Category: Uncategorized

Announcements for Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sermon title: “A Commitment of Love”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are provided by Leigh Aaron-Leary.  Dedicated to Fred Rogers: “when your heart can sing another’s gladness, then your heart is full of love; when your heart can cry another’s sadness, then your heart is full of love. Love is fragile as your tears, love is stronger than your fears.”  


Wednesday February 13, from 6:00-7:00pm in fellowship hall. A ten-week exploration of the Beatitudes and how we can use them to inspire our faith and improve our lives. Classes run from February 6 to April 10, 2019. See the PIC board for a class schedule.  

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY – There is no workday on Thursday, February 14.  The Pantry is open on Saturday, February 16, from 9:00-11:30 a.m., at 2130 E. 21st St. N.   YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.  


ALL BOARDS MEET on Sunday, February 17, immediately following the worship service at 11:45 a.m.  The deacons will not meet.  

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, February 21, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin.  

HOUSE CHURCH – begins on Tuesday, March 5, from 7:00-8:30pm, locations TBA. The book this session is The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander.  For additional information please contact Kathe Thompson, Frances Jackson, or Marla Flentje.  

COOKS NIGHT OUT – Mark your calendar for Cook’s Night Out on Thursday, March 7, at 6:00 PM in fellowship hall.  The SmorgasChorus will be entertaining us.  Burt Tims, Romy Gerould, and Michael Mays, members of our UCC Choir, are members of this renowned, nationally recognized men’s chorus with a unique acapella sound. This group took the stage in front of 7000 people at the Axis Theater at Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas, in 2017 to compete with top-rated choruses internationally in the Barbershop Harmony Society’s international competition.  They placed 16th in the world!
Tickets are on sale this Sunday in fellowship hall following the service.   
SPRING FELLOWSHIP DINNERS – You are invited to be a part of the Spring Fellowship Dinners at UCC.  There will be one dinner scheduled in March and one in April. The exact dates will be determined once the sign-ups are complete.
The dinners are a wonderful way for UCC members and those who are guests of our church to get better acquainted.   There will be a group of 6-10 who will meet in someone’s home for a dinner and an evening of fellowship and fun.    If you are interested in being a part of the Spring Fellowship Dinners, please sign the sheet on the PIC board in fellowship hall.  If you are willing to host a dinner, we would appreciate your signing up to be a host.  Please indicate in the last column the number of people you can accommodate in your home (including host/hosts).               

THE 2019 FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. Sign up early to get your preferred date. There is a copy of the 2018 schedule on the back if you need a reminder of your preferred date. Thank you all for a great response to this call for flowers. There are still several dates available.  

TRAVEL SIZE SUPPLIES NEEDED – We are taking supplies year round for the hygiene bags that we provide to the InterFaith Ministries Men’s Overflow Shelter.  We are only requesting travel size shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc… You may drop it in the box marked IFM Hygiene Bags in fellowship hall.

Announcements for Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sermon Title: “#ChurchToo, #YouToo, #MeToo” or “When God’s Gift of Sexuality Gets Misused”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.

THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are provided by Kathy Reichenberger. In honor of my mother, father, and three sisters.  

A ten-week exploration of the Beatitudes and how we can use them to inspire our faith and improve our lives. All classes are on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00pm in fellowship hall. Classes run from February 6 to April 10, 2019. See the PIC board for a class schedule.  

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.  

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE – THE NINE BEATS – Wednesday February 13, from 6:00-7:00pm in fellowship hall. A ten-week exploration of the Beatitudes and how we can use them to inspire our faith and improve our lives. Classes run from February 6 to April 10, 2019. See the PIC board for a class schedule.  

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY – There is no workday on Thursday, February 14.  The Pantry is open on Saturday, February 16, from 9:00-11:30 a.m., at 2130 E. 21st St. N.  

COOKS NIGHT OUT – Mark your calendar for Cook’s Night Out on Thursday, March 7, at 6:00 PM in fellowship hall.  The SmorgasChorus will be entertaining us.  Our own Burt Tims is a member of this renowned, nationally recognized men’s chorus with a unique acapella sound.  This group took the stage in front of 7000 people at the Axis Theater at Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas, in 2017 to compete with top-rated choruses internationally in the Barbershop Harmony Society’s international competition.  They placed 16th in the world!  Join us for a great evening.  Tickets are on sale this Sunday in fellowship hall following the service.   

