Category: Uncategorized

Announcements for Sunday, August 17, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.



Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




WE WELCOME JIM AND PATTI WHITE to our church service today!


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Anita Jones in honor of our returning college choir members.


THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.


THE BOARD OF DEACONS will meet in the area off the kitchen downstairs.


THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the choir room.


THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meeting start at 11:45.




YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH will be Thursday, August 21, 11:30 at Lakeside Club located at Webb and 21st St. behind Walgreens.

Sign up in Fellowship Hall. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.

DON’T FORGET JIM WHITE will be teaching a class at 1:00 in Fellowship Hall today. His latest book “Brief Christian Histories-Getting a Sense of Our Long Story” will be discussed. He will have books available at the class if you would like to purchase one.


THE CHOIR WILL RETURN SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7.  Please consider becoming a student choir member sponsor for the 10 months the choir is a part of the worship service. The sponsorship is $1,500 per student or $150. per month OR contribute what you can and join in with other families. We need your sponsorship soon so we know how many students we can select.


PUT SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 ON YOUR CALENDAR—it’s wear your “UCC Polo Shirt to Church Day”!


PLEASE BE AWARE of the new storm warning diagrams for direction of travel to shelter that have been mounted on the walls at strategic locations throughout the church. The main level diagrams indicate the direction of travel to the basement shelter.  The basement diagrams indicate areas of refuge.

Also, the Emergency Egress Procedures call for everyone to locate the exit sign nearest them and immediately leave the building at that location.

Traditional Word:       Matthew 9: 35-36


Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every illness among the people.  But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered.”




Contemporary Word: Anne Lamott


“In all barbarity and suffering, in Robin’s death, on Mount Sinjar, in the Ebola towns, the streets of India’s ghettos, and our own, we see Christ crucified. I don’t mean that in a nice, Christian-y way. I mean that in the most ultimate human and existential way. The temptation is to say, as cute little believers sometimes do, Oh it will all make sense someday. The thing is, it may not. We still sit with scared, dying people; we get the thirsty drinks of water.

This was at theologian Fred Buechner blog today: ‘It is absolutely crucial, therefore, to keep in constant touch with what is going on in your own life’s story and to pay close attention to what is going on in the stories of others’ lives. If God is present anywhere, it is in those stories that God is present. If God is not present in those stories, then they are scarcely worth telling.’

Live stories worth telling! Stop hitting the snooze button. Try not to squander your life on meaningless, multi-tasking bull*%$#. I would shake you and me but Robin is shaking us now.

Get help. I did. Be a resurrection story, in the wild non-denominational sense. I am.”


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK

Crisis Text Line:






Announcements for Sunday, August 10, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Jan Deering, Eric Deering, and Emilie Deering Hartwig in loving memory of Bert Deering.


WE WELCOME BROOKE AND BRIAN FINAN AND PAT SNYDER AS OUR NEW MEMBERS TODAY! Please read their profiles in today’s bulletin.




YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


THE NEEDLEWORKERS will meet in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, August 12 at 10:00.




THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.


THE BOARD OF DEACONS will meet in the area off the kitchen downstairs.


THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the choir room.


THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meeting start at 11:45.


JIM WHITE will lead a class at 1:00 in Fellowship Hall. More information on the next page.




WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.


THE NEEDLEWORKERS will get together Tuesday, August 12, at 10:00 in Fellowship Hall.  If you have wanted to learn how to knit, crochet, or any other type of needlework, here is the place to come and get free lessons.  If you already are a needleworker, join the group and bring your own project or work on some of the projects that are being done to help kids while they are in the hospital.  If you plan to stay a while, bring a sack lunch.


JIM AND PATTI WHITE will be visiting UCC on Sunday, August 17! Jim has written a new book “Brief Christian Histories-Getting a Sense of Our Long Story” which he will talk about in a class that will meet at 1:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall that afternoon. There is information on the PIC board about the book which we have for sale in the church office for $25.00 if you would like to read it before the class. “Brief Christian Histories” has gotten some good reviews from Walter Brueggemann, John Shelby Spong and our own Paul Jackson.  Jim will also speak in the Christian Life spot during the church service. See insert.



to an open house reception for Jim and Patti White

on Saturday, August 16, form 5:00-9:00 p.m.

at the home of Mike and Leigh Aaron Leary, 7233 Oxford, 67226. Food and drinks provided.  Casual. Please RSVP by signing up in Fellowship Hall on the PIC board or calling the  church office by Friday, August 15.

