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Announcements for Sunday, September 6, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are given with love by the Family of Dr. Bill Park in celebration of his nurturing life and in memory of his flight over the rainbow one year ago this week.


CHOIR PARTY AT PRAIRIE PINES Wednesday evening at 6:00p.m., at 4055 N. Tyler Road.  Please refer to your email from Paul for the food you are to bring.


THE WOMEN’S GUILD have raffle tickets available in Fellowship Hall after the worship service for a suggested donation of $1 each, 12 tickets for $10, or 25 tickets for $20.  Baskets donated for the raffle are on display in
Fellowship Hall. Tickets will be available through the end of September. The drawing will be held at Cook’s Night Out in October. Winners need not be

present to win.  Proceeds to benefit the Women’s Guild projects.


SPONSOR A STUDENT Music Program. Please consider becoming a
student choir member sponsor. Sponsorship is $1,500 per student or $150 per month. The campaign will continue through the end of September.  Please
indicate “Student Scholarship” on the memo line of your check.


FALL FELLOWSHIP DINNERS will be held in October and November.
The host can choose whether to schedule the dinner in October or November.  We are asking that those people who are willing to host a Fellowship Dinner please register on the PIC board.  If you are willing to host a dinner, please sign up now through
September 13th.  Please indicate the number of people you can accommodate for dinner in your home, including the host/hosts.  Once we have the list of hosts, there will be a sign up sheet for those wanting to attend a dinner.


NEW MEMBER SUNDAY! On Sept. 13, 2015, we will welcome new members to our church. There is no required class or creed. We simply ask if you wish to join our congregation for worship, fellowship, and service.  If interested in joining the church, contact Dr. Robin McGonigle at or 316-641-5919.



Þ September 9 –   Choir Party at 6:00p.m., Prairie Pines

Þ September 13 – Choir Kick-Off and All Church covered dish lunch, 11:30a.m.

Þ September 16 – Wednesday Night Alive begins at 6:00p.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ September 20 – Revelations at 6:00p.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ September 27 – UCC 101 Class, 9:00a.m., Basement Conf Rm

Þ September 27 – Congregational Meeting, 11:30a.m., Sanctuary


Þ October 4 –       Connect Worship Service begins at 9:00a.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ October 15 –     Cook’s Night Out at 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ October 28 –     Women’s Guild Baby Shower at 11:00a.m., Fellowship Hall


Þ November 1 –   UCC 101 Class, 9:00a.m., Basement Conf Rm

Þ November 3 –   Welcome Wagon Auction, at 9:30a.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ November 29 – Hanging of the Greens, 5:00p.m.


Þ December 12 – Christmas Party, 5:00p.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ December 24 – Christmas Eve Service, 7:00p.m., Sanctuary


STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN MARCH & RALLY  ICT Acts is hosting a March and Rally to raise awareness about violence against women in the Wichita community on

Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 1 pm. The March will begin and end at the Exploration Place
Festival Plaza.  This is open to the community and admission is free. Please visit us at for more information.

Announcements for Sunday, August 30, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are donated by Don Younglund in honor of his


SPRING 2016 UCC GREECE & TURKEY TRIP  An informational meeting will be held today at 9:30am in Fellowship Hall.  Please come to learn about the
proposed trip itinerary and offer your feedback.  There is still room to adjust the dates and itinerary according to your interests!


THE WOMEN’S GUILD have raffle tickets available in Fellowship Hall after the worship service for a suggested donation of $1 each, 12 tickets for $10, or 25 tickets for $20.  Baskets donated for the raffle are on display in
Fellowship Hall. Tickets will be available through the end of September. The drawing will be held at Cook’s Night Out in October. Winners need not be

present to win.  Proceeds to benefit the Women’s Guild projects.


SPONSOR A STUDENT Music Program. Please consider becoming a
student choir member sponsor. Sponsorship is $1,500 per student or $150 per month. The campaign will continue through the end of September.  Please
indicate “Student Scholarship” on the memo line of your check.


FALL FELLOWSHIP DINNERS will be held in October and November.
Fall is a busy season with Revelations, Cooks Night Out, and the church picnic, so we are scheduling only one dinner.  The host can choose whether to schedule the dinner in October or November.