SPRING FELLOWSHIP DINNERS – You are invited to be a part of the Spring Fellowship Dinners at UCC.  There will be one dinner scheduled in March and one in April. The exact dates will be determined once the sign-ups are complete.
The dinners are a wonderful way for UCC members and those who are guests of our church to get better acquainted.   There will be a group of 6-10 who will meet in someone’s home for a dinner and an evening of fellowship and fun.    If you are interested in being a part of the Spring Fellowship Dinners, please sign the sheet on the PIC board in fellowship hall.  If you are willing to host a dinner, we would appreciate your signing up to be a host.  Please indicate in the last column the number of people you can accommodate in your home (including host/hosts).               

THE 2019 FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. Sign up early to get your preferred date. There is a copy of the 2018 schedule on the back if you need a reminder of your preferred date. We need January and February dates to be filled ASAP.  

TRAVEL SIZE SUPPLIES NEEDED – We are taking supplies year round for the hygiene bags that we provide to the InterFaith Ministries Men’s Overflow Shelter.  We are only requesting travel size shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc… You may drop it in the box marked IFM Hygiene Bags in fellowship hall.    

Announcements for Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sermon title: “Give Yourself Some Grace or #You Too!   “

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.
THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are provided by Bob and Dianne Robinson to celebrate the birth of their newest great-grand-daughter, Nova Shaw.  She is the daughter of their granddaughter, Mallory, and her husband, Jordon Shaw.   CommunionTHIS WEEK

on Sunday, January 27, at 9:00 a.m., in fellowship hall. COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, January 28, at 6:30, in the basement conference room.   YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.   NEXT WEEK
STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, February 7, at 11:00 a.m., in the office
conference room.   IFM SOUPER BOWL 2019 is Friday, February 1, from 10:30-1:30, at First Presbyterian Church, 525 N. Broadway. Early bird tickets are $15, and $20 at the door. Join us the Friday before that other Bowl for all-you-can-eat soup to benefit Inter-Faith Ministries homeless shelters! Soups from your favorite chefs and restaurants will be featured along with beautiful handmade bowls, fresh bread, home-made desserts, beverages, and live music.  Desserts are needed for this event.   DESSERTS NEEDED FOR SOUPER BOWL – Pies, brownies, rice krispee treats, and fancy single serve desserts are requested. No cakes or cookies please. Drop off at UCC on Thursday, Jan. 31, or at 1st Presbyterian Church downtown between 9:00-10:30am on Friday, Feb.1. Sign up on the PIC board if you can make a dessert. Purchase tickets by calling 316-264-9303, online:, or at the door. SPRING FELLOWSHIP DINNERS – You are invited to be a part of the Spring Fellowship Dinners at UCC.  There will be one dinner scheduled in March and one in April. The exact dates will be determined once the sign-ups are complete.
The dinners are a wonderful way for UCC members and those who are guests of our church to get better acquainted.   There will be a group of 6-10 who will meet in someone’s home for a dinner and an evening of fellowship and fun.    If you are interested in being a part of the Spring Fellowship Dinners, please sign the sheet on the PIC board in fellowship hall.  If you are willing to host a dinner, we would appreciate your signing up to be a host.  Please indicate in the last column the number of people you can accommodate in your home (including host/hosts).              2019 SPRING WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE –  THE NINE BEATS – A ten-week exploration of the Beatitudes and how we can use them to inspire our faith and improve our lives. All classes are on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00pm in fellowship hall. Classes run from February 6 to April 10, 2019n and will be facilitated by Rev. Paul Ellis Jackson.  See the PIC board for a class schedule.   THE 2019 FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. Sign up early to get your preferred date. There is a copy of the 2018 schedule on the back if you need a reminder of your preferred date. We need January and February dates to be filled ASAP.

Announcements for Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sermon Title: “Same As You and Me: The Challenge”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are provided by Anne and Mike McCoy. “To celebrate the promise of a New Year!