VICTORIA RATCLIFFE our guest violin player today, attended UCC as a young girl and is the daughter of Martin Ratcliffe. She is now a sophomore at Rockhurst College in Kansas City majoring in pre-med and plays violin there as well.


THE CHOIR WILL RETURN SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7.  Please consider becoming a student choir member sponsor for the 10 months the choir is a part of the worship service. The sponsorship is $1,500 per student or $150. per month OR contribute what you can and join in with other families. We need your sponsorship soon so we know how many students we can select.  See insert.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH will be Thursday, August 21, 11:30 at Lakeside Club located at Webb and 21st St. behind Walgreens.

Sign up in Fellowship Hall.


PUT SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 ON YOUR CALENDAR—it’s wear your “UCC Polo Shirt to Church Day”!


PLEASE BE AWARE of the new storm warning diagrams for direction of travel to shelter that have been mounted on the walls at strategic locations throughout the church. The main level diagrams indicate the direction of travel to the basement shelter.  The basement diagrams indicate areas of refuge.

Also, the Emergency Egress Procedures call for everyone to locate the exit sign nearest them and immediately leave the building at that location.











Brooke and Brian Finan

Brooke and Brian Finan were married at University Congregational Church in 2001 by Dr. Robert Meyers. Before that, Brooke grew up in Colorado and then moved to Wichita during fifth grade.  She graduated from Wichita Collegiate School in 1991 and attended Manchester College in Indiana where her grandfather was a professor.  She spent her senior year abroad studying in France and then earned a Fulbright Scholarship to teach in France during the year after she graduated.


Upon Brooke’s return to the States she took a job teaching French at Forman School in Litchfield, CT.  It was there that she met Brian, a fellow teacher at that school and a native of Litchfield.  In the years leading up to when Brooke and Brian met, Brian studied at Plymouth State College in New Hampshire and the University of Connecticut.

After Brian and Brooke had worked together for a few years in Connecticut they became engaged and returned to Kansas to begin their life as a married couple.  They both attended graduate school at The University of Kansas.  They then lived in Nashville for a few years where their daughter, Clare, was born.

Finally, they returned to Wichita in 2007 and have both taught at the Wichita Collegiate School ever since.  Brooke is the upper school French teacher and Brian is the sixth grade science teacher.  Their son Liam will be starting pre-kindergarten this year and Clare will be in second grade.  Brian and Brooke are delighted to become members of UCC and appreciate all that this church has already given them and their children.

Patricia Snyder

Pat was born in Beaver, Oklahoma and moved with her parents to a farm near Mahaska, KS following World War II.  She graduated from Kansas State University where she met her husband, Jim.


The Snyder family traveled extensively while Jim spent 30 years in the Air Force.  Some exciting times were had while living in Bangkok, Thailand and also Stuttgart, Germany.  Of course, there were many more moves than that mostly in the Southeast part of the U.S.  After retirement from the Air Force they moved to Overland Park where they lived for 23 years before moving to Wichita in December of 2012.


The move to Wichita was motivated to be near their daughter, Deborah and her family.  The move was just at the right time since Jim died in February 2014 and Deborah was a great support during the last month.  Pat keeps busy some of the time being chauffeur for her two grandchildren who live here.


Pat has always enjoyed volunteering, early on with all the activities their 3 children were involved in such as Boy and Girl Scouts as well as various athletic activities and later the Red Cross after the children were leaving for college.  She enjoys reading, sewing, music, and being with friends.


Pat started attending UCC after being invited to attend one of the ladies’ luncheons. She is inspired by the wonderful music and the feeling of giving and outreach provided by the church.



Traditional Word:     Matthew 2: 13-15


The Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.”  Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod.  This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet, “Out of Egypt I have called my son.” 

Contemporary Word:  Tātās


 Our grandmothers walked the banks of the River Nile

Balancing on their heads alabaster jars.