Registration will be handled differently than in the past.  We are asking that those
people who are willing to host a Fellowship Dinner please register on the PIC board.  Once we know how many people will be hosting, then we will know how many guests we can accommodate.  If you are willing to host a dinner, please sign up now through September 13th.  Please indicate the number of people you can accommodate for
dinner in your home, including the host/hosts.  Once we have the list of hosts, there will be a sign up sheet for those wanting to attend a dinner.


NEW MEMBER SUNDAY! On Sept. 13, 2015, we will welcome new members to our church. There is no required class or creed. We simply ask if you wish to join our congregation for worship, fellowship, and service.  If interested in joining the church, contact Dr. Robin McGonigle at or 316-641-5919.



Þ September 9 –   Choir Party at 6:00p.m., Prairie Pines

Þ September 13 – Choir Kick-Off and All church potluck at 6:30p.m.

Þ September 16 – Wednesday Night Alive begins at 6:00p.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ September 20 – Revelations at 6:00p.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ September 27 – UCC 101 Class, 9:00a.m., Basement Conf Rm

Þ September 27 – Congregational Meeting, 11:30a.m., Sanctuary


Þ October 4 –       9:00a.m. Worship Service begins, Fellowship Hall

Þ October 15 –     Cook’s Night Out at 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ October 28 –     Women’s Guild Baby Shower at 11:00a.m., Fellowship Hall


Þ November 1 –   UCC 101 Class, 9:00a.m., Basement Conf Rm

Þ November 3 –   Welcome Wagon Auction, at 9:30a.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ November 29 – Hanging of the Greens, 5:00p.m.


Þ December 12 – Christmas Party, 5:00p.m., Fellowship Hall

Þ December 24 – Christmas Eve Service, 7:00p.m., Sanctuary

Announcements for Sunday, August 23, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are donated by Mary Anna Meshew in honor of her grandson, Jake Lister’s 19th birthday.


THE WOMEN’S GUILD have raffle tickets available in Fellowship Hall after the worship service for a suggested donation of $1 each, 12 tickets for $10, or 25 tickets for $20.  Baskets donated for the raffle are on display in
Fellowship Hall. Tickets will be available through the end of September. The drawing will be held at Cook’s Night Out in October. Winners need not be

present to win.  Proceeds to benefit the Women’s Guild projects.




COUNCIL MEETING tomorrow evening, August 24, at 5:30p.m. at UCC in the downstairs conference room.


LARKSFIELD TEA is this Thursday, August 27, at 10:00a.m., at
Larksfield Place in the  Lakeview Room.  Everyone is invited to attend.  This is a way to stay connected and to know what is happening in the church. Robin will be hosting and you can ask questions or tell us what is on your mind.
Refreshments will be served.


19TH AMENDMENT TEA celebrating the 95th Anniversary will be August 26, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at UCC Fellowship Hall.  Meet former Kansas Insurance
Commissioner, Sandy Praeger; former Kansas Senator, Jean Schodorf; and Jill
Docking. Following the Tea, there will be a National Women’s Equality Day
Celebration from 7:00-9:00pm, at WSU Hughes Metroplex at 5015 E 29TH ST N. The public is invited to both events.


PLEASE CONSIDER becoming a student choir member sponsor.  Sponsorship is $1,500 per student or $150 per month. The campaign will continue through the end of September.  Please indicate “Student Scholarship” on the memo line of your check.


FALL FELLOWSHIP DINNERS will be held in October and November.
Fall is a busy season with Revelations, Cooks Night Out, and the church picnic, so we are scheduling only one dinner.  The host can choose whether to schedule the dinner in October or November.


Registration will be handled differently than in the past.  We are asking that those
people who are willing to host a Fellowship Dinner please register on the PIC board.  Once we know how many people will be hosting, then we will know how many guests we can accommodate.  If you are willing to host a dinner, please sign up now through September 13th.  Please indicate the number of people you can accommodate for
dinner in your home, including the host/hosts.  Once we have the list of hosts, there will be a sign up sheet for those wanting to attend a dinner.


