up with nearly a full pallet of deodorant to give away.   This will supply the Pantry with deodorant for over 18 months!

* That One Call Concepts gave $2,458.00 to the Pantry this past month?  This is one cent for each call they took in the past 6 months.

* That one of our member dentists just donated 288 tubes of toothpaste to the
Pantry? Thank you!

* That the Pantry needs volunteers for their February 21 opening?  The hours are 8:30am-11:45am.  There is a sign-up sheet on the PIC Board in Fellowship Hall.  If you have never seen your UCC Mission in action, coming to share a Saturday morning with others is a sure way to bring a smile to your heart.

THE SPRING FELLOWSHIP DINNER is during the months of March and April.  Signup sheets are on the PIC board. This is one of UCC’s most popular programs because it is a wonderful way to get to know each other better. Please make sure your information is complete and easy to read. Questions? Please call the church office.