Our tātās beat clothing on the banks of the River Nile

Ringing and rolling the precious drops against limestone rock.

They dried the dates of palm on the banks of the River Nile

Adding to their sweetness a kiss of peace.

They carried the weight of the River Nile

The weight of us all, on their backs, all the while bracing earth with

their toughened feet.

Matthew Shenoda is a Coptic American Professor in the School of Critical Studies at California Institute of the Arts, the San Francisco State University




Announcements for Sunday, August 3, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given today by Maxine and George Morrison in memory of their dear friend Bert Deering.


THE UCC POLO SHIRTS ARE IN so if you placed an order for a shirt, you can pick it up in Fellowship Hall after the service today!




YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.



WE WILL WELCOME BRIAN AND BROOKE FINAN, AND PAT SNYDER who will be joining our beautiful church.


PLEASE BE AWARE of the new storm warning diagrams for direction of travel to shelter that have been mounted on the walls at strategic locations throughout the church. The main level diagrams indicate the direction of travel to the basement shelter.  The basement diagrams indicate areas of refuge.

Also, the Emergency Egress Procedures call for everyone to locate the exit sign nearest them and immediately leave the building at that location.

THE NEEDLEWORKERS will get together Tuesday, August 12, at 10:00 in Fellowship Hall.  If you have wanted to learn how to knit, crochet, or any other type of needlework, here is the place to come and get free lessons.  If you already are a needleworker, join the group and bring your own project or work on some of the projects that are being done to help kids while they are in the hospital.  If you plan to stay a while, bring a sack lunch.


JIM AND PATTI WHITE will be visiting UCC on Sunday, August 17! Jim has written a new book “Brief Christian Histories-Getting a Sense of Our Long Story” which he will talk about in a class that will meet at 1:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall that afternoon. There is information on the PIC board about the book which we have for sale in the church office for $25.00 if you would like to read it before the class. “Brief Christian Histories” has gotten some good reviews from Walter Brueggemann, John Shelby Spong and our own Paul Jackson.  Jim will also speak in the Christian Life spot during the church service.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH will be Thursday, August 21, 11:30 at Lakeside Club located at Webb and 21st St. behind Walgreens.

Sign up in Fellowship Hall.


PUT SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 ON YOUR CALENDAR—it’s wear your “UCC Polo Shirt to Church Day”!


Traditional Word:                                     John 19:17-20, 41-42


So they took Jesus; and carrying the cross by himself, he went out to what is called The Place of the Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha.  There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus between them.  Pilate also had an inscription written and put on the cross.  It read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.”  Many of the Jews read this inscription, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek. 

Now there was a garden in the place where he was crucified, and in the garden there was a new tomb in which no one had ever been laid.  And so, because it was the Jewish day of Preparation, and the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.   

Contemporary Word:   A timeline for the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

·        In 614, a Persian army destroyed the church, but it was rebuilt.

·        In the 900’s, the entrance to the church was converted to a mosque and the dome was destroyed by fire during anti-Christian riots.

·        In 1009, the destruction of the church was ordered, but just 40 years later, it was rebuilt by the Byzantines.

·        During the 11th century, the Muslim rulers allowed Christian pilgrims to visit the church and treated them well.

·        The First Crusade between 1096 and 1099 had the liberation of the holy places as its top goal.  The first and foremost important place was the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

·        The Church was reconsecreated on July 15, 1149, 50 years to the day after the capture of Jerusalem by the first Crusade. Although renovated over the years, the church claimed by the Crusaders is essentially the building that is there today.

·        Since then, even when the Muslim’s reconquered the city, Christian pilgrims have still been admitted to the Church.


Greek Orthodox, the Armenian Apostolic and Roman Catholic churches are the custodians of the building and in the 19th century, the Coptic Orthodox, the Ethiopian Orthodox and the Syrian Orthodox acquired lesser responsibilities, including shrines and other structures within and around the building.





Announcements for Sunday, July 27, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given today in celebration of Mark and Galen’s 18th anniversary.


THIS IS THE LAST SUNDAY TO ORDER YOUR PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS.  The Christian Education Board is selling the ornaments in Fellowship Hall after the church service.  These are the same glass ball ornaments sold several years ago so if you do not have one to represent your family here is a chance to order one with your last name on it.