NEW MEMBER SUNDAY! On Sept. 13, 2015, we will welcome new members to our church. There is no required class or creed. We simply ask if you wish to join our congregation for worship, fellowship, and service.  If interested in joining the church, contact Dr. Robin McGonigle at or 316-641-5919.


SPRING 2016 UCC GREECE & TURKEY TRIP  An informational meeting will be held on Sunday, Aug. 30 at 9:30am in Fellowship Hall.  Please come to learn about the proposed trip itinerary and offer your feedback.  There is still room to adjust the dates and itinerary according to your interests!

Announcements for Sunday, October 16, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are donated by Bob and Dianne Robinson to celebrate all blended families, including their own family.


THE WOMEN’S GUILD have raffle tickets available in Fellowship Hall after the worship service for a suggested donation of $1 each, 12 tickets for $10, or 25 tickets for $20.  Baskets donated for the raffle are on display in
Fellowship Hall. Tickets will be available through the end of September. The drawing will be held at Cook’s Night Out in October. Winners need not be

present to win.  Proceeds to benefit the Women’s Guild projects.




THE DEACONS will meet in the are outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE MUSIC BOARD will meet in the room beside the choir room.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

No Outreach or Christian Education Board meetings this week.


All meetings are at 11:45


MEN’S GROUP LUNCHEON is this Thursday, August 20, at 11:30a.m. at the Lakeside Club.  The speaker is Jason Gregory with the Wichita Downtown Development Corporation.


2015 HUMANITARIAN AWARDS DINNER is this Thursday, August 20, at 6:00 p.m. at Beech Activity Center.  The Spirit of Faith Award will honor the Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry and Debbi Green and Kim Carraway for their work and dedication to the Pantry.  There will be five tables full of members and Pantry volunteers to honor Debbi and Kim at this event.


PLEASE CONSIDER becoming a student choir member sponsor.  Sponsorship is $1,500 per student or $150 per month. The campaign will continue through the end of September.  Please indicate “Student Scholarship” on the memo line of your check.


FALL FELLOWSHIP DINNERS will be held in October and November.
Because this is fall is a busy season with Revelations, Cooks Night Out, and the church picnic, we are scheduling only one dinner.  The host can choose whether to schedule the dinner in October or November.


This fall registration will be handled differently than in the past.  We are first asking that those people who are willing to host a Fellowship Dinner please
register on the PIC board.  Once we know how many people will be hosting, then we know how many guests we can accommodate.  If you are willing to host a dinner, please sign up now through September 13th.  Please indicate the
number of people you can accommodate for dinner in your home, including the host/hosts.  Once we have the list of hosts, there will be a sign up sheet for

people wanting to attend a dinner,  as we have done in the past.


19TH AMENDMENT TEA celebrating the 95th Anniversary will be August 26, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at UCC Fellowship Hall.  Meet former Kansas Insurance
Commissioner, Sandy Praeger; former Kansas Senator, Jean Schodorf; and Jill
Docking. Following the Tea, there will be a National Women’s Equality Day
Celebration from 7:00-9:00pm, at WSU Hughes Metroplex at 5015 E 29TH ST N. The public is invited to both events.

Announcements for Sunday, April 9, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are donated by Jan Deering in loving memory of her husband, Bert Deering.


THE WOMEN’S GUILD will have raffle tickets available in the Fellowship Hall after the worship service for a suggested donation of $1 each, 12 tickets for $10, or 25 tickets for $20.  Baskets donated for the raffle are on display in
Fellowship Hall.  Tickets will be available through the end of September. The drawing will be held at Cook’s Night Out in October.  Winners need not be
present to win.  Proceeds to benefit the Women’s Guild.


BACK TO SCHOOL PROJECT had an overwhelming response as we
exceeded our goal this year.  Thank you to everyone who contributed supplies and money. A display is set up in the Fellowship Hall this morning of all the supplies that were donated and purchased thanks to you, our generous members. All supplies will be taken to Dellrose United Methodist Church on August 16 and distributed that day at 3:00. We will be accepting supplies up until that date.




FEMININE FACES OF GOD class resumes this Monday, August 10 at 1:00, in the basement conference room. Robin is leading this class. It is open to anyone who is interested.


GRIEF GROUP resumes this Monday, August 10 at 2:00p.m., in the office conference room. Open to anyone that has experienced a loss.