ALL BOARDS MEET immediately following the worship service at 11:45.
THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the area outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.
THE OUTREACH BOARD will meet in the office meeting room.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.


ALL BOARDS MEET on Sunday, January 20, immediately following the worship service at 11:45 a.m.

LARKSFIELD DISCUSSION GROUP meets on January 23, at 10:00 a.m., in the club room.

BOARD LEADERSHIP TRAINING meets on Saturday, January 26, at 10:00 a.m., in fellowship hall. This is for everyone that is serving on boards in 2019.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


GROWTH COMMITTEE MEETING on Sunday, January 27, at 9:00 a.m., in fellowship hall.

COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, January 28, at 6:30, in the basement conference room.

SPRING FELLOWSHIP DINNERS – You are invited to be a part of the Spring Fellowship Dinners at UCC. There will be one dinner scheduled in March and one in April. The exact dates will be determined once the sign-ups are complete.

The dinners are a wonderful way for UCC members and those who are guests of our church to get better acquainted. There will be a group of 6-10 who will meet in someone’s home for a dinner and an evening of fellowship and fun.

If you are interested in being a part of the Spring Fellowship Dinners, please sign the sheet on the PIC board in fellowship hall. If you are willing to host a dinner, we would appreciate your signing up to be a host. Please indicate in the last column the number of people you can accommodate in your home (including host/hosts).

IFM SOUPER BOWL 2019 is Friday, February 1, from 10:30-1:30, at First Presbyterian Church, 525 N. Broadway. Early bird tickets are $15, and $20 at the door. Join us the Friday before that other Bowl for all-you-can-eat soup to benefit Inter-Faith Ministries homeless shelters! Soups from your favorite chefs and restaurants will be featured along with beautiful handmade bowls, fresh bread, home-made desserts, beverages, and live music. Desserts are needed for this event.

DESSERTS NEEDED FOR SOUPER BOWL – Pies, brownies, rice krispee treats, and fancy single serve desserts are requested, no cakes or cookies please. Drop off at UCC on Thursday, Jan. 31, or at 1st Presbyterian Church downtown between 9:00-10:30am on Friday, Feb.1. Sign up on the PIC board if you can make a dessert. Purchase tickets by calling 316-264-9303, online:, or at the door.

Announcements for Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sermon title: “A Lot Like Me and You”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.



THE 2019 ANNUAL MEETING of University Congregational Church will be held today in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service at 11:30. We will be voting on all three items: the approved 2019 Final Budget; the Strategic Growth Plan, and the 2019 list of nominees for the various Boards and Council.


LECTURE SERIES MEETING on Monday, January 14, at 3:00pm, in the basement conference room.

MENS’ LUNCH is Thursday, January 17, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin. Following lunch we will have an open discussion regarding what the future looks like for the men’s lunch.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY workday is canceled this week. However, the Pantry is open on Saturday, January 19, from 9:00-11:30 a.m.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


ALL BOARDS MEET on Sunday, January 20, immediately following the worship service at 11:45 a.m.

LARKSFIELD DISCUSSION GROUP meets on January 23, at 10:00 a.m., in the club room.

THE 2019 FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. Sign up early to get your preferred date. There is a copy of the 2018 schedule on the back if you need a reminder of your preferred date. We need January and February dates to be filled ASAP.

THE UCC PICTURE DIRECTORIES ARE IN – Be sure to pick up your copy in fellowship hall this Sunday. One copy per family, please.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Sign up on the PIC board if you would like to help. Paul is coordinating the volunteers. If you have questions, please contact him.

TRAVEL SIZE SUPPLIES NEEDED – We are taking supplies year round for the hygiene bags that we provide to the Inter-Faith Ministries Men’s Overflow Shelter.  We are only requesting travel size or the ones you get when staying in a hotel.  We need shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, body wash, etc… You may drop them in the box marked IFM Hygiene Bag Supplies located in fellowship hall.

Announcements for Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sermon Title: “Light Bulb Moments”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.



STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, January 10, at 2:00 p.m., in the office conference room.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


THE 2019 ANNUAL MEETING of University Congregational Church will be held on Sunday, January 13, 2019, in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service at 11:30. We will be voting on all three items: the approved 2019 Final Budget; the Strategic Growth Plan, and the 2019 list of nominees for the various Boards and Council.

LECTURE SERIES MEETING on Monday, January 14, at 3:00 pm, in the basement conference room.

MEN’S LUNCH is Thursday, January 17, at 11:30, at Scotch & Sirloin.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY workday is canceled this week. However, the Pantry is open on Saturday, January 19, from 9:00-11:30 a.m.

THE 2019 FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. Sign up early to get your preferred date. There is a copy of the 2017 schedule on the back if you need a reminder of your preferred date.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Sign up on the PIC board if you would like to help. Paul is coordinating the volunteers. If you have questions, please contact him.

TRAVEL SIZE SUPPLIES NEEDED – We are taking supplies year round for the hygiene bags that we provide to the Inter-Faith Ministries Men’s Overflow Shelter.  We are only requesting travel size or the ones you get when staying in a hotel.  We need shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, body wash, etc… You may drop them in the box marked IFM Hygiene Bag Supplies located in fellowship hall.

Announcements for Sunday, December 30, 2018

Sermon title: “All Beautiful the March of Days”

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




UCC OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED – on New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2018 and New Year’s Day, January 1, 2019.

YOGA is canceled on Tuesday, January 1, 2019. Yoga will meet on Friday, January 4, at 10:00am, in the basement.


GROWTH COMMITTEE MEETING will meet on Sunday, January 6, 2019, at 9:00am.

STEPHEN MINISTERS meets Thursday, January 10, at 2:00 p.m., in the office conference room.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.

THE 2019 FLOWER SCHEDULE is on the PIC board in Fellowship Hall. Sign up early to get your preferred date. There is a copy of the 2017 schedule on the back if you need a reminder of your preferred date.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the Annual Meeting of University Congregational Church, Wichita, KS, as provided for in the church’s bylaws. The meeting will be held on Sunday, January 13, 2019, in the sanctuary immediately
following the worship service at 11:30.

2018 CONTRIBUTIONS must be received or postmarked by midnight 12/31/18, due to legal requirements. Anything received after that date will be recorded as a 2019 contribution.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Sign up on the PIC board if you would like to help. Paul is coordinating the volunteers. If you have questions, please contact him.

TRAVEL SIZE SUPPLIES NEEDED – We are taking supplies year round for the hygiene bags that we provide to the Inter-Faith Ministries Men’s Overflow Shelter.  We are only requesting travel size or the ones you get when staying in a hotel.  We need shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, body wash, etc… You may drop them in the box marked IFM Hygiene Bag Supplies located in fellowship hall.

Announcements for Sunday, December 23, 2018

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


CHRISTMAS VESPERS – there will be music, poetry, and scripture on
December 23, at 4:00pm. Listen to Helen Griffin, piano, and Laura Williams, organ. Special guests include JoyAnn Brake, flute, Matthew Udland, vocalist, Ann Reddy, harp. Please bring a donation item for the hygiene pantry. There will be a reception following in the parlor.

Fourth Sunday of Advent – Love


CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICES – will be held on December 24, at 4:00pm and 6:00pm, in the sanctuary. Communion will be served. Offerings collected at both services will go to the Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry and to Jon and Julia Romain.

UCC OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED – on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day, December 24 and 25.

YOGA is canceled on Tuesday, December 25, and Tuesday, January 1, 2019.


YOGA is canceled on Tuesday, January 1, 2019. Yoga will meet on Friday, January 4, at 10:00am, in the basement.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Sign up on the PIC board if you would like to help. Paul is coordinating the volunteers. If you have questions, please contact him.


December 23 – Vespers, 4:00pm, sanctuary
December 24 – Christmas Eve Service, 4:00pm and 6:00p.m., sanctuary

“Dear UCC family,

At this time of year, I always look back and remember how much I appreciate your love and support.  You provide strength and comfort for many.