THE UCC POLO SHIRTS ARE IN so if you placed an order for a shirt, you can pick it up in Fellowship Hall after the service today!




THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Monday, July 28, at 6:30 in the conference room.


YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.


Traditional Word:  Ezekiel 37: 1-10

The hand of the Lord came upon me, and he brought me out by the spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me all around them; there were very many lying in the valley, and they were very dry. He said to me, “Mortal, can these bones live?”

 I answered, “O Lord God, you know.” Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them: O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. I will lay sinews on you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord.” 

 So I prophesied as I had been commanded; and as I prophesied, suddenly there was a noise, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone. I looked, and there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them; but there was no breath in them. 

 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, mortal, and say to the breath: Thus says the Lord God: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.” I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood on their feet, a vast multitude.                      



Contemporary Word: “Masada” by Isaac Lamdan

Who are you that come, stepping heavy in silence?
–The remnant.
Alone I remained on the day of great slaughter.
Alone, of father and mother, sisters and brothers.
Saved in an empty cask hid in a courtyard corner.
Huddled, a child in the womb of an anxious mother.
I survived.
Days upon days in fate’s embrace I cried and begged
for mercy:
Thy deed it is, O God, that I remain.
Then answer: Why?
If to bear the shame of man and the world.
To blazon it forever–
Release me! The world unshamed will flaunt this shame
As honor and spotless virtue!
And if to find atonement I survive
Then Answer: Where?
So importuning a silent voice replied:
“In Masada!”
And I obeyed that voice and so I came.
Silent my steps will raise me to the wall,
Silent as all the steps filled with the dread
Of what will come.
Tall, tall is the wall of Masada.
Deep, deep is the pit at its feet.
And if the silent voice deceived me,
From the high wall to the deep pit
I will fling me.
And let there be no sign remaining,


And let no remnant survive.     





Announcements for Sunday, July 20, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given today by Mike and Leigh Aaron Leary in celebration of their 39th Wedding Anniversary on July 26.


PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS will be sold by the Christian Education Board today and again next Sunday in Fellowship Hall.  These are the same glass ball ornaments sold several years ago so if you do not have one to represent your family here is a chance to order one with your last name on it.


THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration room at 11:45.


THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the choir room at 11:45.


THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room at 11:45.


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room at 11:45.




















Traditional Word:        John 1:28       “These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing”


Contemporary Word:      “The Dead Sea”

A sea that you cannot even drown in
It takes life even to take life
Only in constant transaction
Even the possibility of cosmic action

The sea that got walled in
Cannot host even a wandering jinn

To soak in this mineral soup
Is like being in the motherly sap
The salty sap of the earth
Life nourishing but named Death    




Announcements for Sunday, July 13, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE KANSAS FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given today by Grace and Tom Kneil.


PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS will be sold by the Christian Education Board starting today and for the next two Sundays in Fellowship Hall.  These are the same glass ball ornaments sold several years ago so if you do not have one to represent your family here is a chance to order one with your last name on it.




THE BY-LAWS COMMITTEE will meet on Monday July 14, at 5:30 in the office meeting room.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH is Thursday, July 17 at Lakeside Club, 21st and Webb Rd. behind Walgreens. Signup sheet is in Fellowship Hall.




THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.


THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the choir room.


THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meetings begin at 11:45.




Traditional Word:  John 18: 1-2  

“After Jesus had spoken these words, he went out with his disciples across the Kidron valley to a place where there was a garden, which he and his disciples entered.  Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, because Jesus often met there with his disciples.”


Contemporary Word: “Lead Me to Calvary


Words from an old hymn that Linda Burnside enjoys:


King of my life, I crown Thee now,
Thine shall the glory be;
Lest I forget Thy thorn-crowned brow,
Lead me to Calvary.

Lest I forget Gethsemane,
Lest I forget Thine agony;
Lest I forget Thy love for me,
Lead me to Calvary.

Show me the tomb where Thou wast laid,
Tenderly mourned and wept;
Angels in robes of light arrayed
Guarded Thee whilst Thou slept.