HEAD TO TOE HYGIENE PANTRY located at 1611 N. Mosley is open Saturday, August 15, from 8:30 am-11:45 am. No additional volunteers needed at this time.


NEEDLEWORKERS meet on Tuesday at 10:00a.m., Fellowship Hall.


YOGA meets on Tuesday at 4:00pm, and again on Friday at 10:00am.




ALL BOARDS MEET immediately following the worship service on Sunday,
August 16.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCHEON is next Thursday, August 20, at 11:30, at the Lakeside Club.


2015 HUMANITARIAN AWARDS DINNER held on August 20, at 6:00 p.m. at Beech Activity Center.  The Spirit of Faith Award will honor the Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry and Debbie Green and Kim Carraway for their work and dedication to the Pantry.  We are purchasing tables if you are interested in attending.  Your ticket is a check to the church in the amount of $100 each. Please call Heidi at the church office 316-634-0430, for additional information.


PLEASE CONSIDER becoming a student choir member sponsor.  The sponsorship is $2,000 per student or $200 per month. You may also contribute what you can and join in with other families. Sometimes students are unable to come every Sunday so their scholarship ends up being less than $2,000. However, it is impossible to predict individual attendance. If you are more comfortable contributing $1,600, that is
acceptable too. The campaign will continue through September.  Please indicate “Student Scholarship” on the memo line of your check.

Announcements for Sunday, July 26, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are donated by Anita Jones in praise of Paul’s ability to teach us with wit and wisdom.




LARKSFIELD TEA is this Wednesday, at 10:00 a.m., at Larksfield Place in the Clubroom.  Everyone is invited to attend.  This is a way to stay connected and to know what is happening in the church. Robin will be hosting and you can ask questions or tell us what is on your mind.  Refreshments will be served.




FILL THE GAP UCC will be hosting the “Fill the Gap” lunches at the
Urban League at 9th & Grove August 3-7. We need 3 volunteers for each day from 11:45-1:00.  Please consider signing up on the Board in Fellowship Hall.  Healthy snacks are needed: individual pudding or fruit cups, etc… Your donations are greatly appreciated.  Please bring all donations to Fellowship Hall and deposit them in the Food Pantry bins.



2015 HUMANITARIAN AWARDS DINNER held on August 20, at 6:00 p.m. at Beech Activity Center.  The Spirit of Faith Award will honor the Head to Toe Hygiene Pantry and Debbie Green and Kim Carraway for their work and dedication to the Pantry.  We are purchasing tables if you are interested in attending.  Your ticket is a check to the church in the amount of $100 each. Please call Heidi at the church office 316-634-0430, for additional information.




This year, University Congregational Church will partner with Dellrose United Methodist Church on a Back to School project. Last year the Dellrose Back to School project distributed school supplies and backpacks for families primarily in their neighboring northeast area who needed help in getting school supplies for their children. They served about 200 kids, but the need was greater.


UCC’s Outreach Board felt by partnering with Dellrose we could help with an established project that serves a great need.  Our goal is to collect supplies for 50 kids.


Sheets are available in Fellowship Hall that list the supplies needed for kids in grades Kindergarten through grade 5.  Supplies that you purchase should be returned to the designated area in Fellowship Hall which will be taken to Dellrose for distribution on Sunday, August 16.  You may want to consider taking a list for a specific grade and purchase the needed supplies for one child. All purchases of supplies will be gratefully received.


If you would prefer to write a check and have us do the shopping, we would be happy to make that happen. The check should be written to UCC and Back to School Project should be noted on the memo line.


These items will be distributed on Sunday, August 16 at 3:00. Please sign up on the sheet on the Board in Fellowship Hall if you would like to assist with distribution.


We will be accepting donations and contributions through the last week in July for the Back to School project to give us enough time to purchase supplies with the money donated.  Your generosity is very much appreciated.

Announcements for Sunday, July 19, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are donated by Mary Anna Meschew in memory of her daughter Heather.


THE CE BOARD will meet in the Science and Exploration Room.
THE DEACONS will meet in the area outside the downstairs kitchen.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES will meet in the conference room.