The church brings together people who want to help each other and the community, and UCC is doing a wonderful job of both. Even when this may seem a difficult time for our nation and its people, we must all continue to move forward.  For as Margaret Mead reminded us, “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world.  For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”

May your holidays be full of warmth and kindness, 
Billie Meyers

Announcements for Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sermon Title: “Jesus as Joy”

Special Music: Bach’s Magnificat

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.


BACH’S MAGNIFICAT CHRISTMAS MUSIC – Music is performed by the UCC Chancel Choir and special guests. This performance is being underwritten by the family of Jan Riordan in her honor.

Third Sunday of Advent – Joy


ALL BOARDS MEET on Sunday, December 16, immediately following the worship service at 11:45 a.m.

COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, December 17, at 6:00 p.m., in the basement conference room.

LARKSFIELD DISCUSSION GROUP meets on December 19, at 10:00 a.m., in the club room.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


CHRISTMAS VESPERS – there will be music, poetry, and scripture on
December 23, at 4:00pm. Listen to Helen Griffin, piano, and Laura Williams, organ. Special guests include JoyAnn Brake, flautist, and Matthew Udland, vocalist. Please bring a donation item for the hygiene pantry. There will be a reception following in the parlor.

CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICES – will be held on December 24, at 4:00pm and 6:00pm, in the sanctuary. Communion will be served. Offerings collected at both services will go to the Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry and to Jon and Julia Romain.

UCC OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED – on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day, December 24 and 25.

YOGA is canceled on Tuesday, December 25, and Tuesday, January 1, 2019.

SMORGASCHORUS CHRISTMAS CONCERT- On Saturday, December 15, at 7:00pm, internationally ranked SmorgasChorus will present their Christmas concert in Galichia Auditorium at Collegiate Upper School, 13th and Webb Rd.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Sign up on the PIC board if you would like to help. Paul is coordinating the volunteers. If you have questions, please contact him.

Announcements for Sunday, December 9, 2019

Sermon Title: “Jesus as Peace”
We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the fellowship hall for beverages and cookies after the worship service. Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.



Second Sunday of Advent – Peace


BLANKET COLLECTION FOR INTER-FAITH MINISTERIES OPERATION HOLIDAY – Our church collected more than 90 blankets for those in need last year. Let’s make it 100 this year! Please bring new full or queen size blankets to the collection box in fellowship hall anytime through today Sunday, December 9.

HEAD-TO-TOE HYGIENE PANTRY workday is Thursday, December 13, from 9:00-11:00 am, at 2130 E. 21st St. N. The Pantry is open on Saturday, December 15, from 9:00-11:30 a.m.

YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00 and Friday, at 10:00, in fellowship hall. The cost for the Tuesday class is $5 because it is instructor led.


BACH’S MAGNIFICAT CHRISTMAS MUSIC – Is on Sunday, December 16, at 10:30, during worship. Music is performed by the UCC Chancel Choir and special guests. This performance is being underwritten by the family of Jan Riordan in her honor.

ALL BOARDS MEET on Sunday, December 16, immediately following the worship service at 11:45 a.m.

COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, December 17, at 6:30 p.m., in the basement conference room.

LARKSFIELD DISCUSSION GROUP meets on December 19, at 10:00 a.m., in the club room.

CHRISTMAS VESPERS – there will be music, poetry and scripture on
December 23, at 4:00pm. Listen to Helen Griffin, piano, and Laura Williams, organ with special guests: JoyAnn Brake, flautist, and Matthew Udland, vocalist. Please bring a donation item for the hygiene pantry. There will be a reception following in the parlor.

CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICES – will be held on December 24, at 4:00pm and 6:00pm, in the sanctuary.

SMORGASCHORUS CHRISTMAS CONCERT- On Saturday, December 15, at 7:00pm, internationally ranked SmorgasChorus will present their Christmas concert in Galichia Auditorium at Collegiate Upper School, 13th and Webb Rd.

IT’S POINSETTIA TIME! – If you would like to contribute to the Christmas floral display, please send a check for $10.00 to the church, payable to UCC by
December 10, or you may put it in the offering plate today. Be sure to write flowers on the memo line and indicate if your donation is in honor of, or in memory of someone special.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Sign up on the PIC board if you would like to help. Paul is coordinating the volunteers. If you have questions, please contact him.