Let me like Mary, through the gloom,
Come with a gift to Thee;
Show to me now the empty tomb,
Lead me to Calvary.

May I be willing, Lord, to bear
Daily my cross for Thee;
Even Thy cup of grief to share,
Thou hast borne all for me.



Announcements for Sunday, July 6, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Linda Burnside as a thank you to all those who have served in the military to keep us free and safe.




YOU ARE INVITED to celebrate the June 7 wedding of

Ian and Mary-Rachel McGonigle  at a reception in Fellowship Hall

Saturday, June 12 at 2:00 p.m. Hors devours, wine, and Shocker cake will be served. The couple will be wearing their wedding attire


CHRISTMAS IN JULY The Christian Education Board will be taking orders for personalized Christmas ornaments for three Sundays in July starting July 13. These are the same glass ball ornaments sold several years ago so if your family is not represented on the family Christmas tree that is in Fellowship Hall here is your chance to order your ornament.


A “SPECIAL WORKDAY” has been scheduled for the Head-to -Toe Hygiene Pantry on Thursday, July 10 from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.   The Pantry is located at 1611 N. Mosley.  We need help this month bundling diapers to prepare for our next opening.  If you haven’t been to the Pantry and would like to work or just take a tour, this would be a great time to make that happen.  There is parking west (behind the building) for volunteers.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH in coming up on Thursday, July 17 at Lakeside Club, 21st and Webb Rd. behind Walgreens. Signup sheet is in Fellowship Hall.



Words to first solo:   Steal Away to Jesus, arranged by J. Rosamond Johnson.


“Steal away, steal away, to Jesus!  Steal away, steal away home, I ain’t go long to stay here.

My Lord, He calls me, He calls me by the thunder, The trumpet sounds withina my soul, I ain’t got long to stay here.

Green trees abending, po’ sinner stand atrembling, The trumpet sounds withina my soul, I ain’t got long to stay here.”

Words to second solo: Climb Ev’ry Mountain by Rogers and Hammerstein II


“Climb ev’ry mountian, search high and low.  Follow ev’ry byway, ev’ry path you know.

Climb ev’ry mountain, ford ev’ry stream.  Follow ev’ry rainbow till you find your dream.

A dream that will need all the love you can give ev’ry day of your life for as long as you live.

Climb ev’ry  mountain, ford ev’ry stream.  Follow ev’ry rainbow till you find your dream.”


Announcements for Sunday, June 29, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!


WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Patsy and Bob Scott in memory of their son, Todd.


UCC POLO SHIRTS AND DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS will be on sale in Fellowship Hall after the church service. See next page.





THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Monday, June 30 at 5:00 in the conference room.


THE FINAL CLASS ON “ ZEALOT” will meet this Monday, June 30, at 6:30 in the conference room.

YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00).in Fellowship Hall.

THE CHRISTIAN LIFE ADVISORY COMMITTEE will meet on Wednesday, July 2, at 7:00 in the conference room

THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed on Thursday and Friday, July 3rd and 4th for the Independence Day Holiday.



UCC POLO SHIRTS will be on sale in Fellowship Hall after the church service.  Shirts for men and women are available in white and hibiscus (coral) for $25 each.  XXL sizes are a few dollars more.   This Sunday is the last chance to purchase a shirt and be ready for the     August “Good News, We Get To Wear Our UCC Volunteer Shirt to Church Sunday”.  These shirts are perfect to wear when you are volunteering at the Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry and other volunteer programs in our church and community.



LAST DAY TO ORDER DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS! These handy gift cards can be ordered in Fellowship Hall for an initial purchase of $5.00. Before your first purchase at Dillon’s, you load the card (cash, check, or credit card) at the service desk with any amount you wish up to $500. You then can use the Dillon’s card as a credit card when buying groceries or gas.  UCC will receive 5% of the total amount you spend which will go to the Head-to Toe Hygiene Pantry.


CHRISTMAS IN JULY The Christian Education Board will be taking orders for personalized Christmas ornaments for three Sundays in July starting July 13. These are the same glass ball ornaments sold several years ago so if your family is not represented on the family Christmas tree that is in Fellowship Hall here is your chance to order your ornament.