All meetings are at 11:45




LARKSFIELD TEA will meet in the Clubroom at Larksfield Place at 10:00a.m. July 29th.  This is a time for members residing at Larksfield to visit with Robin about things going on in their lives or at the church.





This year, University Congregational Church will partner with Dellrose United Methodist Church on a Back to School project. Last year the Dellrose Back to School project distributed school supplies and backpacks for families primarily in their neighboring northeast area who needed help in getting school supplies for their children. They served about 200 kids, but the need was greater.


UCC’s Outreach Board felt by partnering with Dellrose we could help with an established project that serves a great need.  Our goal is to collect supplies for 50 kids.   WE HAVE NOW PURCHASED ALL THE BACKPACKS.  WE JUST NEED SUPPLIES!!!


To enroll a child in Kindergarten, the textbook fee is $22 and kids in grades 1-5 have a textbook fee of $37.  Families with very limited funds struggle to pay the textbook fees as well as purchase the needed school supplies.


Sheets are available in Fellowship Hall that list the supplies needed for kids in grades Kindergarten through grade 5.  Supplies that you purchase should be returned to the designated area in Fellowship Hall which will be taken to Dellrose for distribution on Sunday, August 16. You may want to consider taking a list for a specific grade and purchase the needed supplies for one child. All purchases of supplies will be gratefully received.


If you would prefer to write a check and have us do the shopping, we would be happy to make that happen. The check should be written to UCC and Back to School Project should be noted on the memo line.


We all know how exciting the beginning of a new school year is for a child.  Let’s all work together to help these families start their children with their needed school supplies.


Dellrose will be distributing these items on Sunday, August 16 at 3:00.  If you would like to volunteer to help with the distribution, please sign up on the sheet on the Board in Fellowship Hall.





Announcements for Sunday, July 12, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are donated by Tom and Grace Kneil in honor of nature.




THE PANTRY WORKDAY is Thursday, July 16, from 9:00 am-11:00 am, at 1611 N. Mosley-you are all welcome to help if you have time.  The Hygiene Pantry is open Saturday, July 18, from 8:30 am-11:45 am.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH is next Thursday, July 16, at 11:30, at the Lakeside Club.  The speaker is Paul Jackson. He will be talking about his
recent trip to Chacraseca, Nicaragua


WOMEN’S POWER LUNCH is Tuesday, July 14, at 11:30, at the Petroleum Club. Tickets are $30 with proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity’s 2015 Women Build.  Please let Robin know today if you want to attend with her!




BOARDS MEET immediately following the church service on Sunday, July 19.  Only the following boards will meet:  Trustees, Deacons, and Christian Education. Outreach and Music Boards will not meet.





This year, University Congregational Church will partner with Dellrose United Methodist Church on a Back to School project. Last year the Dellrose Back to School project distributed school supplies and backpacks for families primarily in their neighboring northeast area who needed help in getting school supplies for their children. They served about 200 kids, but the need was greater.


UCC’s Outreach Board felt by partnering with Dellrose we could help with an established project that serves a great need.  Our goal is to collect supplies for 50 kids.


To enroll a child in Kindergarten, the textbook fee is $22 and kids in grades 1-5 have a textbook fee of $37.  Families with very limited funds struggle to pay the textbook fees as well as purchase the needed school supplies.


Sheets are available in Fellowship Hall that list the supplies needed for kids in grades Kindergarten through grade 5.  Supplies that you purchase should be returned to the designated area in Fellowship Hall which will be taken to Dellrose for distribution on Sunday, August 16. You may want to consider taking a list for a specific grade and purchase the needed supplies for one child. All purchases of supplies will be gratefully received.


If you would prefer to write a check and have us do the shopping, we would be happy to make that happen. The check should be written to UCC and Back to School Project should be noted on the memo line.


We all know how exciting the beginning of a new school year is for a child.  Let’s all work together to help these families start their children with their needed school supplies.


Dellrose will be distributing these items on Sunday, August 16 at 3:00.  If you would like to volunteer to help with the distribution, please sign up on the sheet on the Board in Fellowship Hall.

Announcements for Sunday, July 5, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are donated by Ted and Laurie Mason in honor of his Dad, Dean’s, 88th birthday.