SAVE THE DATE to celebrate the June 7 wedding of Ian and Mary- Rachel McGonigle at a reception in Fellowship Hall on Saturday,

     July 12, at 2:00 p.m. Hors devours, wine, and Shocker cake

will be served.  The couple will be wearing

their wedding attire.




WORDS TO THE 1ST ANTHEM—-Let the River Run–Carly Simon


We’re coming to the edge, running on the water, coming through the fog, your sons and daughters

Let the river run, let all the dreamers wake the nation, come the new Jerusalem

Silver cities rise, the morning lights the streets that lead them, and sirens call them with a song.

It’s asking for the taking, trembling, shaking, Oh my heart is aching ,

We’re coming to the edge, running on the water, coming through the fog, your sons and daughters,

We, the great and small, stand on a star and blaze a trail of desire through the darkening dawn.

Come run with me now. The sky is the color of blue you’ve never seen in the eyes of love,

My heart is aching. We’re coming to the edge, running in the water, coming through the fog, your sons and daughters.

Let the river run, let all the dreamers wake the nation,— come the new Jerusalem


WORDS TO THE 2nd ANTHEM—-River in Judea   Jack Feldman, arranged by John Leavitt


Often times I dream of music, of the river that freely flows,

and it sings a song sweeter than honey, one everybody knows.

Late at night I hear it singing then again when I wake at dawn,

and it fills me up with hope and good will,  the will to go on.


I believe it keeps on trav’lin’ but it rests on the Sabbath day,

And the time when it pauses in stillness, I almost hear it pray,

When I’m weary and down hearted, how I long for the song it sings,

for the calm, within its gentle blue, the peace that it brings —
there is a river in Judea that I heard of long ago,

and it’s a ringing , singing river , that my soul cries out to know.


May the time not be too distant when we meet by the river shore

Till then dream of that wonderful day as we sing once more, once more,

There is a river in Judea that I heard of long ago,

Its a singing ringing river, that my soul cries out to know. Hallelujah

TRADITIONAL WORD:                                          Proverbs 29:18  KJV


“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but the one who respects the Spirit of God is happy.”


CONTEMPORARY WORD-The good news and vision:


1.  Get out of our building and into the community.

2.   Begin a new worship service in 2015.

3.  Organize and plan worship experiences that touch the heart and the mind.

4.  Adding more small group / mentoring options.

5.  Wednesday night programming.


The bad news:


  1. Every year more than 4,000 churches in the US close their doors.  One recent researcher put the number much higher – between 8,000 and 10,000 churches closing a year.


2.   Every year, 2.7 million church members in the US fall into inactivity.


3.   While church membership declined by 5 million, the US population increased by 24 million.


4.    The US now ranks 3rd following China and India in the number of people who are not professing Christians.


5.    80% of Americans find more fulfilling things to do on weekends than attend church.


6.    The median church in the US has 75 regular participants in worship on Sunday morning.

7.     Only 6% of the churches in the US are growing.  That means that 94% of congregations are decreasing.


The United States Census Bureau “Statistics and Reasons for Church Decline”.

Hartford Institute for Religion Research “Fast Facts about American Religion” “Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore”


Announcements for Sunday, June 22, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Roy and Karen Parker in celebration of their 4th Wedding Anniversary.


UCC POLO SHIRTS AND DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS will be on sale in Fellowship Hall after the church service. See next page.


PLEASE STAY FOR THE CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ which will be held today, right after the church service in Fellowship Hall. The members of the Christian Life Advisory Committee want to share the some of the good information learned at a recent church growth seminar.  Marla Flentje referenced the material in the June/July newsletter insert. This is an important topic and we would appreciate your input.


THE ST. PETERSBURG QUARTET will play a free concert in the UCC sanctuary at 2:00 this afternoon. This is a practice session before they leave on their European tour which begins in a couple of weeks.




THE CLASS ON “ ZEALOT” will meet this Monday, 23, at 6:30 in the conference room.

YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.

LARKSFIELD CLASS ON “THE GREATEST PRAYER” will have their final class for this session Wednesday, June 25 in the Club Room.




WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.


UCC POLO SHIRTS, both men’s and women’s, will be on sale each Sunday in June in Fellowship Hall after the church service.  The men’s shirts are white and women’s are hibiscus (coral) and are $25.00 each. XXL sizes are a few dollars more.  These comfortable shirts are perfect to wear when you are volunteering at the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry.

DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS can be ordered in Fellowship Hall next Sunday for an initial purchase of $5.00. Before your first purchase at Dillon’s, you load the card (cash, check, or credit card) at the service desk with any amount you wish up to $500. You then can use the Dillon’s card as a credit card when buying groceries or gas.  UCC will receive 5% of the total amount you spend which will go to the Head-to Toe Hygiene Pantry.


 TRADITIONAL WORD:Luke 24:13-21, 28-31

Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him. And he said to them, “What are you discussing with each other while you walk along?” They stood still, looking sad. Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?” He asked them, “What things?” They replied, “The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things took place. As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.” So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight.




Concentrate on the four dots in the middle of the picture for about 30 seconds.

Close your eyes and tilt your head back, keep them closed and you will see a circle of light, continue looking at the circle…  what do you see?






SAVE THE DATE to celebrate the June 7 wedding of Ian and Mary- Rachel McGonigle at a reception in Fellowship Hall on Saturday,

July 12, at 2:00 p.m. Hors devours, wine, and Shocker cake

will be served.  The couple will be wearing

their wedding attire.



CHRISTMAS IN JULY The Christian Education Board will be taking orders for personalized Christmas ornaments for three Sundays in July starting July 13. These are the same glass ball ornaments sold several years ago so if your family is not represented on the family Christmas tree that is in Fellowship Hall here is your chance to order your ornament.




I want Jesus to walk with me
I want Jesus to walk with me
All along my pilgrim journey
I want Jesus to walk with me

In my trial, Lord, walk with me
In my trials, Lord, walk with me
When the shades of life are falling
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me

In my sorrow, Lord walk with me
In my sorrows, Lord walk with me
When my heart is aching
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me

In my troubles, Lord walk with me
In my troubles, Lord walk with me
When my life becomes a burden,
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me    

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who planned, worked, and participated in last week’s Ice Cream Social.  It was a beautiful evening with good food, ice cream, and lots of fun.  Great job!

Announcements for Sunday, June 15, 2014




A NURSERY AND TODDLER ROOM are available downstairs for babies and toddlers during the church service.  Grace Kneil will be there to greet you and your children. A multiage SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the lower level following “A Time for all Children”.  Anna Duxler and Megan Lovely teach the class.


BABY MONITORS are available for those of you who leave your children in the nursery or toddler room during the church service.  To check one out, please see Grace in the nursery.


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEB SITE each week for updates and new pictures! A preview of the Order of Service, Sunday announcements and Sermons are posted each week!  An archive of sermons (select the speaker), newsletters, and up-to-date calendar are all readily available on the website too.  Also check out our Facebook page by clicking on “Facebook” on any page of our church website,


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service.  Please see an usher if you need one.


WANT A CD of a worship service?  Please sign up on the CD Form on the information board in Fellowship Hall.  You may pick-up your CD in the library.  $2 per CD may be put in “Deposit Box” in the office.


WOMENS’ GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please bring books you have read and think others would enjoy to add to our bookshelves.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and inviting!   


CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN BOARDS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.  The minutes of all the UCC Boards are posted on the bulletin boards as are the roster for the Church Council and all other boards.


Good Morning! Welcome to University

Congregational Church!




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given by Romy Gerould in loving memory of Romy’s father, Edgar F. Gerould, and grandfather, Romaine H. Lowdermilk.


UCC POLO SHIRTS AND DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS will be on sale in Fellowship Hall after the church service. See next page.


THE C.E. BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.

THE DEACON’S will meet in the downstairs conference room.

THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in area outside the downstairs kitchen.

All meetings start at 11:45.




THE CLASS ON “ ZEALOT” will meet this Monday, June 16, at 6:30 in the conference room.  See info on the next page.

ST. PETERSBURG STRING QUARTET will give a free concert Tuesday, 7:30 in the UCC sanctuary. See Next Sunday for info.

YOGA CLASSES meet on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ($5.00) and Friday at 10:00 Fellowship Hall.