NEEDLEWORKERS meet on Tuesday July 7 at 10:00am Fellowship Hall.


YOGA meets every Tuesday at 4:00pm, and every Friday at 10:00am.




THE PANTRY WORKDAY is Thursday, July 16, from 9:00 am-11:00 am, at 1611 N. Mosley-you are all welcome to help if you have time.  The Hygiene Pantry is open Saturday, July 18, from 8:30 am-11:45 am.


MEN’S GROUP LUNCH is next Thursday, July 16, at 11:30, at the Lakeside Club.  The speaker is Paul Jackson. He will be talking about his
recent trip to Chacraseca, Nicaragua





This year, University Congregational Church will partner with Dellrose United Methodist Church on a Back to School project. Last year the Dellrose Back to School project distributed school supplies and backpacks for families primarily in their neighboring northeast area who needed help in getting school supplies for their children. They served about 200 kids, but the need was greater.


UCC’s Outreach Board felt by partnering with Dellrose we could help with an established project that serves a great need.  Our goal is to collect supplies for 50 kids.


To enroll a child in Kindergarten, the textbook fee is $22 and kids in grades 1-5 have a textbook fee of $37.  Families with very limited funds struggle to pay the textbook fees as well as purchase the needed school supplies.


Sheets are available in Fellowship Hall that list the supplies needed for kids in grades Kindergarten through grade 5.  Supplies that you purchase should be returned to the designated area in Fellowship Hall which will be taken to Dellrose for distribution on Sunday, August 16. You may want to consider taking a list for a specific grade and purchase the needed supplies for one child. All purchases of supplies will be gratefully received.


If you would prefer to write a check and have us do the shopping, we would be happy to make that happen. The check should be written to UCC and Back to School Project should be noted on the memo line.


We all know how exciting the beginning of a new school year is for a child.  Let’s all work together to help these families start their children with their needed school supplies.


Dellrose will be distributing these items on Sunday, August 16 at 3:00.  If you would like to volunteer to help with the distribution, please sign up on the sheet on the Board in Fellowship Hall.

Announcements for Sunday, June 29, 2015

We welcome all of our visitors today and invite you to the Fellowship Hall for beverages and cookies after the service.  Please follow the congregation to the left out of the sanctuary.




THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY are provided by Galen Minks and Mark Stoskopf in appreciation to the University
Congregational Church family, for giving us a place to call home.


UCC 101 NEW MEMBER CLASS today, at 9:00 a.m. in the basement conference room.  If you are visiting or interested in joining the UCC, this is a great way to learn more about how the church is structured and a chance for you to ask questions.  A light brunch will be served.


CONGREGATIONAL MEETING is today at 11:30 a.m., in Fellowship Hall immediately following the worship service.  The only item on the agenda is whether the church should create a Memorial Garden and Meditation Plaza in the green space behind the church and between the east and west wings as the Ad Hoc Memorial Committee has recommended.  Plans will be presented, questions addressed and members will be invited to vote.




FEMININE FACES OF GOD class continues this Monday, June 29 at 1:00, in the basement conference room. Robin is leading this class and it is open to anyone who is interested.


GRIEF GROUP is this Monday, June 29 at 2:00p.m. A friendly, caring group of people that will walk alongside as you go through the grieving process. Open to anyone that has experienced a loss.


WOMEN’S GUILD will meet this Wednesday, July 1, at 1:00 p.m. in
Fellowship Hall.


UCC OFFICES CLOSED this Friday, July 3, in observance of
Independence Day.




NEEDLEWORKERS meet on Tuesday 7/7 at 10:00a.m., Fellowship hall.


YOGA meets on Tuesday at 4:00pm, and again on Friday at 10:00am.



CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE each week for updates and new pictures! An archive of sermons, and up-to-date calendar are all
readily available too.  Also visit our Facebook page and tell us what your
favorite beautiful place is around the church.


HEARING ASSISTED RECEIVERS are available for your use during the church service. Please see an usher if you need assistance with one.


WOMEN’S GUILD BOOK EXCHANGE is located in Fellowship Hall on the white built-in bookshelves.  New books come in every week for this Women’s Guild outreach project.  Please donate books that you have read and think others would enjoy reading.  We like to keep our inventory interesting and