LARKSFIELD CLASS ON “THE GREATEST PRAYER”will  meet on Wednesday, June 18 in the Club Room.

THE MEN’S GROUP LUNCH is Thursday, June 19, 11:30 at the Lakeside Club located at 21st and Webb behind the Walgreens.  If anyone has any suggestions for speakers, please call George Morrison or the church office. The signup sheet is in Fellowship hall.


CAROL REEL’S BIRTHDAY PARTY is Saturday, June 21, at  2:00 in Fellowship Hall. See the enclosed invitation.



A CONGREGATIONAL CAFÉ will be held on Sunday, June 22 right after the church service in Fellowship Hall. The members of the Christian Life Advisory Committee want to share the some of the good information learned at a recent church growth seminar.  Marla Flentje referenced the material in the June/July newsletter insert. This is an important topic and we would appreciate your input.

THE ST. PETERSBURG QUARTET will play a free concert in the UCC sanctuary at 2:00 on Sunday, June 22. The concerts on June 17 and 22 are part of the preparation for their European tour which begins in a couple of weeks.

WE INVITE OUR VISITORS TODAY to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee, refreshments and conversation.  Just follow the crowd down the hallway (west).


PLEASE SIGN THE FELLOWSHIP PAD when it comes down the pew.  Members please sign and update any changes in your contact information.  If you are a guest, please sign the pad so that we may thank you for worshipping with us.


UCC POLO SHIRTS, both men’s and women’s, will be on sale each Sunday in June in Fellowship Hall after the church service.  The men’s shirts are white and women’s are hibiscus (coral) and are $25.00 each. XXL sizes are a few dollars more.  These comfortable shirts are perfect to wear when you are volunteering at the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry.

DILLON’S REWARD PROGRAM GIFT CARDS can be ordered in Fellowship Hall next Sunday for an initial purchase of $5.00. Before your first purchase at Dillon’s, you load the card (cash, check, or credit card) at the service desk with any amount you wish up to $500. You then can use the Dillon’s card as a credit card when buying groceries or gas.  UCC will receive 5% of the total amount you spend which will go to the Head-to Toe Hygiene Pantry.



VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at the Head-to-Toe Hygiene Pantry Saturday, June 21 from 8:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.  Please sign up Fellowship Hall if you are able to help.

TRADITIONAL WORD:Genesis 22:1-14

After these things God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall show you.”

So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac; he cut the wood for the burnt offering, and set out and went to the place in the distance that God had shown him. On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place far away. Then Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; the boy and I will go over there; we will worship, and then we will come back to you.” Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. So the two of them walked on together. Isaac said to his father Abraham, “Father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” He said, “The fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” Abraham said, “God himself will provide the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” So the two of them walked on together. When they came to the place that God had shown him, Abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order. He bound his son Isaac, and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to kill his son.

But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” And Abraham looked up and saw a ram, caught in a thicket by its horns. Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place “The Lord will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.”

CONTEMPORY WORD:  The Living Years

Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door

I know that I’m a prisoner
To all my Father held so dear
I know that I’m a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years
Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I’m afraid that’s all we’ve got

You say you just don’t see it
He says it’s perfect sense
You just can’t get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defense

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It’s too late when we die
To admit we don’t see eye to eye

So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It’s the bitterness that lasts

So don’t yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different day
And if you don’t give up, and don’t give in
You may just be O.K.

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It’s too late when we die
To admit we don’t see eye to eye

I wasn’t there that morning
When my Father passed away
I didn’t get to tell him
All the things I had to say

I think I caught his spirit
Later that same year
I’m sure I heard his echo
In my baby’s new born tears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years
WORDS TO THE 1ST ANTHEM       “I Lift Up Mine Eye”


I lift up mine eyes to the hills, and I wonder from where comes my help?

My help, it comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

I lift up mine eyes to the hills and I wonder.  I wonder where is my help?

He will not let you stumble, He will not let you fall, the Lord is your keeper.

The sun will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night, the Lord will keep your life.

The Lord will keep you from all evil, He will keep your life,

He will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and forever more.


WORDS TO THE 2ND ANTHEM  “For the Mountains Shall Depart”


For one small moment have I forsaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather thee,

for the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee.